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NF - Leafs Poll


Who should leave first?  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Something needs to happen FAST! Who SHOULD go and WHY?

    • John Ferguson Jr.
    • Paul Maurice
    • Mats Sundin
    • Andrew Raycroft
    • Other

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John Ferguson Jr. - Needs to go first. Never liked him and he has had ample time to change my opinion. With the Leafs facing an inevitable rebuilding phase, the last guy I want pulling levers is JFJ


Paul Maurice - I like him but he hasn't done much for this team. I suspect he could be gone if a new GM is hired.


Mats Sundin - Mats gets what Mats wants. He can dictate his future with a no-trade clause and has been quoted saying 'getting traded in February and winning a cup doesn't mean much'. I think he wants to stay in Toronto but he deserves so much better.


Andrew Raycroft - He's done.

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:lol: Right on Wayne!... I already refuse to watch them until they quit ripping us off. I still am a leafs fan but cant support them in their current state. The problem lies above the level of Ferguson. Edited by Bernie
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Complete dump and flush twice


only 2 worth keeping are Kaberle and Toskala just because the contract they have is bearable.


Everyone else trade for something you can build the future with. Next 2 drafts are very deep with prospects


Sundin fits in Detroit and if you could get Holstrom and a decent draft pick back do it!!! Talk is he might even come back and re-sign with the Leafs next year and then you get another winger he can play with.

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voted fergie because with him in there they keep holding on to maurice and sundin, so all three of them should have already been let go, don't get me wrong sundin is an elite player and carries the team on his shoulder, but when are they gonna get it in their head that its not enough, get rid of at least one goalie also and promote a young one from within the orginazation, (look at montreal)


on a brighter note they r getting closer and closer to a first pick LOL




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There is an even bigger problem with the Leafs that goes higher than JFJ. It is Richard Peddie and Larry Tannenbaum. The 2 of them combined havn't a clue of how to run a sports franchise! Look what the did to the Raptors! Finally someone got smart and hired Collangelo and now look at them! They are a much better team now that the 2 of the above mentioned play no part in the team. JFJ is the puppet for those 2!!! They have run the team to the ground, the have no regard for the fans and the only thing that they care about is $$$. Stanley Cups and a winning team means nothing to them!!!! Try to get a ticket!!! 75% of the ACC is corporate tickets!!! And if you are lucky enough to get a ticket, you are out a weeks pay (for most people). They were the ONLY team in the league not to lower ticket prices after the lockout!! Hell, they raised the prices!!! This is the end result of a company that is being dictated by a MONSTER PENSION PLAN that only sees number and not results!!! I have been a die hard Leaf fan my entire life and to see what is happening at MLSE makes me sick!!! What kind of President (Peddie) says publicly, that he never would of hired JFJ? Or lets bring in a mentor for JFJ? Ridiculous..... Where's the professionalism there? When the interviewed Scotty Bowman for a position he said " I would fire everybody" Which is what should happen !!!! get rid of Peddie, Tannenbaum, The Teacher's Pension Plan as an owner and JFJ. The franchise has tanked, our farm system is less than adequate and yet we still keep paying!!! Let's model ourselves after Detroit. You ask why? They are great year after year..... They never trade away draft picks and they are consitently developing their players!


I just want you to know guys and gals, I bleed blue and white. I am very passionate about this team but I am getting to the point where I am ready to throw in the towel!! I can't stand the humility anymore!!! That is my rant for the year and by no way shape or form intended to upset anyone.

Have a great weekend!!! :devil:

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AMEN Grant!


Sundin - WAY past his prime

McCabe - completely useless, biggest p*ssy in the NHL - trade him for a bag of used pucks or something, just get rid of him.

Draft Picks - try keeping 1 or 2 for a year. (Look at the Penguins with all their young guns)


I think the average age on the Leafs is about 54.

Sorry to say, but the NHL has changed. Its more suited for the young, fast, skilled types.

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Brian, I didn't see an "all of the above" option. :w00t:


JFJ, yep needs to go, no doubt. Way to inexperienced. The only reason he was hired was because Peddie knew he could control him.


Maurice - I like the guy but he's lost the room and I'm not sure how good a "teacher" of the game he is. His previous success came with Carolina but he had a veteran team that didn't need guidance.


Sundin- If he truly wants to do what's best for the team as he says than he needs to waive his "no trade" clause so that the leafs can get some decent prospects and picks. He is the only marketable asset they have.


Bottom line, the corporate structure of Maple Leafs Sports is a mess and no one can make a decision without board approval. The teacher's pension fund doesn't care if they win or lose, they're making huge profits and they're selling lots of condos around the ACC.

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The Toronto Maple Leafs hockey club is only a small part of the entire MLSE conglomerate... a very profitable part, but still a small percentage.

MLSE has been valued at 1.3 billion dollars, in the big picture the team is only the public face of the corporation. Unless and until that changes, nothing will change for the team's fortunes.

Sadly, this discussion has been going on now for the last three groups of owners, Ballard,

Stavros and now Teachers Pension Plan, TD and the other share holders. Each of these ownership groups have reaped the financial benefits that the Maple Leaf logo commands, with little or no concern for the team's performance or it's fans.

Want an example; 20 games this season being broadcast on their Leaf TV channel, all in the name of money. I wonder how many games will be broadcast free next year and so on?

The "body" that is the Toronto Maple Leafs is diseased. It has only one focus, huge profits and returns on investment. I'm not suggesting that they should be a money losing entity, but I am suggesting that there is no will to win, as winning is not a determining factor with regard to profits.

To put a fishing spin on this: if you were fishing a lake and catching all the fish you desired and someone came up to you and said, try using this bait, you'll catch as many as you already are catching, where's the motivation to change?

I have nothing but highest respect for Sundin and what he has accomplished playing for this group of sports misfits. Actually I feel badly for the guy... that being said, there is no one on the team that I would keep and there is no one that I would hesitate to trade. That includes the suits up stairs.


Edited by Headhunter
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well said, headhunter

"Sadly, this discussion has been going on now for the last three groups of owners, Ballard, "


I clearly remember waiting for the day Ballard was out of the picture because we all knew the leafs would be on top again once that was gone......


but nothing changed........

and I still don't think anything will change


maybe if Newmarket could get a team, we could all support them instead..


we do have another Ontario team, but everyone west of Smithfalls wants to hates them

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I agree it is frustrating being a Leafs fan and watching them lose game after game and trying to blame someone for all of it, players, management, coaches, etc...


The reality is that it is above all else, a business. With that being said...look at what everyone is saying...


"The "body" that is the Toronto Maple Leafs is diseased. It has only one focus, huge profits and returns on investment."


"The teacher's pension fund doesn't care if they win or lose, they're making huge profits and they're selling lots of condos around the ACC."


"75% of the ACC is corporate tickets!!! And if you are lucky enough to get a ticket, you are out a weeks pay (for most people). They were the ONLY team in the league not to lower ticket prices after the lockout!! Hell, they raised the prices!!! This is the end result of a company that is being dictated by a MONSTER PENSION PLAN that only sees number and not results!!!"


If it were me at the top, I wouldn't change a single thing with this successful business model, so don't expect them to just to make the die-hard fans happy...sad, unfortunate, but an absolute reality.



Edited by tonyb
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Ferguson has to go, the only reason he got the job is his name. because of who his father was. it was the only credibility he had coming in, and goin out... he don;t even have that anymore. Sundin is next, only because he will demand more in a return then any other player has in the past 10 years at the deadline. they can easily get a couple prospects and a few high draft picks for him. then, hes an unrestricted free agent at years end, he can sign back after a 3 or 4 month leave. next would be toskala, again should be able to get a few decent draft picks for him. raycroft should have started from the beginning of the season and left in net. he is a far better goalie then toskala. and for those of u who will argue with me, and say look at the numbers... just watch the games, raycroft hasn;t got ANY support from his team in any game this year. there is only so much a goalie can do, but u need ur team to score goals upfront, and play solid defense in their own end, and they have done neither when raycroft plays. maurice should be kept in place, because he is a good coach and is good with young players. ferguson and peddie need to piss off and allow him to run his team on the ice the way he sees fit without having to listen to those 2 hockey no nothings. they have a solid blueline when they decide to play, and that should be a place for them to focus on. strong defense, work that into a quick transition game using the speed u have upfront and get shots on net. they have good guys on D who can move the puck very well, they just need to be sound positionally much better and then work on moving it up ice to generate offense. guys like blake need to seriously step it up, hes being paid a lot of money to put the puck in the net, and isn;t doin so. steen, stajen, ponikrovsky and wellwood also need to play a lot better. wellwood prolly won;t get into a full game shape till next season though, its hard to come in halfway through and keep up with everyone else, and usually don;t happy often. but he is moving better lately and moving the puck better, so hopefully he starts clicking more. they have to use their speed and forecheck to create momentum in their favor. when they hit, they play better and win games. all thats left, lose every game the rest of the way,and get the number 1 overall pick... and for the love of god don;t trade it away!! and make sure ferguson is gone by draft time or he'll screw that up too!

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Stoty, Sundin is playing some of his best hockey this year.


I gave up on these clowns a few years ago and started cheering for my B team.


Cant blame the players.......the teams at its cap and it looks like an AHL team.

They have a couple of the worst contracts in history.


Cant blame Raycroft for everything.......would be nice to have some D infront of the nets.



The Leafs need to borrow some of the Raptors management for a season.

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Firing Ferguson won't change a thing with the clowns above him still in place. MLSE has the most dysfunctional organizational structure if you believe winning is the goal. Clearly making money is the only priority and has been for the last 40 years.


Adopt another team if you want to support a winner.

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i disagree with what anyone says negative about richard peddie. Here is why. MLSE is a business and he makes them money year after year. If i owned mlse he would be my number one guy and I would love the guy!


As for the hockey operations? It starts with jfj and goes down. this year and next year you need to sell off for draft picks and prospects and rebuild like pittsburgh has, chigaco is doing. Then when you have a good group of young players then go get a couple key veterens in the free agent market to complete the team and compete for the cup.


It really is that simple, however dont expect a winning product for another 4 seasons. It happens all the time around that league. Leaf fans are always wanting "this year" and in realitly its better to sacrifice sometimes to get something better in return at a later date.



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JFJ has to be the first to go, for obvious reasons... the horrific deals and signings he has made in the past few years, he can't be allowed to stay past the trade deadline because he is bound to make more stupid deals.


Second and Third is Sundin and Raycroft. Sundin, even though is is playing great this year, we need to trade him to get some prospects and high draft picks, and there is a good chance that he wont be playing next year anyway... this is the last year of his contract. Of course he will have to waive his no trade clause. what they should do is make a deal with Sundin and tell him that if he chooses to play again next year, the leafs will pick him up as a free agent in the summer. It's a win/win for both parties, Sundin will have a chance at the cup with a playoff bound team, and the leafs will get Sundin back for next year, and they will still have the players that they get from that trade.


Raycroft has got to go, so that Pogge and Clemensen aren't sharing ice time for the Marlies. once Raycroft is gone, Clemensen can be the back-up for the Leafs and Pogge can have the #1 position and get enough ice time playing with the Marlies.


Lets just hope the leaf's scouts do a better job this year with the good draft positions that we will have this summer.

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