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Mornin folks, it's a nasty one


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I shovelled the snow about 5 this morning, but now it's coming down much harder and it looks like I never even touched it.


Sure hope nobody needs to travel too far on the hiways today.


Of course you all have good snow tires on your vehicles............don't you ?? :canadian:

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I'll be off to work in the morning. It will be interesting to see what effect this weather has on business.

Sometimes bad weather makes for a slow day, sometimes a busy day. Considering that it's only a couple weeks till Christmas, I suspect we shall have a good day regardless!


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Well I have plans to head into town to see some family and friends at an anuual gingerbread house decorating party for the kids. Was supposed to bring my friend and her boys, but it looks like her husband has decided she can't go. I'm also hoping to see my great nephew Ryan :D If his mom decides to pass then so will I. I don't need to leave here until 11:30-12:00 and figure by then the plows will have the highways clear...snowing here now, but a little snow never hurt anyone, ;)



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Was supposed to bring my friend and her boys, but it looks like her husband has decided she can't go.



I applaud her husband for making an informed intelligent decision, especially when travel has been indicated as not advisable :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by Fisherman
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Well no one ever accused me of being intelligent :P I prefer to wait until it's closer to my departure time to make my decisions and a lot can happen between now and noon....I'm pretty sure Toronto has plows :dunno: and I think they plow the highways first :dunno: that's where most of my driving will be if I go.



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Hey Mo, have a close look at the Toronto forecast before you head down this way as I think were sposed to get another 6 - 10" of snow today on top of what we already got overnight. It's also very windy and there appears to be some heavy drifting, infact I've got about 2' in my driveway and it was just shovelled a couple hours ago.


Just a heads-up for you.

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Hamilton mountain is getting slammed at the moment... Hamilton is set to break snowfall records with this storm, we are expected to receive more snow then most because we are on the west end on Lake Ontario, so we have to deal with lake effect snow as well...


Looks like I am going to have a busy ahead of me... 4 elderly neighbours and a single mother... Snowblower is going to get a workout...



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I live in the northeast end of the city . . . . went across the road about 05:30 for my paper . . . . . breathed a sigh of relief as the 6" to 8" we were supposed to get overnight was about 3"! However . . . . about 09:00 I happened to look out my front window (14th floor) . . . . it was like EVERYTHING disappeared . . . . . the top of the school 300' away was barely visible!!




I got my coat & boots on, went out to the parking lot . ... musta got another 4" in the last few hours . . . . shoulda done my grocery shopping YESTERDAY . . . . . I thought maybe TWN had got their forecast from Vaselena . . . . so I didn't pay much attention! Gonna be fun deliverin' the mail tomorrow! Neither rain nor hail nor sleet nor snow BE DAMNED!

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So I guess this means I shouldn't look for any Bananas with the little blue stickers that say Toronto this year eh Lew?


I believe the Toronto banana crop will survive this storm OK Glen, but we may have to do a bit of extra digging to get at them :canadian:

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I just got back from the No Frills, a mile away. I was one of two people in the entire store.

Made it back, by pumping on and off the gas pedal. The side roads was a combo of keepin enough speed tempered with the right braking.

My Winter Driving Course begins soon.

Enroll Now.



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I'll be heading out in about an hour or so. Talked to some relatives down there, and while there is snow on the roads, they haven't had any problems....just taking it slow is all. Most of my driving will be on the highways so i'm hopeful that the plows would have been along a couple of times by the time I get down there.



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I'll be heading out in about an hour or so. Talked to some relatives down there, and while there is snow on the roads, they haven't had any problems....just taking it slow is all. Most of my driving will be on the highways so i'm hopeful that the plows would have been along a couple of times by the time I get down there.




Life is a series of choices we make.

Enjoy yours.

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Of all the days to pick my brother up at the airport, it has to be today. And of all the airports it has to be Hamilton! Ahhh well....I've got the flight status page bookmarked, and he's not supposed to land until 5:00pm, so maybe we'll get lucky and have a clear stretch of highway to get there and back.

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It's quite heavy now in Stroud. When I got up at 600 this morning, other than wind there was no snow to speak of. I just shoveled 4" off my walkway, and the missus is shovelling the same amount from the back deck. She is clearing away the BBQs so I can cook her supper :blush::blush:


Stay save and don't drive unless it is absolutely necessary.



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I'll be heading out in about an hour or so. Talked to some relatives down there, and while there is snow on the roads, they haven't had any problems....just taking it slow is all. Most of my driving will be on the highways so i'm hopeful that the plows would have been along a couple of times by the time I get down there.




Mo, this mornings 10:00 news described the 400 series hiways around Toronto as "treacherous" .


Drive carefull kiddo

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I just got back from the No Frills, a mile away. I was one of two people in the entire store.

Made it back, by pumping on and off the gas pedal. The side roads was a combo of keepin enough speed tempered with the right braking.

My Winter Driving Course begins soon.

Enroll Now.





You wouldn't have had to do all that fancy peddle work if'n ya took the tractor Jed...

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