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Closing the cottage report


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Paul and I headed up to his parent's cottage for our yearly closing of the cottage, shutting off the water and final fish there.


The drive was nice and it threatened rain most of the way, but didn't. I noticed most of the trees had lost their leaves and the fall colours are almost gone.




The cottage driveway.




We unloaded our gear and headed to the other side of the lake to launch the boat. We noticed the wind had picked up as we drove around the lake and by the time we launched, it was quite nasty. Paul drove across and docked and I drove the truck back to the cottage. In this short period of time, it started raining and the wind was getting quite obnoxious :wallbash:


It poured the rest of the night with wind gusts up to 80 kph and some thunder and lightening thrown in for good measure :rolleyes:





The satellite TV came in useful and our BBQ'd shrimp were tasty :clapping:


So we got up this morning and it was a bit more chrisp outside than Saturday, but no rain :thumbsup_anim: and the wind had died down a bit.


Paul fished with a spinner and I tried a plastic on a weedless. This lake only has bass in it and we're quite familiar with their favorite haunts so we threw what we knew at them. They obviously didn't like the weather pattern that had emerged in the last day as they were not too cooperative.


Paul started with this little guy.






My lure wasn't producing too well so I took a pic of my favorite rock on that lake, it has two faces.


Well, I see faces anyhow :lol:




Paul caught another little guy and then it started to snow, yes snow <_<:rolleyes:


Then, bam, he caught a beauty!!!




The Bob Izumi hold :lol:




Looks like it was eating not too badly for this time of year.




And.... the release




I ended up with the big skunkaroo, but at least I was warm in my new Gore-tex pants from Cabelas :D




So we headed back in, shut off the water and hydro and packed it in til next year.






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....Ah the closing the cottage report, always wish I had a cottage to close up. It'd be the kind of working weekend I'd enjoy with some reflection of the season past and dreams of seasons yet to come. I'm surprised though that Paul wasn't with you. ;)

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Great report and pics Joey! Way to brave the elements. Bass like that'll make you forget about cold and wind and rain and everything!!! Dig the Izumi hold! Come on, we all do it. lol


Mind me asking where your lake is. No need for exact name or location. Just would like to know the area( ie, Muskokas )


Thanks for sharing.

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Nice fall fishing trip report joey !!! :whistling::clapping: and congrats to paul for that big fat,fall bucket !!!! very nice catch too bad about the skunk....and yes its always a sad day when you have to shut the cottage down for the year,....but theres still some fishing to be had,it just keeps getting colder thats all !!!!.. :canadian: ..nice fall pictures too,thanks for sharing,and it was great to see you this morning at the dave mercer show....thanks for the extra ticket cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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Mind me asking where your lake is. No need for exact name or location. Just would like to know the area( ie, Muskokas )





Thanks for the yearly cottage closing report Joey & Paul. It really DOES look nice there rain or no rain.

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