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Broken Fishing Rods


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After reading in a previous post about a broken fishing rod I got to thinking about a few of my rods that I`ve managed to break over the years... Only one out of the 3 was broken while fighting a fish.


First one was when I was a kid about 8 or 9, I can remember hiking along the Grand River with a couple buddies and not paying attention and the tip getting jabbed into the ground in front of me..SNAP :o ... Haven`t done that since (knocks on wood)


Second rod was broken fishing Lake Erie at Nanticoke, we were into some real nice smallmouth and I set the hook a little to aggressively? and SNAP it busted in between the first eye and the handle... :o ... Did manage to luckily jam the two pieces together and with a little electrical tape was back to catching fish...


The third and hopefully last rod I`ve broke was last spring, I was in the basement and going over some of my fishing stuff when I noticed that the tip of my 5` lightning rod looked crooked.. No problem I thought I`ll just bend it back :blink: Yup you guessed it SNAP... (feel like a real dumbass for that one} :blush:


So for me that`s 3 rods in 30 years of fishing, not bad I guess???


Lets hear some broken rod stories.

What about those big muskie I see posted on here all the time??? Do you guys break many rods fishing for those monsters???

Somebodys got to have story about losing a fish due to a broken rod???



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well so far in well over 25 years of fishing ive only broken 2 :blush:<_< one was when i was stream fishing and i tryed to stop a nice big bow :dunno: from going under a log jam,it was a big one and yes i somehow got her in with about the last 2 feet of rod broken :worthy::thumbsup_anim: the other was fighting a big lake ontario king salmon and just had pulled the rod from the rigger [rod holder] and at the same time the salmon :dunno::blink: went on a blistering 100yrd dash :( and BANG....the shimano TDR. just exploded :mellow::angry: lost everything...thats it so far so iguess im lucky......cheers[clink]

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Broke the very tip off my brand new Berkley lightning rod, with the trunk lid, 23 years ago and just glued a new tip on. Still using it to this day as my favourite pickeral jigging rod. Have a cracked eyelet "stand" on a two year old Berkley Series one (junk eyes...nice rod) and that's all the damage (to rods!! ) so far in about 35 years of fishing.

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Well one fly rod... fell of its wall display on one of the two semments where it was attached and the weight of the reel pulled the butt down while the tip was still on the stand... of course that was too much weight, and snap... one of my others was actually broken by my brother when he closed the door on the tip and well one foot less of rod. and thats all for now, the upside is its an excuse to buy a new one right?

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i broke quite a few, but this one time was funny for my buddies but not for me :( . While fighting a big salmon my rod snapped right at the back bone nearly LOL. This was a cheap one i think, i got it from europe and it was one of those contractable rods, made from like timber or something not even sure LOL.

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:blush: Only ever broke two;A Shimano when hauling a Bass from the weeds,replaced immediately by Shimano.

Second one, in the store while testing the 'flex'. the tip snapped off when it hit the counter top.The guy did'nt bat an eyelid,just handed me another one. Still have that rod!!!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I have broke quite a few in years past and could not put an accureate number to it (likley like another poster with over 10). As I have gotten older, I am not as clumsey with gear.


My favourite small creek rod was a zero gravity Mitchell, that was sadly stolen from me by some thieving druggy misfit (common the the west coast of Canada). I was sure I would break this dainty little thing, but alas....... it is now gone before its time.



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I broke two rods many moons ago while on a fishing trip to the French. The first one happened when I had my hook through my eyelets too tight and my rod rubbed up against a rock wall. The second one broke when I was snagged. That pretty much left me with a broom stick to fish with. Needless to say, the trip sucked. <_<


My takeaways from that trip was bring plenty of rods, don't make your line and rod so damn tight when travelling and go easy on snags, big fella!


But by far my most shameful breakage happened when I was trying to show my buddy how flexible my ultralight was after a couple of pops. Remember that old Ugly Stik add with Refridgerator Perry? Well, my ultralight didn't want to co-operate all that much and it went SNAP! right in my hands. :blush:


My lesson learned from that break? Stop being an idiot. However, I am proud to say that it's been at least 15 years since I broke a rod and I am planning on keeping it that way! (knocks on wood)


Cookslav: Get in on this thread. We would all love to hear your war stories. :D

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I'm not a particularly careful guy so I must be lucky, I've never broken a rod.


Almost lost one in a lake once, though. I put down one of my rods and was casting a spoon with another one, got a little too enthusiastic and managed to hook the first rod and watched it, in slow motion, flip into the water.


Fortunately we were only in about 6 feet of water and my buddy was able to snag the reel using the net.



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I've broken 6 rods in 30 years of fishing (2 tips on the Muskoka river on snags, 1 Berkley had the handle crack, and 3 this year (I should change my handle to Snagglepuss), my St Croix Muskie rod on a snag up on LOTW this past summer, my St Croix bass rod on the Muskoka river by the falls in Bracebridge (a snag) and my replacement St Croix Muskie rod on Lake Muskoka on a snag going for big pike. All were bought at JB's and all were replaced no questions asked. Those guys are great for service. Hopefully, next year I'll be a teeny weeny bit more careful and won't break anything (just cut the line and move on).

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LOL Big Swede...


I've broken 2 in my life....

2 years ago and they were with in 10 minutes of each other.


While Fishing some heavy reeds I got stuck....it was about 4 feet from the boat side, and I was useing 30lb PP so I leaned on the rod a bit to swing the boat over a bit closer to pull the reed out.(somthing I had done 1000's of times before) and the rod snapped at the base?


I was heartbroken...I loved that rod.

I had used it for the last 6-7years, and had a lotta good times with it...some big fish to boot.


So anyway...

Big Swede being the swell guy he is lent me his Spare.

Well wouldn't you know it I got stuck on a reed again, and leaned on the rod a bit to feel out how solid the Snag was, and snap!!!


All hear behind me is Big Swede gasping "Guy....did you just break my rod"



That was the 2nd time and hopfully the last.

I bought him a new rod and we're Freinds again :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by Cookslav
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....Broken rods, oh it hurts to even think about it!

Broke only one and that was the tip of my 13' Loomis float rod some 25 years ago, replaced no questions asked. I might add it was my fault and I told them so, yet they still replaced it. :)

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