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Everything posted by mukluk

  1. I had a bad day today what with the loss of my 96 year old auntie; but had to laugh after reading your story Old Ironmaker. Thanks.
  2. Heard nothing but good things regarding "Top Gun" on other fishing boards as well.
  3. Not sure what you should do. If you get married; the wife will not likely lift her leg and pee on your couch or take a crap on the floor. Just sayin'.
  4. I was down yesterday and enjoyed the show overall at it"s new location. Like looking at all the high priced boats with their humongous motors. Lots and lots of interesting items to be found. Smart move on your part pics (taking your own lunch and drinks). Sandwich was like $11.00 and change and water was $3.20 bottle.
  5. Darn. Did I say dog? I meant his wife.
  6. Neighbour bought an underground fence a couple of years ago and made the mistake a year later of having his lawn aeriated by a landscaper. Without being shocked now; the dog still remembers the bounderies just the same and seldom wonders unto my property.
  7. From what I'm hearing on another board is the victim was a resident of Georgina Island and got disoriented in the snow squalls and drove his atv into the open water channel of the ferry crossing .
  8. Really nice job. I can see you have did your very best at keeping the weight factor to a minimum also. I had a smaller version and found the pails worked better than the magic carpet. They stayed in place better in windy days. I'm looking to make improvements and can't seem to find any. Let us know how everything goes once it"s put into operation.
  9. You have a kind heart which is going to see many more birthdays in the years to come. Enjoy
  10. Believe "brookies are closed as of Sept. 30 in Minden area. Open for business Jan. 1 2016. Splake is open all year.
  11. Maybe the Ministry of the Environment should get involved regarding water quality etc. on Lake Scugog. All these beautiful manicured lawns that lead right to the waters edge have been virtually bombarded with fertilizer. Even seagulls have no problem walking on top of the weeds from one side of the lake to the other with all that weed growth in August. Weeds use oxygen in large amounts and give off toxins. Then there's the leaching septic tanks that lead downhill to the lake. Perhaps a (STC) is in order. A septic tank certificate whereby septic tanks would have to be inspected say every 10 years for problems and receive a passing grade. Runoff leads to weed growth and pollution. Water fluctuations as mentioned plus proper spawning areas are a big plus as well. Look how well the herring numbers have excelled in Lake Simcoe since the water quality was improved.
  12. Maybe Home Hardware or TSC.
  13. Just one problem. The "yote" in the first picture is looking up at your tree stand. He's going to tell every one to stay clear. Nice clear pictures. Thanks for sharing.
  14. I would say "jump on buying one now in the off season". Might get a better deal as some may not want to pay storage or winterizing fee etc.
  15. Have not hunted in years; but when I was a teen-ager some 50 plus years ago. I would prefer to shoot ducks on the water. I would wait until they grouped up and then "harvest" them. Most were head shots which dispatched them immediately leaving the breasts untouched. Easier to retrieve as well without searching through a whole bunch of cat-tails searching for downed birds. This was pond hunting; not driving up on them in moving boats close to docks. I see your point Cliff.
  16. Always amusing to watch the rented pontoon boats come into the locks at Fenelon Falls when the operator has had a 10 minute crash course on how to operate everything associated with boat. Kind of makes the owners of those mahogany polished yachts a little nervous when pontoon boat comes into the lock sideways with the wind pushing them.
  17. Rush Lake reminds me of an enlarged swamp. Very shallow; lots of muck and silt especially this time of year when the water table is at its lowest. Has a small deeper area at the west end of the lake. Fished Head Lake several times and caught a couple of small walleyes and smallies. Again the lake has a lot of silt and BIG rocks. (Almost cost me a bottom end on my Yamaha) Both lakes in my opinion would not be the greatest if the family likes to water ski or swim due to the rocks and muck. However there is a public beach at the south end of Head Lake with limited parking that provides swimming.
  18. I'm sure Jack will be "hooked" on fishing from this day forward. Good going Jack. Everyone including the dog was having a good time out fishing.
  19. Just ready to sink the black ball to win the snooker game at the Legion here in Claremont. The flickering lights threw my train of concentration off and I missed. Cost me the game. At least that was my excuse.
  20. Comrad Ivan; better known as comrade flapjack; almost.
  21. Just " go with the flow" Mike. It will fizzle out in the long run.
  22. No more AKA "solopaddler". I'm renaming you "lucky Mike" from now on.
  23. Buddy and I were fishing in a canoe for bass. He made a bad cast. Felt this "whomp" and then this orange and brown rubber worm with a sinker came into view hanging down over my left eye. The 3/0 hook was embedded into my forehead past the barb. Tried to pull the hook out but it would not budge. We had to pack up and head in to the Minden hospital. The doctor removed the hook and added it to his collection which hangs on the office wall under glass.
  24. Likely made west of British Columbia like most items we purchase these days Lew.
  25. First time I stepped into a Target store; I said to myself; self the shelves are poorly stocked and you could drive a transport truck down between the aisles. Prices were no bargain in my opinion. Wish you luck on your endeavors.
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