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Everything posted by mukluk

  1. Perhaps the Federation of Anglers and Hunters" could send some letters of discontent towards the parking issues at BBP and lake access in general. They are the voice of average fisherpeople.
  2. I was up at Virginia fishing on Saturday and saw numerous trucks and cars travelling between Virginia Beach and the Island. There was even a huge trail groomer ventured out. Trucks were parked half way out beside the huts. I was out a mile and there was 8-9 inchs of ice. Should be more now. Can't guarantee safe ice anywhere but if you stay on the travelled road along the tree line there should not be a problem.
  3. Sure will miss Chronzy's fishing show. His campfire rants tell it like it is in most cases. On those really cold non-fishing Sat. and Sundays; I could always turn on the tv set and go fishing with him. "Is this paradice or what" Wish Chronzy all the best on his retirement and hope he still stays in the fishing limelight. We need guys like him.
  4. Sure as hell cut from the same cloth; that's for sure!
  5. Just wondering how much money the top executives of Ontario Hydro are making each year. More than our Prime minister? Maybe they are in line for a pay cut to help out with the "going green" effect.
  6. mukluk

    RIP Sly.

    Sure going to miss seeing Sly out on the ice. He was always there if you needed any info on Lake Simcoe conditions. As far as I see it there will aways be a "Slyville" out there. Rest in peace Shane.
  7. Tried to purchase a new 2010 f6a longshaft Yamaha this morning. Yamaha informed me none available until mid September or October. This new 6hp. weighs 60lbs. and may be laid down on either side as well as the front without fear of oil leakage etc. Short shafts are available.
  8. Congrats. on the nice catch. The young fellow will be truly "hooked" on fishing for the rest of his life now. Good to see.
  9. Jackrabbits seemed to declined since the early 70's in Durham and York regions when farmers started to plant huge amounts of corn . Pesticides were sprayed on the tender young shoots about the same time the doe was having her litter of young ones. She runs through corn field: poison gets on her under side; end result she is poisoning them at feeding time. Just my theory.
  10. Way to go Walleyejigger! Your persistance in tracking sure paid off. Nice looking deer and great steaks. Enjoy
  11. Really enjoyed! Thanks for sharing.
  12. I have been using a system similar to the one shown for about 16 years now at about one tenth of the cost . For my 17ft. boat I used 3 pieces of 1-1/4 EMT ( electricians pipe) ; 2 galvanized 1-1/4 rigid tee fittings (plumbing) ; 1 1-1/4 set screw coupling (electrical) 2 1-1/4 set screw connectors (electrical). Slide tees over pipe and join with pipes together with coupling. install connectors in tee s for the drop pieces (about 4 ft. long) locating directly over seating holes at bow and stearn. The ridge pole should be centred over boat; then drill tees and fasten with a screw so they no longer can slide. Upright pieces are secured with set screw in the connector so they can be dismantled if needed. If seating hole is smaller or larger than 1-1/4 ; muffler pipe adaptors are available at crappy tire and pop rivet on end of upright. All materials can be purchased at Home Depot or electrical supplier. I found that added supports were not needed. And as "Fang" mentioned in the post above throw a tarp over the structure and secure with bungee cords. Tarp 20x16 at Princess Auto lasts 2 seasons. Tape ends of pipe up so they will not wear through on tarp.
  13. Beautiful kids and beautiful fish! congrats.
  14. Priceless! Been looking a long time to find info on my old Bolens snowblower. Thank you Maverick.
  15. I personally prefer the 2-3 lb. whities for eating; therefore release anything larger. So when I hook one I believe is larger; it"s brought up slow. When released they turn around in the hole and head straight down to the bottom again. I caught one last week with a bad wound to his front belly which had healed up but he still bit. I believe they are a hardy fish and if handled properly; will survive catch and release.
  16. News to me. Any special way of hooking the eye ball on the hook? Would the eye not collapse when hooked?
  17. Might be o-kay with a little ketchup on it!
  18. Wayne; My aunt and uncle would leave from Stouffville and venture up to Bear Lake to fish for several days each year. They would stay at Nellie Grahams house ; this would be back in the 40's (guessing) Anyway your grandmother would make your grandfather row the boat while she would troll for lake trout ; she loved to fish so the story goes. Back in the 50's or 60's the east side of the lake was sub divided. My uncle from Gooderham bulldozed the roads into the lake.
  19. Electrician (Local Union 353) retired with 40 years service
  20. Beautiful job on the carving Nanook. Curious as to what type of wood you use.
  21. The transducer on my x-67c has a hole near the top which I pass a shoe lace threw. Have approx. 18 inches and tape a loop in the top of it. Tape the tranducer cable to the shoe string but leave a bit of slack . Now install approx. 9 or 10 inches of black 1/2 inch foam pipe covering around string and cable between loop and transducer so it can slide up and down. Foam covering will float transducer straight and draw heat to keep from freezing in. Easy to transport as it can be folded up.
  22. Hey Danbo you must live out in the sticks! lol
  23. Excellent report Sinker. Nice fish. Thanks for the info on the ice thickness.
  24. I can relate to that!
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