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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Hey Dave: I'm not saying it doesn't go to 911, but from what I was reading and the investigations the CBC did on this last year, because you have an IP address as opposed to a physical address associated with your phone number, the 911 service doesn't see your address displayed on all incoming calls. Now maybe Vonage has found a work around for this in the interm, but that was only 6 months ago. The question is, if you just dial 911 and dont say anything, do the emergency services know your address if you have VOIP service? With a regular land line it is displayed automatically and he can dispatch a response unit to your home based on the connection. IF this matters to you as a subscriber, you may want to investigate before you switch. We actually have VOIP at work, and I love it, especially the voicemail and forwarding, email contact options - but we do have to identify where we are calling from if we call the 911 emergency services.
  2. Just be aware if you go with a VOIP - 911 service is not able to identify your house when you call. You have to supply the address. while you hope you never need it, especially in such circumstances, you gotta question if that is worth it - especially if you have young kids or elderly people living alone
  3. Its a little more, but check out the Lowrance Elite 5 - I was looking at an HDS-5, but the Elite was an awesome deal, and less money . Described as the best FF in the price range in almost all reviews . With the shows coming up you may be able to get one for your price. Jos at Angling Outfitter set me up with a great bundle -including Navionics GL and Eastern Canada.
  4. this tiny brained wiper of other peoples bottoms Now go away you silly conigit (not quite sure how Monty Python spelled that word!!) or else I will waive my at you!!!!
  5. Bell ran my BP up to explosion point too many times. Problems with internet service, problems with land lines, problems with satellite TV; beyond a doubt THE worst customer service I have ever experienced; disconnected my phone and internet and telepone a MONTH before our move date and then took three hours of phone calls to get them admit it was their error (business cell phone) - then they tried to bill me for service for months after I left and had actually cancelled the service. The CSRs I did dealt with couldnt speak Englishunless it was from the paper in front of them , nor understand me (that may not have been all their fault given my mental state ) and they had NO managers available to escalate even after waiting an hour (speaker phone). Fortunately, I had all the canellations and communications documented, the names dates and times pf the people I spoke to recorded, so when it came to them telling me I owed them money I just sent them photocopies of that along with my lawyers phone #. END The Leafs will win 3 cups in a row before Bell gets another penny from me, and when they are retarded enough to call me on my Rogers land line and druel maple syrup voices at me promising they would walk a mile through the desert wearing ice fishing survival suits if I would just, please, with sugar on top give them one more chance as a service provider - I tell them that - then tell 'em to quit harrassing me.
  6. very cool. I had a similar experience with my daughter, who was 9 at the time. 22 inch smallie ona Dora the explorer rod. Thing bent completey into an n- she yells, Daddy I need help. I said, sure, and held the base of the rod while she brought it in. Her smile was ear to ear just like your little man's. Bass was hooked good, and now so is my daughter and my son is still saying everytime we go out - I'm gonna catch one like Brenna's big bass.
  7. Got satellite 3 years ago for the car. Now its either my cds or serious. Only time I listen to commercial radio is for local immediate weather and road conditions (as in driving into Toronto, 680 / cbc tells me which one will be double and which one will be triple the time it should take to drive there). You can always burn yoour music to a CD and play it on that. My car came with CD MP3 player - so I can get over 4 hours of music on a cd in MP3 format I do find that the playlists get repetitive after a while, but the sheer number of channels helps to offset that. Artist alert is a very cool function - program 7 or 8 of your faves and you can almost always have at least one of them on at a time - same as record function is cool. I haven't brought it inside to a boombox, although thought about it. Likewise I haven't taken it out on the boat yet - but thought about that. Most of the time when I'm fishin I just want to enjoy the scenery - but I coudl if I wanted to in less time than it takes to tie the boat down. You can listen to some interesting commentary if your as cynical as I about politicians, The playboy channel is NOT what you think it might be As to why would I pay for radio - I guess the same reason I have cable. I could get radio for free, but it aint worth it. Oh - and if you drive to say, Cochrane On or some even less travlled areas - you can still get all the channels you want, crystal clear, all the way. You just have to reset the input channel once or twice. Oh - and the comedy channels are great at breaking up a long stretch of boredom. but that's just my opinion.
  8. Awesome dog , great end to what could have been a tragedy. Dogs are definitely something special. Our family has been remembering our Kisha we had to say goodbye to 35 years ago now. Christmas was her faourite time - she loved opening those rawhide bone gifts under the tree. Spuddy is a sure winner!
  9. looks like a great outing Frank - Its great when the kids enjoy it that much. You know they willl always share your passion. oh, umjust ya, know, because Juli has a history of catching the most and the biggest on any outing....... how many of the keepers did Juli catch
  10. Congrats Pete! Looks like you're whispering where you keep that secret disco lure to him in one of those pics?.
  11. I have been working with US customs at Queenston the last few months for a work project. During one of our discussions, the jrs cometition came up and what they expected the impact would be. The senior operations officer for the Port of Buffalo (which includes the Peace Bridage and the Queenston Lewiston crossing) said they are expecting a very large number of people from all over the world to attend (sorry, cant remember the actual number but it was in the 10s of thousands). He said ALL of his border officers would be working for the whole period of the games. He anticipated line ups in the "several hour" category from mid-morning through most of the day. His comment was "if you're planning on coming, be there early" he meant by 6 - 7 am. This was basically due to the hotel availablity issue. Got a nexus card?
  12. Geat day on the river again. That last one is a beaut Guess you'll have to save the biathlon (2 sports in one - fishing and curling) till the next outing ?
  13. so did you "curl" him back to the hole in the ice to release? Nice fish.
  14. Great way to spend a morning. One of these days I have to get out ... if only the schedule were less packed
  15. Terry, you must have hit it right on the head..... HE'S NOT YELLING?
  16. Someone next to me was whining all through dinner about the non stop wining and dining politicians do. The best place to catch pike is in the reeds, read me? well, cioa for now, time for chow.
  17. beauty fish! Way to for both of you!
  18. Hey Wayne - Nice part of town,I used to live there. Before a rather tragic pair of drownings a few years ago you could catch smallies around there . After the drowinings they filled in some underwater sluices that let the mud and sediment drain through. Then the sediment started backing up, and within a year or two even when launching my little 12 footer the skeg would drag in the muck. I imagine now its probably backed up half way to the bluffs. Since then cats and bullheads have been about all I have heard from there. I never fished below the damn, but have seen people trying. There are however paths that run along the rivers edge and you can get access at various points along there both north and south. The old rail trail goes for miles. The walks are very relaxing - you can see deer, the occaisional wild turkey and in the spring there is a pair of nesting bald eagles up at Blair that fly the river looking for prey. You'll also see the occaissional passing Osprey around bass opening weekend. Just try your luck along the walk ways and you'll hook into smallies. Galt creek has some trout, and there are a few other nearby spots. Drop me a line if you come down this way and I'd be happy to show you a few spots or drop the canoe in for a 4 hours trip and some bass fishin - get into some nice 17 inch smallies in fast current. Around Brantford and Paris you can get into some Walleyes, and there are quite a few pike spots around too.
  19. GBW - my thought and wishes are there for you and your family.
  20. Nice way to end a trout drought spalsh! Sounds like a great day out there
  21. That is cool Richard - awesome. Those kids will remember that for ever. You just gave me an awesome idea for down here - my wife teaches 2/3 and there is a trout hatchery on Whitemans. They put, I believe it was their 2 (?) miillionth hatching in the water last year? I may have an idea on how to expand their local supporters...
  22. I was there last year on a company trip. Chartered Marlin My Darlin fishing for --- Marlin. We hooked a 20lb bluefin , a whack of king fish and went 0-2 for Marlin. Unfortunately our 8 hour charter got cut short due to a major storm blowing in and we had to cut the line on the second Marlin But that was in the fall, too. He said in the spring he fishes for sharks - big sharks.
  23. That actually sounds like a great day - you guys will be laughing and telling that story for years - as friends.... It aint about the fish we (don't)catch - it's the fishin'
  24. At 7 I could walk 2 miles home by myself from school, play inthe creek, catch crayfish and see minnows galore, and get home 45 minutes after I was expected and my parents wouldn't be freakin'or worried about what happened to me. I knew almost everybody in each house on the walk home, and would wave to the 4 or 5 familes whose back yards I used to take short cuts through to and from walking everywhere - even when I was 16 I could stop at any stream or pond, drop in a worm on a hook and catch a fish My mom flipped out the first time she spent 100 bucks on groceries - even though it was for a neighbourood bash with about 10 famlies and work people attending, and took 2 shopping carts and a couple bag boys to bring them out to the car --- Which was a Chevy Nova station Wagon -- Seat belts????? Ha!. Me and my brother used to play in the back of it on long trips to the holiday get away - with the back window rolled down and our feet stickin out. I could ride my Honda CT 70 all day for $0.10 Phones only came in black with a dial, unless you were rich everyone I knew had black and white TV, if they had one and adjusting the bunny ears and getting up to change the channel were facts of life (we watched way more commercials then,,,,,) AM radio was it, and if you styed up late on hot summer noghts you coudl actually hear radio from a town other than the one you lived in.. 45's were music and 33's were what you could afford when you were older and had a good job Stereo was introduced but is nothing like what we know as stereo today Long distance calls were only made on the weekends during certain time periods and kept very short. To call our grandaprents in the UK - OUT of the question!! $10.00 /minute Most Moms didn't (have to) work.....
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