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Everything posted by spincast

  1. My personal one is the full moon. Research the weird stuff that happens then (Paul - maybe you can do a comparison????). I"m in transportation, I can tell you , without ever looking at the sky, I can tell when its full...............................
  2. - My pleasure - like most factoids - completely useless after you get married and can no longer use them as an excuse to get the other sex's attention at the bar.... Plus - Joey put that ridiculous piece of nonsense to rest in a hurry - just look at that musky she has in her avatar !
  3. Well, since you ask, here's one of those stupid factoids I learned during my insanity years (those between 16 and 21 - individuals actual duration may vary, and some question whether or not mine have actually ever ended....) not sure how much this has to do with the common feeling that this number is somewhat "jinxed", Tarot - #13 card
  4. and here was me thinking you had decided to keep the boat and the cigarettes when I looked at the subject
  5. they weren't in it is also pretty upside.........somehow with a weekend comin', I think Irish still has a bill a'comin
  6. Yeah - itshighway 11 My link couple news shots on the right hand side this is the one I saw this morning - looks like he hit the bridge broadside
  7. wow that is scary close- right through and over the barriers. lucky there was no one to their right, they JUST missed that. Talk about needing Depends I saw another bad one this morning at the 403 and rest acres road -cab of the unit was ripped right off the frame and the tow truck was recovering when I went by.
  8. yeah, but we got around to fish as a subject.....
  9. and, when you get a new PB: (again, click to get the hole pic)
  10. How about this for a skunking? (gotta click on it to get the whole pic...)
  11. What no pics? Wonder if they guy plans on paying back the favour?
  12. Danos' expression looks like he just realised coffee, bran muffin and prunes are not the best brekkie before hitting the ice,,,,
  13. the money you save from cigs will pay for the new ride in no time Paul ! Good on ya!. - Hard, but stick with it, its worth it! then you can get a fishfinder / plotter, trolling motor, new set up, custom canvas....... last pack I bought was at a Mac's Milk. said for years I would quit when it was a buck a pack, remember those days? Paid $1.05 for a 20 pack then quit - cold turkey Tough, but paid off. good luck and stick with it
  14. welease woger!! always look on the bright side of life.. ... uh oh
  15. Sweet Paul: Guess you won't be posting much once the softwater hits, huh? Between fishing, cleaning and eating , you'll have to won't have time for the 'puter till hard water seaso 2011?
  16. very cool - awesome pics of the sleeping beauties.
  17. I hope to be so Lucky - good on ya Lew
  18. Wow - I have had so many its hard to decide - so perhaps I will share my all time fave: we were in China to adopt our first, and in the provincial captial. Our group leader was a very nice and personable guy, who for some unkown reason felt that he had to constantly out do or show me up. For the most part I am just quiet and reserved (with the exception of the occaission quip), and I just took his attention in stride and laughed along with him when ever he felt a scored a point. Anyway - we were in Hunan, one of the "spicy provinces" Meals in the hotels were brutally expensive, so as a group we would all go out to a local restauarant referred to us by the guide. In China they serve everything on big lazy susans that take up the whole table except for where you eat, and the dishes just keep coming. They consider it rude, as in they have not fed you enough, if when you leave the table there is no food left - so the food comes in never ending amounts. In this particular restaurant, we had been to it several times, and the food was pretty good. On one visit one of the girls came back a little shaken because she had seen a 4 ft snake on the stairs - apparently one of the fresh dinners had escaped and needed to be put back in his pen .... Anyway, Mike, the leader, asks if anyone likes spicy food, to which I pipe up, you bet ( a lot of the people on our tour were somewhat reserved in their choices, and Chinese food can be exotic, the snake just touches the edge of what you can get - Ihave pics of a farmers market you would not believe - including smoked bat), but i digress - excusey. So the waitress comes to the table and the usual is ordered by the guide, along with one spicy chicken dish Mike and I are going to share. They also provide red chilli pepper sauce in oil to dip in. So there were Mike and I enjoing our spicy food, sittingon opposite sides of the table, flipping the lazy susn back and forth to each other as we shared the hot dish. Mike was obviously finding it somewhat uncomfortable - he was starting to sweat and his face was turning red; BUT there was NO WAY he was going to let anyone at the table know - especially as I was enjoying it. He and I were exchanging barbs and having a good laugh, and downing copius quantities of ridiculously cheap beer ($0.18 a litre). Now let me say at this point, there are no knives and forks in the provinces, you learn to eat with a pair of chopsticks or a very small soup spoon - which doesn't work too well. Suddenly as I'm looking at Mike, he makes a strange expression - he had been chewing and stops, he looks at me with questions in his eyes, opens his mouth, puts the chopsticks in, and pulls out the whole head of the chicken, wattle, eyes beak tongue and all. It is amazing how quickly a man's face can go from red to green
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