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Everything posted by spincast

  1. If they need an example - tell them to send their clients to Whiteman's creek. USED to hold trophies and beauties by the score. The Branford Rod & Gun Club made an announcement this spring that they put (and sorry I can't remember if it was the ONE millionth or the TWO millionth) brown hatchling in the river this year. Fish it now and you see people taking 2 or 3 6 - 8 inch trout home - and wondering where all the 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 lbers have gone. I don't bring mirrors when I fish, or else I could show them.
  2. perfection knot, with a swivel on the leader. The leader knot would depend on the weight of the leader. Then you can switch out leaders and lures with snap- literally.
  3. Congratz Way to go - so the honeymoon should produce some nice FISHIN' reports?!!!
  4. Nice way to spend a couple days bass in current with light tackle are always fun- and that trout looks healthy! Good on you for the C&R! Maybe that one can start a growing trend
  5. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your daughters child. Have been there with my wife and the sadness and pain is so hard after the hopes and joys before. The fact that all the rest of that bad luck happened in one day is just insult to injury. Keep your head up,and be there for those that count. Good luck.
  6. contact any heavy truck repair centre and ask about looming. Exactly what its desigend for -- PM Vinnimon, he may know a few places to get it around where you live.
  7. a man of few words.... but great pics. Nice fish - that Gar shot is a beautee.
  8. Tell the broker to go to market and find a better rate. Also tell them you are inviting other brokers to quote (and do it). What's 3 calls to save 300 or more?
  9. Amazing scenery. Mountains, waterfalls and long stretches of highway with views like that I find captivating. That Bison's antics are pretty interesting. Kind of like a toll gate - look forward to more shots!
  10. for me four casts is like the bottomless cup of coffee --- I can always find a reason for 1 more.................. but that is a sweet little wake up .
  11. I use this one. My link After checking it all summer i have determined, if it calls for rain when I want to go fishing for walleye it will be sunny, and I shoud be fishing for bass If it calls for stong winds the lake will be calm if I plan my trip based on their prediction, I will be ..... upset is the word I believe I have to use on this forum.... when I really want to know My link or My link
  12. I like the Chronz's fish batter as well. Turned my kids into fish eaters from fish for supper non eaters - I give it 2 . I guess watching hunting and fishing is worse than watching MMA or COPS or some crappy show which a bunch of back stabbing social climbers vote each other of the island or out of the apartment or whatever. Healed thumb just in time for the best fishing time of the year. Excellent. go get 'em
  13. Well, Vince - thanks for the installment version of a report Who know's you could start a trend - and then, maybe not nice sammy there though - glad to see your sleep depreivation is having dividends!
  14. While there are defintiley places for the BBB - as someone who had a business, was a subscribing member and had interactions with them - let me just point out that - BBB has no powers to enforce anything. they simply act as a third party to attempt to resolve differences. they cannot do anything beyond asking the company to address the issue. If the company says no or ignores the request they mark them poorly in their rating system. End of story Someone who fails to even acknowledge a complaint is not going to swayed by a black mark on his record. And beyond that, how many people check the BBB before they buy gas? Without a poor rating potentially affecting the companies income, what leverage does the bbb have? In many cases simpy being served papers from small court will result in the opening of dialogue and a resolution- but hey, BBB is an option and may work - its just not the one I would take given the dollars involved.
  15. go to small claims court and start a claim against him. You can add the cost of filing to the claim - be sure to include all the costs you anticipate to incurr - time off work if need be to go to court, filing fees, any interest, towing, repairs - an inspection of the vehicle to determine the degree of damage. See how fast he wants to settle once the documents from the courts arrive on his desk. If he doesnt want to play ball, go to court. He won't have much a defence.
  16. I continue to druel at your postings . With your combo of understanding wife, flexible work schedule and 'ski know how, I can but watch from a distance and hope the time will come for me and work is not the daily requirement... but rather ski'ing....
  17. This just makes so much sense, and respects the resource. The question is, why isnt it being adopted more willingly already?
  18. I have worked with insurance companies and brokers placing high dollar (100,00k+) premiums for years. When you are placing that kind of policy year after year, I can tell you a 3 - 4% difference is significant. Let me just say that you need to understand that- you - the consumer are not representing your interest with the insurance company. Your broker is. Your broker is paid based on a % of the policy you pay. You can negotiate that fee with your broker (depending on the size of the account) AND a good broker will always get you the best deal. A bad broker will simply drop a file in front of the insurance company they want and turn that over to you with a mark up. Put your policies (include your car and any others - life etc) out to market. Make your broker work for your best interest. Look at how the premiums come back. Ask them - if I replaced this oil tank, what would happen to my pricing then ( you may be surprised how fast the savings will pay for that new tank). GRT1 - go shopping. It'll be worth your while. And if you want to know the name of my broker, drop me a pm.
  19. Yea - but at least you found a cure! I will have to bring along a fully charged mp3 player from now on just in case. The musical selection might be a little better
  20. My condolences. Sounds like you guys had great times together.
  21. "FROM/DE: Haldimand County Detachment DATE: 12 September 2010 72 Hwy #54 Cayuga, Ont. N0A 1E0 MISSING PERSON, PRESUMED DROWN SEARCH CONTINUES(LP10247307) (HALDIMAND COUNTY, ON.) – Haldimand County OPP is continuing the search for a missing 58 year old Hamilton, ON. man on Lake Erie, Haldimand County, ON. On Friday September 10th, 2010 at approximately 2:30 pm Police were notified of a boat that appeared to be in distress on Lake Erie off the shore of Haldimand Road #49, Dunnville, Haldimand County. Upon arrival officers were able to observe a small boat travelling in circles on the lake approximately 1 kilometre south of the shore line with an operator visibly absent. A second boat operated by a private citizen attended the distressed boat and confirmed that it was unoccupied. A marine search involving Canadian Coast Guard vessels and air craft conducted a search of the water while OPP Emergency Response Team members conducted a shore line search of the immediate area. By nightfall the search had been suspended without success. Investigation revealed that the 14 foot aluminum boat was launched by the owner from a private boat launch at a Horseshoe Bay Road, Haldimand County address at approximately 11:00 am to go for a boat ride and do some fishing. Search efforts are continuing today Sunday September 12th, 2010 by OPP Marine, Helicopter, Underwater Search and Recovery Unit. Investigators presume the missing man identified as 58 year old Marshall SHARPE of Hamilton, ON. had fallen from his boat for unknown reasons and drown. Information received indicates that the boater was not wearing a life jacket" So easily preventable.
  22. I'm not sure about the regs, but the two times I took OFC'ers out into Jordan Harbour in a 15K NW wind one of them ended up chummin.. not to mention any names... but you know who you are... It worked well one day. The next time the fish must have learned it wasnt so appetizing. I may have to start keeping records on what the chummer ate for supper the night before and see how big the fish are
  23. Hey Splash - glad to see you got out. Best therapy for a sad heart. And I'll bet that eagle smiled too! You never know, you may become to one of you "newbie anglers" what your fishin bud was to you - a guide in more ways than one. Keep on casting....
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