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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Why? No interest at all. Even if I had the bucks it would take.
  2. Your right Shawn. My apologies to all my fellow fisher people. My continued scorn on the litterbugs however. Maybe we need to start something like our friends to the south did with an 800 # to report those who do..... or maybe we send them for a swim when we catch em?
  3. I'm with you on this one Vince. The fishermen / fishergals that leave their stuff all over the place make us all look bad. I took my daughter to the dam in paris. Brought out a bag a garbage - worm containers, fishing line by the mile, packaging, you name it, just thrown all over the ground and rocks. Embarassing and just destroys natures beauty.
  4. cool concept. Looks like you were all winners today.
  5. yeah, I read that ont this moring too. What an law to allow reclassification of a water body full of trout to turn it into a poisonous pool. I plan on signing the petition against it. Frankly, we should be campaigning to end this law period. This has happened to more than 1 lake in Alberta.
  6. I view it as an indication my lines should be about 10 -15 ft down if I want to catch a fish? But then I have also found that frequently my rod will get hit when my screen has been blank for a bit, and they dont do squat when the screen is loaded? I have yet to find the MADE BY MURPHY sign on the darn thing, but I know its there. Show me the bottom and the structure and leave hooking the fish to me............. one charter guy I now uses his to show his lines behind the boat, and darn if he don't know how to land fish? so LLoyd - how did you set that up?
  7. What watershed is this in? I know that if it was in the GRCA watershed they would express an interest. If you can identify and contact the watershed authority that will be a start. I remember a similar thread this spring on either this or one of the niagara boards - I will see if I can find that and send you the link - unless someone here beats me to it.
  8. Made the mistake of leaving the cap of the truck unlocked one night after a day long excursion in the canoe on the Grand. Lost everything - rods, reels, backpack. Glad I took the canoe off. Parked in the driveway, backed up tight to the other car. Cost a few (understatetment) hundred to replace. I was a tad peeved. Its a sad statement that so many of us have been through this. The guys who stole it wouldn't even get enough for a case of beer but it costs us how much to replace?
  9. beauty fish. Those ones make the long waits worthwhile, congrats. Looks like you could be changing avatar photos?
  10. Tied huh? Really..... how convenient. _ I'm still good for then tenner then Frank. Next time we hitch up I square with ya. Nice going - I hope next year I can be there in it as opposed to watchig from the sidelines
  11. nice fish - and tanks for sharing. Any of those houses got a for sale sign?
  12. very nice. both the trip and the fish. See my list of fishing trips to do growing again.......................
  13. congrats. Loved my 12 footer, till the rest of the family (wife excepted) decided fishing was cool and had to buy a bigger one. I am sure you will enjoy that and get some great fishing ventures with it. Be sure to share the pictures.
  14. can you post a photo? I have a few choices depending on the stress
  15. nice report - those are some beauty gators.
  16. you'll do fine here. Look forward to seeing some Ontario fish.
  17. Welcome aboard. For your inititiation pm all all those who welcome you the GPS co-ords for that gator....
  18. THAT is one NICE fish. two actually, but shamu makes your 4 lber look like tinkerbell next to him. Have to see if google sattelite picked him up so I can figure out which lake that is
  19. Frank - do you mean to say she out fishes and out pledges you? I'll add $10 to your total if you can beat her for biggest fish for the day - you may want to take those lucky pennies away from her Scout's honour....
  20. you could do worse than this to start My link After that, maybe a subscription to Ontario Out of Doors,? and see if you can hook up with some guys from the board -there's a several libraries of fishin' knowledge on this site. oh and of course - then there's a charter - but that's a whole different book...........
  21. great day and great report. thanks for taking the time. Nice fish BTW - have a look in the FAQ and computer help section for the step by step process to get the full screenshots in if you still need a few more pointers.
  22. "having to hold your best freind while they slip away is 1 of the hardest things I have ever done" +1. It has been 6 years since I had to say good bye to my No.1 fishin' , walkin' and all over best bud. She was 9 years old and had displasia since she was born - it was so bad she dislocated her hip playing catch in the back yard when she was a pup. Vet said at the time it was the worst case he had ever seen in a pup that small and young(Keeshund / Shetland collie cross). Fortunately meds kept her going with a good qualifty of life for 8 years after that. But once she couldn't do the stairs, go for walks or run in the snow (her all time favourite, next to swimming), and then started to loose control of her body functions we knew it was time to say good bye. I beleive it was the right decision... but I will never forget the ache from having to do that and the silence in the van as the family drove back from the vet . We chose not to get another, mainly due to family commitments. To pile all those other issues you had to do deal with on top of that - ouch. Not sure what to say other than - condolences on your loss; think about having your sons tonsils removed (made a WORLD of difference to our two), and..................things can only improve from here. Whether you decide to get another dog or not - you will know what is the right thing to do one day, and will do it. Good luck to you.
  23. Way 2 Go. those are some serious salmon - and great dedication! You must feel great - still sleeping -- ?
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