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Everything posted by spincast

  1. If the point of posting a report is to see how many replies you get - then, IMO, you may need to consider why you post (or fish?). I post to share my enjoyment. Size of the fish doesn't really matter - its nice when you get a PB and we all want to share those. But hey - how often does that happen? Any day on the water - fish or not - and we have seen some really cool posts where the posters got skunked - is a good day . Some posts I reply to some I don't, depends on so many things we experience in life. Some days I'm just too tired to respond. But I still enjoy the read! As many have said - family, medical, personal issues are common to us all. But we do read them, and we enjoy them, even if we dont respond to them. AND somedays, with friends who share common interests, we just want to share a joke, a barb, some pain, some joy. We all come here cuase we fish, but we share far more than that everyday Although really, why do Leafs fans still exist....... I mean if we fished a river that skunked us that often.... but I digress.
  2. that is some nice work. I used to love doing restorations before work and kids pushed them out - although it was motorcyles, not O/B.s Love the boat!
  3. Last year, I shopped for boats. Surfed the internet, read magazines, and dreamed. Hit the Spring Fishing and boat show. Bought a boat in March and proceeded to go nuts as the first 4 weekends after I bought it and brought it home had high winds and crap weather. Well, cant do that again (unless I get a BIGGER boat, but that's for another year), but, seeing as how this boat thing is new to me, my experience before being limited to river fishing or my 12 ft tinner, and I like to fish for something more substantial when the opportunity permits, like below caught off Port Burwell on an outing with Vinnom last year I figure this one has lots of potential for now. HOWEVER that doesnt mean she's all done ... and although I dont mind getting wet, and wearing my rain gear, its always nice if you can, minimize it, I set myself this goal this winter of upgrading a few things - so first was adding a bit of water proofing to the machine this November courtesy of a local canvas shop Next, was an investment in speedy down riggers - with a pair of Scotty pro packs, then some spygear - Lowance Elite 5, a couple more down rigger rods, lead core set ups, a dispey rod (just got that today) and the trollers bible. Still to do is get some pictures to Buster so he can look over a set up of d-r and rod holders. For the most part - other than the electronics - I try to buy at discounts - like the sale Fishing fanatics had for going out of business or from trolling the fishing forums. Then, eveyonce once a while I make the occassional sacrcastic comment on this board, or hijack a thread and watch all the Monty Python guys come out. Or just enjoy reading what the guys here do - even the hard water fishers - vicarious fishing I call it. As you can probably tell, I do not deal well with winter. 88 days Twocoda. Oh, and I put "fishing days" in the bank. My wife scrap books and we have kids. In the summer, most Sundays I 'm on the water, so she's got the kids. In exchange, in the winter if my wife wants to scrap book, hit the spa or do wahtever, I say see ya. That way I have "get out fishing cards" for all water of the soft water season Frankie65 keeps teling me he's going to give me the hard water addiction, but so far weather hasn't been too coperative.
  4. Is it soft water season yet? I post during soft water season...
  5. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Speil..
  6. At the risk of repeating myself ,... Lowrance Elite 5
  7. sweet classic - and no salt on the roads there, eh?
  8. Oh - well that's much better ... only 128160minutes left
  9. Have you any cheesy comestibles.. beg your pardon sir Do you have any CHEESE, Oh Cheese, yes of course sir...Finest cheese shop in the area
  10. Mercman - look what you've done now.... all the Monty Loonies are coming out to play.. any witches out there?
  11. Marriage is Grand, Divorce is 20?
  12. Okay - so we have a few talented lure makers on the board from what I've seen in some of the postings... looks like this could be a winner........ any takers....?
  13. Oh - still hard water seaons out there-darn sun will do it to you eveytime..... back to my cave, the club and ...........
  14. is it soft water season yet?
  15. That would the single man's version... and don't tell too many people its a weed
  16. I understand Mulder and Scully were sent to investigate...... they're out there...
  17. classic. Merely a flesh wound...come 'ere..I'll bite your leg off....
  18. I agree with TB4me - was this guy really what he represented himself to be? It is clear that this situation was handled less well than it could have been, IF it was indeed an officer of the law, But just for the purposes of discussion.... In every vocation there are those who represent the positon they do with the utmost integrity, those who represent it well, those who could represent it better, and those who frankly shouldn't be there at all. Power and authority tend to exaggerate the failings and ignore the successes of those it touches. There are always 3 sides to every story it is difficult to judge the actions of others if you have not walked in their shoes or faced their demands HOWEVER, if he happened to be acting on a tip that armed drug dealers would be in the area making a transaction that day... and if it was you assigned to do the stake out...... and you wanted to make sure you got home to your wife and kids tonight....
  19. Brian (& Mike) - that was so cool _ I cant show the rest of my famiily or else it would be starting all over again for us. My daughter already has a list of things for ... birthday.. christmas.. adoption day ... they all start with PUPPY....
  20. Oh, Mercman, you are truly sick.......- at the risk of hijacking this thread "That there's the nastiest little rabbit you've ever seen" "Run away!!' Oh, and of course THWACK "message for you sir"
  21. betcha he dont have money either - bank owns that one and now Hilary (as in Everest) has 2 car payments and one car!
  22. very cool (or cold as in those going for a dip) the lighting makes for awesome effects
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