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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Flossin' with marshmallows again, huh?
  2. spincast


    Nice fish - No doubt about about it - Lloyd knows the waters... our charter with him this summer - 2 hours into the charter he sayin' OK you got to let me know if its a keeper or release before we boat them, so we don't go over our limits - only a few of each left for us.
  3. Nice!!! welcome to the board - you really know how to make an entrance
  4. Vince - let me now if you want one - I have to hit that store again soon and I can pick you one up if there are any left.
  5. wishing you a speedy recovery to your rod and sinker combo!
  6. Nice - envy is a one of the deadlies, so lets just say reports like that make retirement waaaaaay too far off. Obviously the new tactics have been well learned!
  7. Nice day out there Frank! You got me thinking a morning trip together is in the works..
  8. now thats a week + well spent
  9. nice report;great fish - love the colours on them - especially those pike
  10. The opportunity to see both my kids grow into healthy adults and realise their potential - whatever that maybe.
  11. What an amazing report and experience. Too cool - I used to fish the surf off Cape Hateras as a kid for skates and dog fish - but those are minnows compared to that! Memories of that for the two of you for ever Did you ever guesstimate just how big the shark was from the fins? Must have been a monster.
  12. Sweet catch for a beauty day. I think next year my boat goes away much later.....
  13. Best wishes for ya Kelvin - positive thoughts, even in these times, have amazing powers. Here's wishing for the best of all possible outcome for ya and all who are touched by this. A coworker of mine is off right now after a masectomy - but so for the prognosis is good that it was detected early enough to catch it before it spread. May you have similar findings in your case.
  14. THAT is a good Monday - heck any day with that as an outcome is awesome. Looks like Laz has learned well -
  15. Wayne - if paybacks are 10 fold - the freindship and support you have shown around here will give you and your family enough Karma to knock this thing right out of the ball park. Know that best wishes and thoughts are sent to you and your family from ours. This scourge cancer touches too many -it seems weekly now that someone I know has this devastating news. The only good thing is, especially where you have doctors of the calibre supporting your case, the outcomes now are so much more positive than when we were 25. With the grit and determination obvious in your famliy and the thoughts of all your friends on the board and from other places I am confident you and your family will perserve and succeed.
  16. that water level is scary. everywhere this year the water is down huge, and its not like we haven't had rain - at least where I live - only once this year did the grass get dry enough to need watering. As much as I am not a winter person, here's hoping for a heavy snowfall this winter to replenish our water levels. Another season like this the entire innner bay not be there by the end of the season!
  17. spincast


    great outing there! couple nice walleys
  18. Awesome scenery and fantastic fishin' thanks Dave - Alaska fishin trip is oneof my bucket list items....
  19. nothing gloomy about those fish - thanks for sharing -
  20. you sure that's you Frank? The guy in the picture looks like he actually caught a fish, not watched it swim away from his knees? and that makes 10! Good luck
  21. beautiful walters there, and as for that sheepie - !, Nice going
  22. That's a monster - be interested to know how'd they got it in the boat without swamping it !
  23. Very sorry to hear your sad news Kelvin - thoughts and prayers for you, your wife and your family.
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