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Everything posted by spincast

  1. spincast

    Red Tail

    thanks - looking at upgrading ours sometime in the near future. will have to keep that one on the list
  2. spincast

    Red Tail

    very nice indeed. the clarity of the shots is fantastic - you can see details right down to feathers shading and shadows. Can I ask what camera and lens you used?
  3. Nice job Vince -- bucket mouths at LPB would probably find those pretty enticing too (hint.. hint) BTW - BPS had some moose mane and a bunch of synthetics, but I didnt see any yak hairs - of course with all those people standing looking it was hard to get a good look - but the moose mane looked like it should do the trick pretty good
  4. Sweet . Fanatastic looking fish!
  5. I'm in -- many places up north camping its the only radio; don't listen as much since the format change a few years ago, but its still #1 on my presets. - and I second the Dr's comments - well most of them, can't say I ever listened to the wine segment. My wife would if she knew about it - but then I would hear more whining about wine, so thats one more secret to keep (along with my fishing budget). - not that I dont enjoy a glass of wine once in a while - but for me a quality micro brew will beat out a glass of vino anyday. Don't suppose they have a beer show too do they?
  6. Wayne to you and your family - like many others the sheer weight of your current situation takes away my ability to put into words anything thats sounds adequate. Know that Jennifer and indeed your whole family are in my prayers, and the strength and determination you guys show is an exmaple for everyone. If ever there was someone who can beat this be sheer willpower, it is the fighting O'Sheas.
  7. Piicture blog of a recent fish die off in California ...the sheer # is insane. I'd be scoopin' and freezing for bait... My link
  8. my sentiments exactly I will gladly mourn the loss of gloves, toques, boots, snow shovels and treacerous roads in exchange for shorts, boats, soft water and swimsuits- you have the black arm band, I'll take sunscreen and a cool ale on the patio relaxing in the warmth of the sun! Bring it on
  9. very cool, love the shot with the fish.
  10. Doesnt sound like a promising scenario Splash - but all my fingers and toes are crossed wishing for a positive outcome.
  11. WOW, glad I didn't show you any picturs of the outing then like the 5lb black grouper (was hoping for a 50lber, but no such luck that day) or the days keepers.... or thefact that the restuarant cooked them up (for $5.00) and we ate in short sleeve shirts on the boardwalk, observing bikini clad scenery and sharing with anyone passing by that would have been really unkind....
  12. Congrats Paul - that'll give ya something to focus on while you wait to see this view from your new toy (taken Thursday in Fla -- it was sooooooo nice to be on that water again) in a couple years you can have the tike over, stuff him full of coke and chocolate just before you send 'em home with a smile..... and a few years after that you'll have a great fishing partner
  13. I'll be there on the Sunday GBW and I have no problem picking one up for you if no one is getting there sooner. PM me if you want me to. We can figure out how to get it across TO pretty easy I would think.
  14. Thats great news Kelvin! Very happy for you and your family.
  15. "CEOs Are Overpaid CEOs are paid too much for what they do; too much more than their average worker By F. John Reh, About.com Guide Pay for Performance According to Business Week, the average CEO of a major corporation made 42 times the average hourly worker's pay in 1980. By 1990 that had almost doubled to 85 times. In 2000, the average CEO salary reached an unbelievable 531 times that of the average hourly worker." Somehow, I think this may be contributing to the erosion of the middle class - I believe recent comparison indicates that by 10:00 am on Jan 1st the average CEO has made the same amount of money the average worker does by Dec 31st in the calendar year. And while the above is definitely a contributing factor, much of the current condition (high tax rates, deteriorating infrastructure etc) is also caused by the fact that, for most of our lives the word balanced budget has been an unrealised goal for most western countries. Politicans have behaved in a way with our tax dollars that we would never behave with our personal credit. How many years can you max out your credit (cards, lines of credit payday loans) and increase the limit? Eventually you gotta pay it all back. Anyone look real close at the "how long it will take to pay off your credit card if you make minimum payments" on your monthly statement? And - just my personal thought - if it was soft water season this thread woudl be growing much slower....
  16. great shot, captured not just the scene, but the feel, way to go
  17. wow - that is spectacular- calendar quality stuff , love it up there and you captured it beautifully.
  18. Very nice SRT8. Congrats. Get it at the show? They had some great deals. I was really tempted to move up to and 18 or 20 fter when I saw the deals they were offering. Bad case of 2 foot-itis
  19. Thinking - TGIF - 1 Beer, I scotch and Sunday is the show. Booked the boat for spring service .. 30 days to go.
  20. ditto - well maybe the 26th. Nice to have a white christmas after that, it can leave with the used wrapping paper.
  21. According to google maps, this one should have some Walleye Lake
  22. Way to go Chris ! . One of employees Dad's house burned to the ground just a month ago (her first day on the job!). Same cause - fireplace. He is a widower and in his 80's. Lost everything - photos, memories, wedding china etcs. Nothing left. Your quick thinking paid off in ways beyond just saving the house!
  23. great shots - cedar wawings are great. we have them in our back, but can never get close enough for that kind of shot. Nicely done
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