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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Hey Drock - that you I saw on the way home yesterday on the Ayr road at the sign? Any luck? Been a lot of people out there since the ice went away. Most of the guys I know who catch the big ones catch them on the Bannister Lake side and use minnows. I think you are probably better off to get away from the road - way too much pressure there. I usually go in to the Wrigley lake side, walk in and pick a secluded spot. Caught 4 or five last year, and lost a few lures in the snags too. i find you get bigger and better fighters in the Nith if you can find a spot that hasn't been trampled to death. Haysville and near the pumpkin farm are pretty good once you've walked in a bit.
  2. Cant say I know much about the local tackle shops, but I was down Ft Lauderdale last year for a weekend of deep sea fishing. The charters were a steal! With the economy in the dumps you could get a charter for a few hundred bucks for Marlin and other sport fish. We were out for about 5 hours, caught some Tuna, King Makerels, Barracudas and 1 blue fin tuna. Had a Marlin on the line, but he broke loose. We were about 2 miles off shore. If you can afford it - arrange it awesome experience! Our boat was Marlin My Darling - great tour on a 36 ft Cape Hatteras cruiser. Wish I could go with you!
  3. Not good. I'm coming up that way twice this year. Given my history though, I don't think praying will help. Can I sacrifice something?
  4. If she's like mine no need to leave her.....she'll be in the top third of the thread
  5. Interesting topic and challenge. From someone who used to go to Algonquin every year - until the BMWs and Mercs with boom box stereos and plug in fridges started to show up with people who wanted only to get wasted and make a mess. Dont get me wrong - I certainly had my share of parties in campsites (anyone else remember when motorcycles weren't allowed in? The year they let them in I was one of the first there on my old Honda 350 twin). But that wasn't the reason I went - that was shall we say, a pleasurable and quiet resultof relaxing after a day in the canoe, hiking or tracking doen a stream. The question is - is the idea to increase traffic in the parks, making a profit off our natural resources or protecting what we have and creating enough cash flow to maintian the wilderness? As long as they treat the parks like the Walmart of outdoors they will always have to find something else to market and attract the "in-crowd" Now ask how many people here are willng to pay more than $1200 bucks for a a chance to experience an un-Wallyworld week on the Attiwapiskat River, and how much money was spent on that ad (enormous bumber sticker costs side?) Hey Ontario - preserve what you have, don't pimp it. My $0.02
  6. Hey Minnow ...ready THE BOSPO there,, no idea what it is heh,,, well just remmeber you heard it here,,, every boater will have one and need one.. give me a few more years.. Didn't I see the Sham Wow guy on TV with this the other day? Great gadget!
  7. welcome to Ontario. Fishing's great - but I bet your horizon will take bit to get used to. I moved here from the appalachians (another great trout place) looooong time ago. Took a while to not having a mountain as a horizon!
  8. Speaking as a newbie - you guys got a great thing going here. The friendship, fun and knowledge are amazing. I read the posts for a week or so before I decided to join. If there had been a fee, would I have joined so quickly - no. Would I have joined eventually - probably, because of what I said before. This is a great forum. The question is - how much? Once you go with charging for membership, you incur costs to track and receive payments - driving the cost of the site up eve more. And those type of costs go up over time, hello inflated costs over time. Charging for classifieds is an OK idea - and I would pay if I wanted to sell soemthing fishing related - the perfect target audience. Another option might be, can you get a links page that includes point and click style revenue generaton for fishing related topics such as fishing lodges, BPS etc., without incurring a (material) cost? If you had a disclaimer on the links page this might raise the necessary funds and keep the main forum ad free? Or am I still dreaming?
  9. This not a bad place to start. All kinds of options http://www.cottageontario.com/ We used to rent from a guy on Beech Lake just outside Carnarvon. - google it and it will come - Sun of a Beech cottage. Muskie, walleye, pike and lunker bass and trout. My daughter caught a 4 lber in the weeds in the middle of the afternoon on her Dora the explorer rod. Kind of humuliating - when the largest I got was 2.5 for the week. One monster muskie just off the boat ramp. Saw him a couple times - but he saw me and I never did get him to bite. Beech lake is a one in a a chain of 4 lakes all with greaa fishing.
  10. For a driver's license if you can't read the test to the point you understand it (2nd language or limited reading skills), you can have an interpreter - kinda silly when you think about it as you have to be able to read road signs to driver properly - check all the words you need to know in the drivers handbook on the signs pages. Now there aren't too many written signs in the boat coarse - they're pictures and graphics. So - strictly speaking the lack of abilty to read or write, or even speak the answers to the questions should be immaterial as long as your bud takes the right actions - which he could show by pointing or clickong on the right answer on the screen for instance. However, for this to happen you will need to find someone in the government who 1; understands this; 2; is willing to do something about and 3; is in position to do something about it. Good luck - I hope you can. Shame to take away one of the things the guy can do well and causes him pleasure just because he can't express himself well.
  11. Haven't really figured a budget yet. seem 'em run from just over 100 to almost 700. Figure somewhere in between is where I'll end up. Like the free maps idea! I saw one (Busnell) that had XM / Serious radio weather forecasts you could map over top of your position that looked pretty cool for under 200, but almost evryone who had one said they crashed. Thanks for the links I'll check 'em out!
  12. Hey Guys, I'm in the market for a GPS unit. Looks like there's a whack out there. The promos sound great but when I google the unit I also hear lots of grumbles from owners. Any suggestions - or equally important - ones to avoid? Ideally I'm looking for a hand held as I want to get out on Erie, Ontario and some remote lakes up north too. I'm new to this as most of my fishing to date has been small lake in a 12 footer or rivers in canoe, but just bought Starfire 16 footer a couple weeks ago
  13. Check out the link below. Oughta give you all you need, and save a trip - unless of course you need a reason to hit a store or two - and heck once your that far the boat show is just a hop and a skip http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/sc/boats/pcl.shtml
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