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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Cool thread Frank - I notice you started it about an hour after work started? slow season again heh?? Blame TJ for me. Found his link to the spring fishing and boat show when I was looking for a boat, then read his online mag which led me here. Stayed for the great fishing tips and huge amount of knowledge - amazing what is here - from fishin, inboards, outboards boats to planes. The threads are cool the friends I have met - . The support for members when they face difficulty (splashoppers recent loss comes to mind) or highs (births / weddings) is also really cool (hey joey - meant to ask-- that cooler - did it have drinks in at the wedding??) The FISH-A-THON is a great example of what this board is about. Also kind of fun to make fun of the Starcraft Jordon-Harbour-Chummers crew
  2. of course, just cause you're in the right doesn't mean he'll change his mind (sounds like he might have to find it before he changes it?). Might want to just hand him the Boat Safety book, open at the page discussing ROW under power vs not under power, with the section that says the vessel under power needs to steer clear highlighted? . He'll be there next year, but likely the dolt in the boat will choose a bigger lake to tube in next year, so proving the point (especially too forcefully) might open more issues than it closes?
  3. THAT is a beauty chrome, and sweet shot of the fight- definitely add to the story line of Laz learns .. actually - I thnk you can now say Laz has learned..
  4. You know my vote Frank - yank the incadscents. The LED's put my fuse blowing issue to rest once and for all - Got to say though - good thing I'm a fair weather boater too - never thougth about the slush melt. Oh - and the set up will fit yours - mine was for 80 in wide limit too.
  5. Same thing happened to me this summer, except I was alone on a back lake 9 miles from anyone up in Temagami. I strongly suggest you make a quick trip to your doctor - I didn't (being 600 ks away from mine) and my finger got infected three days later. Within 18 hours of a small red swelling from the infection starting, not the wound, it had swollen so much it almost cut off all the circulation. My hook was new too - a Storm minnow only been in the water once before. My Dr (once I got into see him) told me I got to him just in time - any longer and I might have lost the finger due to lack of blood flow. Interstingly enough he said the same thing about removing the hook - best way is to tie line to it and qucikly rip it out. Too bad he wasn't in the boat. Hurt like all get out using pliers. Give a whole new meaning to catch and release (relief) though. .....
  6. coffee, bran muffin, long stretch of Ontario backroads about an hour after you woke up? Of course, that might be TOO much info?
  7. Beauty Report Wayne. Great to meet you and Leah up there this summer while we were up for the week. After finally getting up there all I can say is its gotta be hard to leave. The scenery is amazing - and those back lakes look fantatstic! I can understand why Lloyd was so excited - although as he always posts in capitals the only way we could tell was his dailiy status countdown !! Those flying vids are cool.
  8. dun - love the way the canoers speed through Cool shots
  9. Great way to spend Thanksgiving with the family Frank!. Way to go on the flock tending there, too bad there wasn't a county fair on - might have been able to enter yours into the Big sheep of the year contest LOL. Great report and great shots. That Rosebud boat in the first pic looks like a nice restore job. Like I said after our trip up to Temagami, its a must do. Bet Craig is looking at his boat all over again now ? Time to get her out next year?
  10. Good for you Splash, you are a good person - in time (when the kids are older) I hope to share my fortune with others too. about 20 years ago after atrip to Lake Superior I felt a golf ball sized lump in my neck. My Doctor and every medical person I knew at the time - including my father who was chief of staff at UWO hospital for over 20 years - was sure I had lymphoma. It took 6 weeks to get into the hospital and have a bisposy. It was a benign cyst in my lymph node. My wife and I got married the next year on the Thanksgiving weekend. 19 years this Monday. Every year I give thanks that I am still here. Simple, yet so complex. .
  11. You can tell them to get you an equivalent vehicle if they decide to write it off - tell them you do not want the cash, but a replacement vehicle. That means the same year, same upgrades (that you can prove with reciepts). As you have already provided them pictures and requested an upgraded value before the incident, and they increased your premium, they have already acknowledged that your vehicle is worth more than the book value of a car of similar age without the upgrades. If they failed to take into account what the actual value was as a result of those upgrades, then that is their failing. All that being said, even though you are 100% not at fault, and therefore not meant to be subject to an increase in premiums as a result, they likely will, especially if you settle in excess for what they had allocated, increase them over the next few years if they have to pay out of pocket (as opposed to collecting from another policy) and it will be difficult to prove the claim was the cause for the increase, depending on the size of the settlement. As a note, once its settled , or before your renewal is due next year, ask for a copy of your 4 year loss record, and see how the accident is listed (from an at fault perspective). A couple other thoughts / questions - is your property and vehicle underwritten by the same company? If so there could be implications to the claims as they are caused by a single event, not two - the fact that two of your items were damaged is not a decider in the settlement if a single action caused the damage; AND - you mention the vehicle was not his, and not stolen. Did the owner of the vehicle have insurance? There are some pretty big legal implications behind that little item. Did the driver take the vehicle with the owners permission or without ( I assume the first as you say it wasn't stolen)? Depending on this, and the details of the vehicle owner's policy will determine how much that policy will cover your damages - but if it was inured, it will cover yours - it just wont cover the owners. I won't begin to explore the liability of the vehicle owner if they knowingly let that person take their vehicle in the circumstances - but I will say (because it sounds like despite what happened to you and your family, you were all very lucky) - something needs to be done about this guy (and those who let him drive), because next time he may not miss the car with the family in it.
  12. amazing photos - I can only imagine what the whole trip must have been like.
  13. OK you dont have to offer me that more than once - speil, when? I wanted to talk to you about a rod anyway...I'll even pick up the drive down.
  14. oh - and if I had my choice, My link but from what I see most of the charter guys in St Clair are putting the boats away in the next 2 weeks.
  15. in anywhere anytime (almost, with notice)... work does have its drawbacks but without it charters aint possible just let me know .Some Inter team competition????
  16. drewl. awesome fish and scenery. 1 more bucket list item. Fantastic colours on those fish!
  17. Wow, the second shot is perfect you managed to catch just the perfect angle on the fish, and the detail of the close up on the sow is awesome - nice lens. Can't wait to see the rest
  18. I like the fly catcher - the location is PERFECT.
  19. Again, a tragic and sad loss. My condolences to the family and friends.
  20. Congrats guys! Here's wishing you both many happy years together!
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