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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Looks like a great day - some nice fish there
  2. So its the inlaws 50th this year. They live in the Soo and the warden has advised I should expect to be there for 4 - 5 days, but am allowed out for a one day excursion while she does the local visits and organisation. Any suugestions from some of our members up that way? I noticed this one showed up in a sponsor link - anybody tried this or know what it is like? Kawagama Lake I fished Superior Provincial Park before and had mixed luck with the brookies. Any suggestions welcome. Trout, Walleye, Northerns? Guess I should mention - Mid July is the timing..
  3. Looks like a great trip Frank. Its beauty up that part of the province. Nice to get away. I understand thats what the pike said to you too? Fishin' Queen still rules in your house, eh?
  4. I got the axe in October 2001 just after the twin towers fiasco. NO ONE was hiring at that time. Was a rough Christmas and a tough time to keep a positive outloook. I spent a lot of time researching how to do a resume, where to make contacts and how to promote myself, what to say in interviews. I had never had to do that in my working life - I'd had my own company, sold it and slid straight into my next job. There was a lot to learn. One thing I did read from the professional advice was be cautious about taking a position below your previous / what you are looking for - it can appear as if you were promoted above your level of capability. I did get hired, in the new year. I got 2 leads from two of my network buddies. Neither position was posted in any of the usual places. In my current role I hire lots. I have to admit when I see someone who had a senior position and is now is a lesser one, they are actually at a disadvantage to someone who is not employed -- as long as the gap is less than 6 - 8 months. After that, you have to wonder why? Being unemployed is very discouraging - but it is temporary - your skills are needed, and the econmomy is definitely on the up tick. You will be back no your feet in no time. One really good book for perspective is called "What colour is your parachute", or something very close to that. Library has lots of copies. If you want to PM me I will be happy to share anything I can to help (including a bunch of head hunters I know).
  5. One day at a time Paul - I quit 20 + years ago; two packs a day to nothing. The first week is rough, but after that its all in the head, not the body. And its really just a matter of saying, no I don't need one now. You can do it - just remember,soft water season comes soon - do you want to be steering this with your wife / friends or (think of all the gas you can buy and no difference to your bank account) : or sucking on this.... by yourself...
  6. very cool I am amazed by the amount of owls you find. Did they all go to fish heave for the easy meals?
  7. It is unfortunate that such situations occur - but over the years I have made the call many times both ways. I remember at one trucking firm in a snow storm I arrived in the yard and all the drivers were freaking out becuase of the weather reports. Now these guys are all pros with A licenses. A couple said " I can't even get my truck to move from the parking spot". Yes there was snow - quite a few inches, but the hype was worse than the reality and they had all driven in worse. I had driven in from out of town and they all lived locally. I explained that really, the roads weren't that bad. Plows and salters had been out - in town and the parking lot were worse than the roads out of town. I said - If I can move that truck - dressed in my office clothes, and hook to your trailer, are you willing to go out and try? If you feel unsafe at anytime once you're on the road, just tell me and we'll let you pull over and or come back". They all agreed. I hopped in, diff lock on, put it in 5th and with a couple quick pops of the clutch and a rock or two - hey presto - line up the pin, hook and we're golden. They all went out. No-one got in an accident, no one turned around, no one pulled over. On the other hand, many is the time I have had guys call me and say they have freezing rain and or blizzards and don't feel safe continuing. Shut down - because once your confidence is gone, you are too much at risk. You aren't focusing on what you need to be. All that being said - your friend needs to assess the situation when faced with it. He maybe able to go out, or he may not. Look to the MTO road closures and delays (website) before departing, heck - even see if where he is being sent is going to be open, because if it is really bad many companies will send staff home rather than have them stranded. Your friend is able to make the decision himself without any repercussions or sanctions if he feels the work he is being requested to do is unsafe above the normal job requirements - if his job description calls for him to drive the vehicle he is assigned to and he is qualified to do so. If it isn;t part of his regular job description then he has a lot more littitude in what represents a hazard. But as Art mentioned; depending on how this is handled the actions may have some undesirable results in the longer term. And no job is worth harming yourself or others....
  8. nothing like catching a tout for supper to make the pain in the back less annoying. Nice going Vince.
  9. Classic . You should enter that one in the free weekedn fishing competition - if you haven't already
  10. happy birthday - looks like a great day on the ice - sweet pike.
  11. cool place to get married - congrats be sure to post some (family oriented) pics... Of course having the somewhat twisted mind I do, I was considering just how effective a place it could be to get divorced .. "heyhon, the bedrooms just through that door... I'll be back in a sec, just have to use the head"..followed by a wooooshing sound...
  12. That is priceless! Wonder if I should use it in my next driver safety meeting..... "you want me, come on up"
  13. if you plan on taking it out on softwater, my advice is get one that floats -- tie-ing the boat up on one of the last outings last year "splash what was .... o fudge".right out of my jacket pocket as I was leaning over the dock in low water levels......--
  14. Cool thread - I've fished with quite a few - and a few a quite a few times - but I welcome more of both, they never failed to be interesting outings... I'd love to fish with many more - too many to list; there are so many anglers here who are worth getting to know, and learn from (Although I fear what might happen if Mercman and I got in a boat together and started talking Monty Python). My boat is always open for OFNers ( you may just have to knock Vinnimon and/ or Frankie65 out, though... ramp lizards always welcome Heres to a PB for all OFNers in 2011
  15. I just bought one from Jos as well (without the ice fishing add ons) Great to hear its all Jos said it was - come one soft water !!!
  16. Is that this years stock? Yikes thats a lot a rubba
  17. Now that sounds like a mighty fine idea.
  18. me three - 65 (give or take) days till I get the boat out of storage and prep her for spring fishing
  19. 138 - good luck. So, did you put the camera down and get out the rod after shooting that? Some nice fishies in there.
  20. <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dJcuETig9kE" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
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