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Everything posted by spincast

  1. jealous. of the fish and the opportunity you get to spend in the boat. Nice fish
  2. Great day on the water Joey! Trout for supper? Nothing like getting rocked by a multi million dollar wave, eh?
  3. all good ideas - done the plane musuem - cool, the locks are also a neat place - they have an info centre there that is worth seeing. For me everything in between is a drive... though I gotta ask, why you wouldn't cross at Port Huron? Shaves about an hour... Oh - and Kinger seems to know some good places on the St Marys...
  4. and a couple more.. if we assume (as I think is obvious) that the essays with counts equal tothe population of some 3rd world nations ( ) are being manipulated by some means which brings onto question the ethics behind it, Mackenzie is doing well and still deserves our support... so I continue to add votes as I can..
  5. When I bought the boat this spring hitting Erie for the walleye fishing was one of my "must do's". Never been able to do it except for one time when I went on a charter - which was great, but too expensive for an ongoing basis. Between weather, schedule and where they were in the lake, I haven't been able to get out. So after checking out the updates on Channel 6-8, the weather report and getting the all clear sign from the warden, it was off to Port Burwell with Vinnimon 5:00 am Saturday. The trailer lights had been causing me big headaches for the last month with a dead short. They would stay on in the garage or while driving around the block, but take it on the highway and within 25 minutes the fuse would blow. Finally found it last wednesday when I pulled all the wiring out and rewired it and put new LED stop lights on. They stayed on the whole way. Finally didn't have to finish a trip to the boat launch with the 4 ways on. Anyway - we arrived at Burwell just at sun up - to a line up almost all the way to the top of the road to the ramp. 20 minutes later it was our turn. Put in and followed the procession down the channell and into the lake. VERY choppy. Could not believe some of the guys who were out there in their tinners and how hard they were taking the waves. We took our time crusing out to the reccomended water depths at 1/4 throttle. Bouncing hard over 2.5 - 3 foot waves in a 16 fter isn't as fun as it used to be when I was a kid - plus all the tackle flys everywhere. Once we hit 58 ft of water we set up and started to make fish. For the day we got 3 Walters (2 of them PB's for both of us) - at 25 inches each for the big ones - and 1 jumbo Perch along with a couple of sheepies and 1 silver bass. We had the radio on and listened with jealously to the charter guys and locals as they were nailing fish at an indecent rate, all of them filling their boxes within a couple hours. Our newbie-ness was never more painful than while watching the boat next to us bang fish one after another while our four lines did not even twitch. I guess we are going to have to practice, practice, practice Vinces second one. Vince's tale of the tape once we got home... mine 5 minutes before meeting the fillet knife and the jumbo perch.. Hey Vince - I picked up a few pointers already for our next outing. Hopefully we can get out again before they move out of the area. Thanks for the great company and binging along that lure.... without it would have been a SLOW day
  6. If he could-- Hutch would tell you to go fish... You were lucky to have known him - to each of us come only 1 or 2 like that in our lives.- My condolences on your loss
  7. fun in the snow. put lots of weight back there. I had a 2 seater - did a 270 on me one day in the rain so fast I didnt know what hit me. survived that one ... and the guy who hit us in the freezing rain and rolled us a few years ago - had a rear drive safari. broke loose when he touched the gas an a lsight incline - hot us hard an rolled the whole thing - kids handing frm car seats upside down - wife still has a bad back from that. Mine came in red but was a lemon, if it could go wrong it did - electrical, mechanical, the works..........................................maybe just my luck? maybe why they dont make em anymore. Turned me off GMs after a life time of them. Hopefully yours will not be one of those...............
  8. definitely a US submarine patrolling for terrorists - or tobacco smugglers....
  9. Nice fish ... I am still looking for my first too - hope its as noce as that when it happens. and I'll bet those 10 hours went faster than any 8 at work
  10. Great report Frank - Knew you would love the park. Notice you caught some in the pencil reeds? Shame there are no pics of that musky - what a great experience.
  11. I told my wife I only spent 50 at the spring fishing show - that's my story and I'm sticking to it. the boat doesn't count as tackle, right
  12. awesome spot and great report. Thanks for sharing. Nice stringer of fish there too!
  13. Nice fish. How long till he gets a new PB And he will tell this to how many fishing patners how often...
  14. My daughter caught a gobie in Gloucestor pool on Friday night..... dissapointing in so many ways.
  15. beauty report, great pics and some nice bass - all 'round I would say an awesome summer. Thanks for the report!
  16. I don;t know if thats a smile Joey - I think I had the same expression when I had the treble stuck in my finger - But seriously - nice looking spinnerbait - and fish!.Looks like you just increased your sales a bunch - even if it is mail order only, much to Roy's dissappointment
  17. This is my favourite reply - just wish I had done it. (gotta get through the 10 second promo first) telemarketer call
  18. you'll want lots of water and then some baking soda to neutralise the acid . If you dont clean it up it well it'll eat away at the carpet and metal. Refill with distilled water only and recharge
  19. cut the hook, pullout the frog.. Nice fish BTW.
  20. WELL DONE!! SEE YOUR WIFE STILL OUT FISHES YOU LOL Nice pics Frank - you both did better than vince and me yesterday..
  21. those are sime seriously big fish. The one guy said the biggest he caught was over 7 ft and 260 lbs! They do charters for them too - take alook at these snaps: Texas Fishing charter too bad its so far away - not exactly a weekend trip...
  22. 71 degrees when we were there last week, and about 2ft below average. This shot probably shows it pretty well. Last Year the water was at the top of the docks...
  23. I think it has been on the reel for 3 seasons now, ? umm,,,, no offence , but THIS line has to go, especially if you are trolling, spinning, casting or doing anything other than jigging.....'cause its got nicks, its old, its gonna break..... and the only reason I exclued jigging is --- I don't do it enough to know.... now change the line and go get that lunker
  24. farmland, fertilizer, rivers. One has to go Do we want a poll?
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