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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Ya, the moose is spent. By the time a full blown resuce team would have came, that moose might have been close to dead. It sure was breathing heavy, and his tung was hanging out of it's face. Just look at how many times the chains where wrapped around. The moose might have been there for hours. Who knows.
  2. That sure is one tough swing set! I would have thought that moose would have ripped it out of the ground.
  3. If the rivets are accesible on both side, try tightening them first. If they can not be tightened any more, then drill and replace them. If you don't want to go thru the hastle, then find out which rivets are leaking as use something like 3M 5200, or Gluvit, and dab that on the leaking rivets.
  4. You sure are getting dialed in on the underwater camera! Great shots
  5. Great report! That's gunna make one heck of a good tasting meal!! Two of my favourite table fair
  6. Man oh man.. I'm not a bass fisherman, but I enjoyed that report! Awesome pics!
  7. Right on. That's a cool looking fish for sure.
  8. Nice Kev. Let me know if you need a hand getting your van stuck at the launch again this fall! I'd be more the happy to help you with that!
  9. I've fished with a pile of guys/gals from this wonderfull site. Posts like this come every now and then. I have an expanding OFC Bucket List of folks I would like to fish with. Not to point anyone out.... But: Fish up north with Moosebunk Go an a Mike Borger Adventure Hit the rivers around the Sault with Tdun Go bass fishing on Simcoe with Cudz (preferabliy while he is supporting the "monkey tail beard".) Fly into the temagami with Irishfield Beat the rivers with BillM and Brian for a day Hammar some geese with Sinker Hit 6-mile for a day with Bugugli Musky hunting on LSC with some of the musky guys! The list is much longer then this.. But I don't have time right now to type it out. It's funny, becayse everytime I think of who I want to fish with from this forum, my list keep growing longer and longer.
  10. I see it the same was as the warranty you get on a new set of Shingles for your roof. If your shingles have ever see sun - VOID If your shingles have ever see rain - VOID If your shingles have ever been hot - VOID If your shingles have ever been cold - VOID If the wind has ever blown hard on your shingles - VOID If your shingles are in stagnant air - VOID If you have ever looked at your shingles the wrong way - VOID If you installed your shingles - VOID I realize I am exadurating a little bit But I can definiatally see adding a jackplate will void the warranty on your boat and motor in SOME situations, but not all, which seems to be what Lund is also saying.
  11. The deer don't stand a chance!
  12. Well. If you do choose Nosbonsing, and the fishing happens to suck that weekend... You can always call up Chad and have him drive you out in the back of the ranger to one of his honey holes on Nip.
  13. X2. I've had to make my fishing partner drive my rig to the launch while I puked out this window. It was duck hunting, not fishing. Same deal IMO.
  14. Leak tests only take a few minutes. Well worth the effort. Hey, are you really going to fish 150 hours before end of the season. What's that, 2 months. 75 hours a month. That's almost 20 hours a week. Busy guy!
  15. This doesn't fit in all that well at the moment. But This band is stuck in my head. Not bad for a 2 peace. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3TCZfP7K1Q&feature=relmfu
  16. NAW


    Fall fishing = NO gloves. This time of the year is used to condition my fingers for the up coming ice fishing season. If my hands get to cold, I take a break for a few minutes, and warm them up in my pockets..
  17. I have two sets my self. The big traditionals for deep fresh snow. And MSR Denali for more packed crusty snow. The denali also has an extra padle you can add to the back to give you even more float. If I'm doing a long trec, the snow conditions don't matter, I will use the Denalis. I have bad knees, and the traditional shoes really bother me when doing long trecs. To answer your question, I have never used Faber before.
  18. "come on, he's like 2 feet long easy, He's huge"
  19. Nice pics Lew. I was lucky enough two see two bald eagles across the road from my house last year. I thought it was such a rare occasion to see two flying together in my neighbourhood, that I should maybe go buy a lotory ticket or something. Then 5 minutes later, my wife called and told me she was pergnant
  20. I guess I hear what your saying. I don't fish LMB out of weed beds because I don't want to be ripping their faces off like the pro's do. But I would never intentionally use gear to light for a targeted species just to make it more of a challenge. Like other's have mentioned, it's to hard on the fish. I stay somewhere in the middle. As for braid, I don't use it to I can mussel fish around. I use it so for the extra sensitivity, and I find it easier to tie knots with.
  21. Roughly where did you find these tracks? Looks like a wolf or coyote to me. Not 100% sure about the scat though.
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