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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Wow. That's an increadible thing to do! Very good on you man
  2. Wow.. Monster fish X2 on the bigger net Might make things easier on the net man.
  3. Sorry to hear about the loss of you bud Wayne. Sure looked like a beautiful dog. The story that you posted from Wild Bill sums up what many of us feel about our pets. I vividly remember the first time/place I took my dog fishing. She got so excited when I got a fish on the line! I never would have thought a dog would act like that. I was shore fishing the Coldwater river, and as soon as my rod bent over, she started to freak out. Sprinting back and forth along the shore line, and eventually jumping in the water after the fish. I'm sure you have several fond memories as well.
  4. That is insane. Congrets to all the people here who ran in the race!
  5. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak or If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong
  6. Awesome. Great to see the kids out enjoying some fishing!
  7. Thanks for the support Merc. I've been practicing all week! I think I'm ready
  8. My bro in-law is running it. He went up to Mount st louis last weekend to check out part of the coarse. Good luck man! Looks like it's going to be a real test of....well... Everything I'd be there in my lawn chair watching, but I've got to test my endurance at an open bar wedding.
  9. My bad. I was so wrapped up in the that Austin forum post, I made an assumption that you where talking about the same thing. Those boys are cut throat.
  10. Your a funny guy Merman.. I'm assuming you are talking about the post on the Austin forum. I read some of the replies in the later stages of the post. Polite :rofl2: Ya.. Very polite in deed
  11. Then you should know what type of comments some people here consider offensive. Whether or not YOU think they are offensive. back to the OP. Yikes.. 600 replies of guys flaming this kid. Mods on that forum really let things slide eh
  12. Good chance it was the co-pilot's fault. Told him to be in 3rd gear instead of 2nd. I didn't see a Pomeranian fly out the window during the tumble
  13. I've been to a launch at south portage rd in the winter. Seemed like limited parking to me? The local guys might be able to confirm that. I use the launch near Dorset off 35. It was great. Tons of parking. Google calls it Rabbit Bay.
  14. Blaques guitar playing post got me thinking my harder side. Love these guys.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ziH7PfCmOY&feature=fvwrel
  15. http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=sculpin+vs.+round+goby&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1676&bih=815&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=gwQIIdbmUk0OjM:&imgrefurl=http://www.iisgcp.org/exoticsp/roundgoby.htm&docid=RLB2Ih1RPkgQiM&imgurl=http://www.iisgcp.org/exoticsp/images/fs065sculpin.gif&w=368&h=280&ei=u8orUKK6AcWN7AGJ3oCADg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=193&vpy=154&dur=35&hovh=196&hovw=257&tx=169&ty=114&sig=110183571295258361719&page=1&tbnh=150&tbnw=197&start=0&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:73 I had to google it to tell the different. It's hard to tell for sure. I deffinitally catch a lot of goby in Kemp when perch fishing. Getting worse and worse.
  16. Thank god it's lunch time..! If I looked at that a few hours ago, I would have been a wreck till lunch time..
  17. Slow Mo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WisYeUAdeUA Actual speed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bxcWExWmfI Watch to the end to see them get out and walk away.. A true testiment to the shear TOUGHNESS of a good roll cage.
  18. That's some good stuff man! For some reason the video wouldn't show up, just the audio. I had to change the quality to 480p to get it to show..
  19. or AAAAHHHH Bill's going ballistic with the 30.06.. HHHEEEELLLPPPPP
  20. From what I understand, the personal message feature is a set up from a computer before you leave home. It can not be changed once you are out. There are only a few buttons on the unit. No keyboard (on the ones I've seen) This was a few years ago, they may have changed things since. Now if you could Text people using a Spot, that would be awesome..
  21. I've had several discussions with the Spot guys and search and rescue seminars/trade shows. The ones we where looking at (they where trying to sell us) could send pre set e-mails out to a list of people along with the GPS cords. So the people you have on your list can map out where you are. They seem limited in what they can do. But the main good thing is the SOS button. If you need to be rescued, you just hit a button. That sends a signal to the Spot guys, who then determine the closest/best rescue team to call out, and do so immediately.
  22. That's hillarious Randy! Where's the guy with a shot gun? Pull There's a ton of you tube videos of flying squerells.
  23. Whether the lake is big or small, it' still breaking the OFC rules. It was specific details, about a specific spot on the lake. I actually fish this exact location several times a year. A mod went in and removed the specific details on the location, which I appreciate very much.
  24. Your right slowpoke.. BUT I have a cottage on this lake, and it's tough enough fishing as it is. I don't appreciate people breaking the OFC rules and posting specific "hot" spots.
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