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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I haven't seen the new guy yet. Gunna have to try that out. Terry was just an all-round good guy. Great sense of humour. Now I'm curious to see what the new guy is like.
  2. I love finding new (to me) bands, then sharing them on this thread. Just found these guys today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmX9MKrKK7w
  3. Who knows what the conditions will be like next year.
  4. I've had good luck in there for pike on blue rap. husky jerks. Casting the bays, weedlines. (which there are tons of there!) Good luck!
  5. Amazing trip guys!! And great pics and write up as well. No kidding about being paralized by a slug gun blasting off. I've been down muzle of them before, and it takes a minute regain your self.. Scary stuff, but one for the memory banks
  6. X2. Lots of water to cover. Lots of places to stay. Lots of BIG pike!
  7. The Tiffen launch was a :asshat: last year when I was there fishing.
  8. Very sorry to here about your dog. He's going to be supper bummed out that he can't go hunting with you this year.
  9. Welcome aboard man! great first post
  10. Georgian Bay. They can be a little trick to find, and they move around a lot during the season. But there are some hogs in there for sure. I generally stick to the Severn Sound, but that's because it is close, and there are some sheltered areas I can fish with my 14' tinner.
  11. Yes. But you can still out fish them! I think Kevin has one in his might have to shack up there
  12. Thanks. From certain angles very much so. And from others he looks like his Mom.
  13. Good luck in the coming weeks! It's a roller coaster for sure
  14. You know what they say. If you have a son, you only have to worry about 1 dick. If you have a daughter, you have to worry about thousands.
  15. Thanks Simon! I'll PM you my wife's cell number. Maybe telling her with that nice accent will help ease her mind
  16. Oh.. And here I thought it was the well water. Work back the conception date, and it was the week we moved in to our new house in Orr lake. Don't want to get in to details, but had been trying for over 2 years before that....
  17. I was thinkin ice fishing this winter......? But my wife said I have to wait till he's atleast 5 to go on the ice with dad
  18. One of the reasons we try to to conserve our fisheries and wildlife, is to one day be able to enjoy it with our children and grand-children. Last night, that moment became one step closer with the birth of my son Alexander. He is our first child, so we where expecting a battle in the delivery room. BUT we where surprised!! Mel (my wife) started to get cramps at 5am Saturday morning. The contractions started to get bad around 6pm. By the time we got to the hospital is was 9:30pm. Alexander popped out at 11:30pm, 2 hours after we got there. The doc was tied up in an emergency surgery, so no drugs for my wife :stretcher: Man oh Man, words can not explain the profound respect I have for my wife after witnessing this event. :worthy: I don't want this post to be all about Alex and my family. I know there are a handful of members who are expecting any time now, or in the coming fall. If you've got pics of your next generation fisherman/woman, please post them up!! It's all about family right!! This is Saturday around Noon. This is literally 12 hours later. I hope some more members with newborns post up some pics too! Or anyone who wants to show off some photos of their kids enjoying the outdoors!! Heck, we have posts where we show off our pets, cars, songs... Why not our kids! I'm so pumped to teach him how to use a baitcaster
  19. That's a great shot! Thanks for posting. Edit. Kid of reminds me of Roy's one avitar pic...
  20. Next time your going to Six Mile, send me a PM. I can give you some pointers on the lake.. As long as they stay of the main forum after
  21. Looks like a great summer. Congrets on the bassmaster wins!
  22. Oh man, those are some brutes I can't wait to see the videos as well.! Edt.. The fishing rods look funny in the second pic though. Fisheye Lense?
  23. You gotta throw in a bad report once in a while to counterbalance some of the increadible report on this site. Sorry for your luck man. Atleast you got to spend some quality time with the fam.
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