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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2022 in all areas

  1. Still out and about, still chasin da trout. Fun fight. O4T
    6 points
  2. I did not catch this,but a guy that ordered a certain colored #6 silly leg caught it. Nice when they send you back results. video-1644783663.mp4
    4 points
  3. All of us take for granted our freedom, freedom to go fishing, hunting, to travel, to have firearms, to speak, to assemble, to raise our kids in the best way we know how in God's image. You might not see it now, but these rallies and protests in Canada and worldwide are happening because some people are awake and can see something bad is happening. Evil, terrible things have happened in history. It's naive to think they could never happen again. It's crunch time. Time to decide what side of history you will be on.
    3 points
  4. Despite the rules in place, some of just can't seem to be able to comprehend that this is not the place for your political views... HH
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. I tied these up, not many. Wanted to get some feed back if they would sell. I would charge 2 for $5. They are weighted. Lead wraps and bead.
    1 point
  7. Fishing and travel is what this is about. Balancing a life in the north and south, pointing a moral compass, maintaining some sanity, and fighting the clock while experiencing all that’s possible. This past year I visited Nunavut’s highest north, most east and furthest west communities for work, essentially and finally leaving my footprints in all four corners of the Arctic Territory. Outside of that accomplishment, there has been fishing, and the past four seasons witnessed so many personal best catches for family and friends and days on the water, that so much can just never be forgotten. My fish, many other's fish like personal bests for Leah, Bren and friends, and so much of the best I could get of the scenery, please enjoy this one… LINK ON IN HERE TO........ BIG FISH, BIGGER WONDERS. BIG FISH, BIGGER WONDERS. Best to all in 2022.
    1 point
  8. Perhaps he misunderstood when he heard a women talking about hooking something in the ice hut https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/02/10/ohio-hudson-mayor-craig-shubert-ice-fishing-prostitution/
    1 point
  9. Should definitely be biodegradable........we no longer use lead shot for waterfowl eliminating non-biodegradable plastics should be next on the list.
    1 point
  10. Might as well lock this one up now. The prev one on this subject went down in flames fast
    1 point
  11. Anyone who denies this is a problem... (a) is unfamiliar with Char family digestive tract. The end of the stomach does a 180 degree turn in specks, lakers, splake and kin (b) has not cleaned or eaten very many trout. This has been a well known problem causing fish mortality for many years. Various studies by credentialled people have confirmed this fact. Google it. Very little has been done to correct it voluntarily by soft bait manufacturer formulations, or by legislation, despite the facts being presented for years. There is only one bait company I know of, whom transitioned to a bio degradeable formulation.
    1 point
  12. Why Terry, there's no Brown's where you're going..
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. I don’t know why but every time I see the title “ice brownie “ I think the story is going to be about something else
    1 point
  15. Nice catch That is the best compliment you can get for a well done job.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Nice i think I need a couple for my fishing trip
    1 point
  18. I am going to make from deboned thighs with skin on next time. I picked up a pack of 14 for 12 bucks yesterday and vac packed in 3,s. Skin is going to give it that extra crunchiness.
    1 point
  19. https://www.cleveland19.com/page/business/love-shack-margarita-hudson-restaurants-drink-menu-pokes-fun-after-mayor-suggests-ice-fishing-leads-prostitution/ Actually fished that small lake when I was a kid. Dude has generated some laughter!
    1 point
  20. Got an email this morning and well , I knew this high hook would catch and it did. This is my buddy laughing Loon. Go figure it would take another loony guy to catch a nice fish like this.
    1 point
  21. Good video. Yesterday, fishing for perch, buddy beside me was fishing a dropper above his bottom lure (usually a Buckshot), and I was fishing with a Buckshot, or a Forage Minnow, and no dropper. I would say that I outfished him for numbers, and we were about even for larger perch. No jumbos hit the top hook, which was interesting. We were inside a shelter and able to sight-fish for the most part. The perch were mostly coming in as singles and doubles, rather than in schools. I think if we had been seeing schools of fish, the dropper would have been more successful. Doug
    1 point
  22. Feeling a little stir crazy my brother and I decided to head up to the cottage to ice fish. Unfortunately or fortunately we timed it so we were there with all the crazy snow a few weeks ago Our main plan wasn’t accomplished but we got out, caught some fish and had an awesome time even being stuck for an extra day. https://www.northernjacks.com/post/ice-fishing-in-snowmageddon Cheers Andrew
    1 point
  23. Hey guys, Got out with an outfitter for a couple days on the south shore of Nipissing. Fishing was.... beyond slow. Having Panoptix and really seeing how fish are reacting, I don't know if I marked more than 2 walleye the entire 2 days. Lots of Cisco's around though. But that is fishing I guess. Anyway we moved out of our bungalow for a while to a day hut in a little deeper water and hooked up with this guy. My face says it all. Luckily there was a measuring tape on the wall. 31" and what i'd have to assume is over 10lbs. Not a lot of fish were caught but a memory of a lifetime for me and my Dad. Cheers BM11
    1 point
  24. A nice chunker that smashed a half/half williams on the flutter down. Didn't even see the mark it came in so fast..
    1 point
  25. Oh a dime a piece, I will take them all lol
    1 point
  26. I'll go for a volume discount 6 for $15.00 😊
    1 point
  27. So I'm trying to spend a bit of time with this little lady. And I am not asking for your secret spots, just whether access is still permitted there. Thanks, folks. Doug
    1 point
  28. Howdy folks , thought it was time to do an annual report . I’m always on here and appreciate everyone that takes the time to post. 2021 is a year I’ll never forget and not because of the fishing but we will get into that . Started off the year doing my normal Winter steelheading and trout chasing . Nothing really to report there . Some cold days and some warmer than usual , lost a ton of streamers but that’s how it goes sometimes . Had one Pike outing with Mepps but we didn’t dial them in , new waters and all but it was fun . Since I’ve caught this Musky bug all my focus and preparation has gone into getting ready for June. We did a scouting mission the end of May and made some great observations and put down a few pins . Just as things were about to get fired up , I got the news that my old man had stage 4 terminal cancer . One of the many downsides to this pandemic is that the lack of Dr appointments, virtual appointments and delays in testing and they just aren’t catching things in time . It was a tough blow and I packed up and headed to Peterborough to spend the last 3 months he had with the old man. I gotta give props to the Peterborough hospital palliative care team and also Hospice Peterborough . Those people and what they do are the true Hero’s of our communities. I managed to get a couple of trips in whenever Pops would tell me to take a day off . Caught one small juvenile ski on a shadzilla jr. on a day trip . Really gotta thank Mepps for the support during that time and getting me out to fish and just clear my mind . It was a way too short battle with cancer and I am grateful I had the opportunity to be with him everyday till his last . Rest In Peace Pops , I know you are looking down on me. With the funeral taken care of and his affairs settled I headed back to Niagara and back to life , the family and chasing Muskies . Mepps and I got back on schedule and usually were out once if not twice a week working the spots we had success at last year while discovering new structure and techniques. Thanksgiving Monday we took our first of a few trips down to Lake St. Clair , it was so warm we were in T- Shirts . Insane for Turkey Monday. We entered the lineup of 60 other boats that morning trolling the mouth of the Thames . The water was a chocolate brown and reminded me of the chocolate milk we got as kids in school. Managed to catch a decent pike trolling a jointed believer in the prop wash. Snot rocket went nuts boat side and wrapped itself up good in the 65 lb braid . Come early afternoon we packed it up and took the short run to the Detroit River , got a decent fish on the troll, she smashed a Supernatural Headlock towards the end of our run. Spent a couple of days down on St Clair In October and November but the constant poor conditions didn’t lead to much luck in the ways of boating fish . Last trip down there the water temps had hit 37 degrees and it was a long shift of trolling to come up skunked. Safe to say Lady St. Clair still hasn’t come through for us lads lately. Back on the home waters I had much better luck the month of November , multiple hook ups and ended up landing 5 decent fall fish . Mepps and I sure did put the time in. Learned a bunch and figured out a couple of good runs , I finally felt like we were building a pattern . Let me just say that jigging for Muskies in fast current is not for the faint of heart. You catch a snag and if someone doesn’t get on the main motor quick you will find yourself spooled . Happened to me once or twice lol. December hit and any pattern We thought we had just shut down , dang Muskies changed it up on us . The weekend before Closer we had a monster storm roll through on Erie , I’ve never seen the water that stained in the river . Sure did make fishing tough , we put in long days the last 2 days of season to only see one fish on the end of Mepps line . Ended the season not too successful but when I looked back on the season as a whole I did better than last and learned a ton . The one thing about being out with Mepps is we are always talking , analyzing our last trips , sharing knowledge and pushing each other to be better Anglers . It sure doesn’t take fish to have a good fishing trip , you just gotta have the right people around ya. 2021 is a year I’ll never forget , one I’m both happy and sad to put behind me and as I settle back into steelheading and chasing trout , I’m already dreaming and scheming for this June. Life is short , my Fathers advice to me at 71 , only 6 years into his retirement and stuck in a hospital bed fighting a losing battle was “ Don’t wait on doing anything you want to do, get out and live your dreams now. Don’t waste your life busy working all the time. When you reach to the end of your time here , all you have is the memories you made with the ones you loved. Always put your family first and yourself second “ Words I’m trying to live by now. Thanks for reading and tightlines everyone.
    1 point
  29. Lol something tells me the guys complaining about the price drink a lot of busch or carling lol
    1 point
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