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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2021 in all areas

  1. There has been more incidents this year I believe because of covid, with everyone stir crazy and a lot of newbies because it was something to do, there were quite a few tragedies in the first part of the season. Seeing the amount of water I saw in the ditches pouring into the lake it can wreck the shorelines and ice near to shore really quick.
    2 points
  2. Trucks on ice still? Are people nuts? The ice came on late, it has been crazy warm the past couple weeks and tons of wind. Recipe for disaster. I would be a little concerned about walking out to fish, parking a vehicle on the ice would not even enter my mind.
    2 points
  3. I'd be more likely to try wood glue with the cork saw dust. I think Outdoor Canada or Ontario out of Doors just had a cork handle touch-up tip.
    2 points
  4. I tried making my own but I did something wrong and it came out thin and watery and made me dizzy when I drank it. 🤣
    2 points
  5. I’d been using Plano type boxes, but wanted a designated box for the lures and this was the option I went with. Three 10 foot vinyl downspouts and a Rubbermaid container. Ten inch jakes and believers are the longest I have and 11 inch sections fit in the box. Now to fill those other spots...
    1 point
  6. Anyone else do it, this is my second year . next time I make bacon I'm using this syrup in my brine. This is what I yielded from 25gallons of sap.
    1 point
  7. I really think thats a smart move on your part, a lot of that stuff looks like low end and you would have a hard time getting rid of it at almost any price. I have a box full of stuff that I bought over the years because the price was right, much of it has never even seen water but I might use it some day 😊
    1 point
  8. People are so cheap that they will risk theirs and their families lives to save the $30 parking cost. No joke
    1 point
  9. No doubt some of it is Corona related. I’m pretty sure that some people that have recently been trying trucks and minivans on the ice are probably really new to ice fishing. Perhaps it’s even a new hobby this year for something to do. I’ve been on the ice on a quad in plus temperatures many times and even gotten my boots wet getting off the ice on a bike on more than one occasion. But I’ve been doing it a long time as have many here. Knowing what I saw Ice wise from the start of this season until now, there’s no way many of us would’ve been caught out there in full size vehicles. However if it was your first rodeo, and you read ice charts that show vehicles OK on a foot of ice, but don’t know the difference between a foot of crap Ice vs good ice and the effects of runoff etc I guess I can see it happening. You would think at some point a warning bell would go off in the brain, but I have seen many examples of people absent that bell.
    1 point
  10. True Chris, but CA dries clear, less likely to stick out like a sore thumb. Luthiers (guitar makers) use CA on these type of repairs to finished guitars. It's quicker to set, take sanding well and will match up colour wise. HH
    1 point
  11. I was a Ford guy through and through. Had 3 F150's in recent years. Last two gave me sleepness nights. Both had V6 Ecoboosts. Between undiagnosed misfires and electronics that would go blank and reset while driving. I also know at least 3 friends who have had problems with 2018/2019 F150's with 5L. Huge oil consumption. I assume that Ford has fixed the issue with 2020/2021 models. So, I went to the dark side. Bought a 2019 RAM Rebel with the Hemi. Love it so far. Put over 30K on it and not a squeak. Gas mileage around town is not quite as good as the V6 Eco, but with the trailer or boat on it's night and day. The twin turbos were forever kicking in on the Ford and mileage went down. On an East coast trip I was averaging around 25L/100Km. Unless something unforeseen happens I intend to keep this truck 'till either it dies or I do...or, maybe a RAM TRX if I will the lottery..🙂😁
    1 point
  12. Yep I saw that as well in a recent issue.
    1 point
  13. How much of that stuff is actually going to be useful for you?
    1 point
  14. Hoe much are they willing to pay you to store all that stuff? How long has it been hanging there? Is the line even usable at this point? These are questions I would be asking. HH
    1 point
  15. Go to the dollar store and buy cork trivets. You will get two for a buck. Sand the trivets, in order to get a nice pill of cork dust. Add Super glue to the dust and mix thoroughly. Apply slurry to the handle and allow to dry over-night. Sand smooth with rough to fine sandpaper. If needed, apply another coat of superglue to seal the repair. Reel handles are probably available from the manufacturer. HH
    1 point
  16. $300 and remove all and leave the space clean
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. No razors in Welland either! Lol!
    1 point
  19. The warlock with the hemi is a solid truck and probably the best price being a classic model.
    1 point
  20. That would really depend on what you are going to do with it, if all it's going to do is collect dust then why buy it at all? If you are thinking of re-selling it then is the potential profit worth the time and effort? Is there enough stuff in there that you are going to use and really need to justify buying a bunch of stuff you might never use?....... Many questions would need to be answered before I would consider what it's value would be to me.
    1 point
  21. ...from the back deck last night. Just messing around with a new camera and trying a couple things.
    1 point
  22. First time I've ever seen 2 that close together. Taken about 35M away with a 30x lens.
    1 point
  23. Well, after I saw that rolled pizza made by misfish, I decided to try it with puff pastry. It was an interesting experiment. But I don't think I'd try it again.....🙄
    0 points
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