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  1. Personally, I'll base my decision on the vaccines on the recommendations of scientists and medical experts rather than a few people on a fishing website that THINK their experts on everything.
    5 points
  2. I think for everyone’s safety people need to make one of two choices: 1) Get the vaccine 2) Wear a tin foil so we at least know who to stay away from. 😁
    5 points
  3. and look bad risking their possibility of re-election? Ha! Theres always a scapegoat isnt there. This is how I feel about a lot of this type of stuff...ive always been confused why people need to go to great lengths to create conspiracies when the truth is just as shocking and interesting lol. Thats the thing, scandalous type stuff always ends up making its way out because its almost impossible to keep secrets, especially in 2020. Even more so when multiple people need to be involved. The truth can make for some really interesting reading! lol
    4 points
  4. Which end do you light?
    2 points
  5. I had eel last year when on business in Japan. That and lord knows what else 🥴
    2 points
  6. Why not break some new ground? Sea Lampreys are probably fair game. Maybe toss a cormorant or two in the smoker too while your at it. Everything tastes good once it’s smoked!
    2 points
  7. I managed to find some good ice a ways down a snowy logging road. it was great to be back on ice again, and it was a bonus to actually see a few fish.
    1 point
  8. would suck if you went that far just to find unsafe ice! glad it worked out
    1 point
  9. Yeah but you did find ice and fish so it’s worth it soon it will be frozen a little farther south and I will be hitting a small lake or two
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 2x4 here, but thanks for the offer bud . I got crap to get done this weekend.
    1 point
  12. DANG YOU ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nice dude.
    1 point
  13. If none of the vaccines work out as hoped, aren’t we stuck with the significant public health measures for the foreseeable future, with double-digit senior deaths daily? An effective vaccine or an effective treatment that favours survival even if you catch covid-19 seem to be the only hope out of this predicament we’re all in. I think that scary thought is maybe what prompts some people in the world to deny that the virus even exists, or say “damn the torpedos” and place others at great risk by setting aside public health guidelines. I agree that the changing tune since March hasn’t helped any.
    1 point
  14. The covid vaccines is an mRNA vaccine. It's not a traditional vaccine but something new that their have branded as a vaccine. If anyone has done any more research on mRNA they will know that mRNA doesn't prevent you from actually getting or transmitting a virus. It simply suppresses the symptoms of it. Dr. Faudi in the US expects herd immunization will occur sometime in 2021. This is again because these "vaccines" do no prevent you from gettin it. I am not an anti vaxxer by any stretch but what I do know, having worked for several large pharma companies is this. 1. mRNA is a new technology and just because it's called a vaccine doesn't mean it is the same as traditional vaccines. 2. The average time to market for any new drug is 8 years. Phase 3 clinical trials (where people actually get tested) is a 3-5 year process. These covid vaccines has gone from inception to injection in 8 months. 3. None of the vaccine manufacturer's will publish whether or not there may be a danger to any demographoc nor will they publish whether they think there will be any type of long term effects. Medical professionals are gambling on these so called vaccines because they have to 1. justify their jobs and 2. provide positive reinforcement for the social benefits of everyone.
    1 point
  15. Figured with season closing it was time to file a report on my 2020 musky season. I haven’t targeted these fish much in the past , the odd cast in the Kawartha’s and a few days 15 yrs ago when I lived up on Quinte was all I really had under my belt. During these crazy times this year I was glad to have fishing to fall back on as my time to get away from life and unplug . From spring to fall the past few years I’ve been either playing or coaching baseball and fishing really only picked up for the salmon run and again for the browns and Steelies. Playing indoor softball in the winter kept me busy most weekends , but with baseball being removed from my life ,I was stoked to reconnect with my old friend Mepps . Anyone that knows Clive knows he is passionate about Esox fishing. Our first trip out we met up with another angler and got caught up and as I casted a tube looking for a smallie he started showing me pictures of his last season catches and talking Musky, somewhere in that trip I caught Musky Fever... I think it was a month later before we got out again. By this point I had bought a Entry level Shimano broomstick (heavy rod) and also Abu Revo Toro Beast and a few lures. I didn’t connect with any fish that trip but man did we have fun . The next time we went out I finally hooked into a decent Musky, that fish was enough to keep me going all season long. Our next trip out , I had upgraded the rod and picked up another Abu Revo. I lost 3 fish that day , one that will haunt me to the grave . A massive Niagara Musky that was able to rip line off that Abu reel with the drag buttoned down and looked as mean and as big as I had been dreaming about . Clive turned to get the net and in one beautiful out of the water head shake she spit the lure and swam away. Remember breaking up with your first girlfriend .... It was worst than my teenage heart ache and probably wound up costing me more than my first divorce . I then entered Musky Maniac mode and out came my addictive personality . I bought a few more rods , another reel and more lures. Swimbaits , glide baits, top water , bucktails. Suicks , grandmas and jakes , my collection was starting to sound like a Hillbilly family reunion . Fall was quickly approaching and I was frantically preparing to hunt down a 50” Fall fishing in Ontario and Monster Musky is usually associated with 2 bodies of water , not that other bodies of water don’t have them but in all my research and talking to experienced Musky anglers , LSC and the Larry always came up. We planned on hitting LSC a few times and if an opportunity came up to fish the Larry we would be on it like white on rice. I was excited for the Musky Factory and the stories of multi fish days and upper class 40 “ fish and those 50”s being caught had my thoughts consumed. I entered swimbait mode and bought more rubber than the GoodYear plant in Napanee. I’m lucky being self employed and have some good guys working for me that taking a day off during the week is no issue. That first trip we got down to LSC and started fishing at 10 pm , a nap in the car and a few stops for food , we would finish fishing at 7pm the next day . This is how our next 5 trips to LSC would look. We fished through rain storms , snow ,winds, cold temps , warm temps , whatever Mother Nature threw at us , we grinded it out. Changing spots after minor and major moon phases , cycling through swim baits and throwing everything we got . Clive caught a few nice fish on our trips . I acquired the stench of skunk on me that still hasn’t washed off and achieved Master level status as a Net Man. I think I can safely say I put in 80 plus hours fishing LSC and all I caught was other peoples lost tackle ,bait and on our last trip the most albino walleye I’ve ever seen hit my 10” Poseidon . That fish would be my only fish from LSC and a musky has not been on the end of my line since Sept 7th. I met a lot of great guys out fishing on LSC , the vibe amongst most Musky anglers is great and other than one mishap ( Clive’s story to share ) we had a great time each and every trip. Visiting pet stores that sell Musky gear, buying lures being locally made and visiting towns I’ve never seen. I thought maybe this drought would have discouraged me, maybe made me think about sticking to the fishing I’m more experienced with . At one point Clive offered to buy all my gear for .50 cents on the dollar and for a spilt second I entertained it . I would be lying if I said it didn’t get into my head , every trip home analyzing everything I was doing , spending hours on YouTube watching videos, listening to Musky podcasts while at work and every trip down to LSC determined to catch a beast , only to repeat the process over again . Mama didn’t raise no quitter and if anything it has fuelled me to spend more time chasing Musky come June 2021. The gear is still piling up , the tackle boxes getting bigger(those special mate 13” sure are sweet) and come June I hope to start putting more fish in the basket than I did this year ... I don’t think it’s going to be hard to beat but then again I can still smell the skunk as I sit typing this out . I’ll be out this winter doing the usual trout fishing but you better believe all I’m dreaming about is the day I land that 50”!
    1 point
  16. That what I say about brussel sprouts, cabbage rolls and any peppers.
    1 point
  17. Lol out of all of the food available at the grocery store, I’m not sure how someone looks at one of those things and says to themselves, mmmm delicious
    1 point
  18. Gross. When I was a teen I would "catch" all kinds of lampreys in the Humber under the old mill bridge. Never thought about eating one...preferred throwing them at my friends instead.
    1 point
  19. Grimsby has got a point. Heck the same goes for walleye. No big deal to have 100 boats in one small stretch of water keeping two fish per person meanwhile if you target bass in may...and let’s get serious bass arent spawning in 40 degree water, then game over. oh it’s also cool to keep 30 crappies a day im a big believer that our protection of them during late may and June is paramount to protecting the fishery, but I have no clue why they are closed all winter aside from the fact they stack up. This reg makes sense to me. for people asking about my muskys canada comment, I’ve had the pleasure of fishing with Fisherpete who without putting words in his mouth quit attending muskies canada meetings because he didn’t agree with how some guys truly were handling the resource. I think he said something along the lines of “it’s just an excuse for those guys to drink beer” When I fished with pete he took absolutely every single precaution available to him to ensure the fish survived and low and behold we never lost a fish over multiple trips. and then through a friend I went fishing with a couple of muskies canada members and watching how they handled the fish we caught I was stunned. I thought they would all consistently take utmost care of the fish being “members” and I wouldn’t call it anything close to the care that pete takes. let’s just say I’m glad I learned fish care from pete...his methods can be used for all species and I do use them for everything and subsequently very rarely have difficulty releasing fish, to the point that they almost never even need any form of reviving.
    1 point
  20. I could not live where it gets that cold all winter. I don't like temperatures below 35F.
    1 point
  21. I agree. This can’t be healthy. Man was not designed to pull up to a drive through window and with zero effort, consume 2500 calories!
    1 point
  22. Poachers gonna poach nothing will stop it. But who in there right mind wants to eat smallies when most of the meat fisherman are in the kawartha s at that time slaying crappies
    1 point
  23. Good decision on the edit; stirring a pot of crap doesn't make the stink go away. I have no idea of what you deleted; but reading your other posts over the years, I feel you knew to leave it alone; you seem to know what's fighting for. There's so much crap going on with everyone's opinion on who to believe, on what is the right tack to take on this. This will be my last post on this thread. Other then this! damn COVID! We here (web family) and our families at home will take this to the ends of the fight. Like Churchill's speech in June of 1940 said "We will never surrender" I'm going to try and keep as healthy as I can, as long as I can. There's way to many of you guys I want to meet in person. No Hugs social distancing you know. LOL Dan.
    1 point
  24. Like I tried to convince my good buddy Lloyd yesterday, healthy people need to get on board and be vaccinated to protect themselves and more importantly, based on current recommendations, those like my Wife that probably will not be able to get vaccinated and all the other immune suppressed people out there currently in Cancer battles and the like that definitely can't get a shot.
    1 point
  25. I have a friend who has a doctorate in biology. She can explain the entire vaccine development process, lay out everything about it with honesty. And there's always going to be someone saying "Yeah, well what do you know?" because they've spent too much time buying into videos on social media.
    1 point
  26. A vaccine triggers a person’s immune system to recognize a virus and become able to attack it without the person having to experience the illness that is typically caused by the virus. That’s what the Pfizer vaccine approved by Health Canada and the Moderna vaccine under regulator review by Health Canada propose to do. This thread was originally about whether people would take the regulator approved vaccines, and along the way it got hijacked to include discussion about an alternative drug that does not have regulator approval for use against COVID-19. I hope this thread can get back to its roots, because that’s exactly what each of us will be grappling with over the next 12 months (I hope the vaccination program doesn’t require longer than that to offer vaccines to everyone that wants one). Why not start another thread for discussion about alternative treatments so this one can remain focused?
    1 point
  27. 2 years ago my daughter got one on the port Dalhousie Pier, I've got a few years ago but this is bigger than any I got, she let it go and reported it.
    1 point
  28. I just asked if you would or not,take the shot, and getting all this info . Seems there are many different opinions on this . Like I said,I will wait,to see how these vaccines work . I do take the flu shot, but IMO , it has been proven and I am happy to not have the flu . Side note here, For those of us taking pro action in washing our hands every chance we get, rubbing with sanitizer and wearing masks as requested,do you think this will keep the cold virus down more then norm ? I do this as much as possible .
    1 point
  29. I think they are considered endangered/protected now, no? Used to often see them washed up on the beach as a kid, haven’t seen one in years .
    1 point
  30. Thanks....I'm going back tomorrow, if you have a 4x4 with good tires send me a PM brother
    0 points
  31. My wife's sister is in a long term care home in Whitby where only one resident is negative for the virus. My SIL isn't too bad yet but sadly many of the folks have died.
    0 points
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