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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2019 in all areas

  1. I stood in the rain with my 2 youngest. They didnt seem to mind, and neither did I. Sometimes life throws you lemons. Showing kids how to make the best of it despite the circumstances helps them develop personal strength.
    4 points
  2. Sad part is , that most of the kids that get free breakfast at school do so because the parents are too f'n lazy to deal with their own before they head off to work and dump it on the free provider. In my day parents would have been ashamed, but the free for all society has apparently dismissed any dignity! 5 % I feel sorry for, because they truly need the hand out.
    3 points
  3. The great adventure posters don't post here no more.
    2 points
  4. No matter how you wear it.. it won't look like the gals in the pictures!
    2 points
  5. Sitting in a nice warm hut on Simco, a pot of chicken noodle soup simmering on the stove, a big bag of home made jerky and those beautiful big Simco perch hammering your line....... come on hard water 😊
    2 points
  6. Another avid hardwater angler here. Not long now. Boat is put away last week but I still got out yesterday from shore. Makes me laugh, people in town always asking if I'm sad fishing season is over, there is no such thing as fishing season being over except for the 2 weeks it takes from first ice to safe ice.
    2 points
  7. Canada is turning into a nation of marshmallows. Why not just buy 5lbs of candy stay home and plunk the kids in front of the screen
    2 points
  8. No different than shopping at Dollarama or CTC's own brands.
    2 points
  9. Two firefighters were hurt in Toronto last night when they fell from a roof while fighting a fire. One is in critical condition, prayers go out for his full recovery!
    1 point
  10. Are you a new member of P3TA ?🤣
    1 point
  11. Tennessee Guy used to post them all the time, some huge pike, but like some us age has idercaught up with us? We never considered a pike good sized until it hit the 40 inch mark, but fishing pressure has had an effect too?
    1 point
  12. There was a bunch when Solopaddler still posted here.
    1 point
  13. I grew up poor. We made due with what we had, and if we didn't have it, we'd find a way to make it or work towards getting it. Babying every human on the earth has watered down society so much that all we are left with are whining, entitled brats. Suck it up and get outside. Its good for you. P.S....since when has weather ever stopped me from going fishing or hunting? Never has and never will. S.
    1 point
  14. We went to Big Gull lake near Northbrook Ont. in Sept. I couldn't believe how small they were. 12 or 14 inches long. A guy was telling us about the one that got away and he said you won't believe this but I bet that pike was 2 feet long. I haven't been there since 2006 and the fishing was getting bad then I thought but man I couldn't believe it. The lake is as beautiful as it ever was but the fishing pressure must be relentless. Big boats every where and blast by you at full tilt 20 yards away. How far north or west do you have to go these days to get into fishing like it was 30 or 40 years ago.
    1 point
  15. I catch a couple here and there. 😎
    1 point
  16. I remember our first Hallowe'en in Manitoba, -10 and 2 feet of snow. Do you think that stopped the kids, nope. Dress right and fill the pillow case. My boys went out twice to make sure they got a full load.
    1 point
  17. When I was young I used to walk 50 miles barefoot in the snow to school and I had to pay for halloween candy with money I earned working night shift at the grain mill...Blah Blah Blah the horses in here are mighty high
    1 point
  18. Like I said Shayne I could care less and our discussion the other night had nothing to do with changing dates because of the weather which just opens a whole can of worms I don't care about either. It was all about making it a Friday or Saturday night so the vast majority could have a nice evening out....or in... and not worry about work or school the next day. The kids don't care at all as long as they get there sugar fix...lol.
    1 point
  19. I can understand that reasoning, but Why change it now? What if it rains or snows on the last friday? Do we change it to the next day with a nice forecast? How about we leave it as it has been for hundreds of years, and deal with the weather as it comes. S.
    1 point
  20. I'd bet that is what a lot of "parents" did. I agree, a bunch of whining, entitled pussies. S.
    1 point
  21. So we teach the kids NOT to take candy from strangers and then send them out in the dark to get candy from STRANGERS......... am I missing something here.
    1 point
  22. I really dont give S or a F about halloween .
    1 point
  23. Big family chat about this last night because of the news about Montreals plans. The winning choice in our group comprised of grandparents and parents was more about when then weather. Our group would all like Halloween to be relegated to a Friday or Saturday night so everyone has the next day off rather then worrying about babysitting or having to work in the morning. Make it like fishing seasons. Example bass opens last Friday in June around here. Make trick or treat night the last saturday in October. Easy Peasy. Edit to add. I'm retired and could care less. Just thinking it would be good for families dealing with daycare and 2 working parents. Something us older generations never ever had to give any thought too.
    1 point
  24. Changing Halloween is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Enough helicopter parenting. If you want candy that badly, grab a poncho and an umbrella, also a flash light and go get your candy.
    1 point
  25. It was a good try however it got ugly with members tuning against each other and feelings hurt. I had 9 reports on the thread. I consider it a fail the no religious and no Political posts are still not allowed and will be cut off quickly. If we had a room full of people who could respect that opinions are allowed and that not everything is black and white we could breach these subjects. Art
    1 point
  26. Well... I can tell you some do. I bought a one year old Ranger 620 in 2011, had some issues (minor) in 2017 and called Ranger, they told me if i brought it down they would fix the issues as a courtesy. I like to drive so away i went. Took a tour of the factory and said good buy to my boat. Went back 5 months later (April) to get it ( and another tour of the factory) Put new bunks and fenders,new keel guard and did the brakes all FREE. You can't top that
    1 point
  27. thats the problem with most things when it comes to getting opinions about boats is people are very brand loyal. Just like with cars, you wont see to many dodge guys telling you how great an f150 or vice versa. I can honestly say with 100% conviction that having spent my life with quads, skidoos, and boats, two things are consistent. Sometimes you have a bad one, sometimes you have something that just seems to last forever. The only weird one is that every japanese motor myself or my family or very close friends have owned has lasted. We had/have a suzuki quad from 1986 that my uncle who just passed away still had. A very good friend of mine's 85 three wheeler honda still runs (hes had the head redone), my nephews 89 suzuki 4 wheeler runs, my 88 suzuki 15 outboard still runs, and my 1998 yamaha 2 stroke outboard runs. None of them seem to die. Go to Mexico or cuba and check what outboards they are running, they are literally 100% old beat to hell yamahas...that...still run? That was enough to sell me when I was buying an 20 year old outboard with my boat last year. I went with what I knew would probably keep running, and not surprisingly aside from an impeller change, I havent had a single issue.
    1 point
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