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A real tough guy


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We were in our favorite small town restaurant for supper last night and our waitress was telling us about an incident 2 weeks ago at their other location.

They had a 17 year old girl working at the door checking peoples vaccination receipts and some loud mouth jerk came in. When the girl asked him for the receipt he said he wasn't vaccinated and had no intention of ever getting it. She told him that he wouldn't be allowed to come in so he spit in her face and walked out.

I wonder if he would have been as "brave" if he was talking to guy rather than a young girl.

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Somebody would be taking a trip to the dentist if I witnessed that. I saw a similar thing happen at my local gas station over wearing a mask. The guy spit on a woman, I stepped in, and I don't think he will be coming to my local gas station again :). When the cops showed up, the gas station owner told the cops they'd never seen me before LOL....



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This exact thing has happened countless times during the pandemic. Whether  over masks or vaccination status. I’m trying to understand why.   Is it the way people have been raised. Has the poor behaviour of certain leaders  encouraged otherwise civil people to act out?  Just ask any cop. They see lack of respect towards even law inforcement like they’ve never seen before.   The times are a changing. 


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As the parent of two kids currently working minimum wage jobs (students), i find this kind of behaviour abhorrent. Here's essentially a kid trying to make some money for themselves, being assaulted for following their bosses instructions. It's nothing short of disgusting and should be followed up by the law.

Brings me back to favourite saying in the trying times... "I don't think he's stupid for spitting on the girl, I just think he has some problems with the thinkin parts".


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Yea, a real tuff guy. Assaulting a little girl. A bully. What he did is an assault punishable by prison time, and not a few months it can be more than a few years. He's the kind of man that will cry like an infant baby saying he's "sorry" be fore a Judge sentencing him. Yea he sorry for getting busted and that's all. Unlike how I might have reacted if I was there a few years ago today I wouild act differently as long as I saw the young worker was no longer in danger. I would have followed him to his vehicle and took a pic of his plate, at a minimum he and or his car. If the authorities wanted to find this guy they would but doubt they would. I'm sure they checked security cameras in the area, one can't relieve themselves behind the bushes, anywhere, they is bound to have a security camera taking his pic. I have to stop typing now before I get myself in trouble. If every food service employee could I.D. this scum I would think he will never order food again in his lifetime. Punishment should not exceed the crime. Spit by a dozen or so waiters/waitresses/cooks/cashiers/owners/managers of a restaurant should never spit in a customers food. That's a lot of spit ypu scum, enjoy. 

Some tough guy this piece of____ is. 

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Some very upset people out there now. IMHO the manager should also be held accountable since he/she should know that some crazies will come through the door. No way a kid should be taking the heat. The job has now become one of security vs polite seating. The manger should be at the door or someone able to at least appear able to deal with such monsters. That poor girl is doing the dirty work of gov't and the Manager and serving as bait for crazies to vent at.

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  • 3 months later...

I have a buddy of mine that owns a bar in town and has a hostess checking for VAX passports.  A group of guys gave her some grief one afternoon and he how has a 6'4" doorman asking for passports and there has been no issues.  It is funny how some people only flex their muscle when they know they can get away with it.  

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I am 76, just try to intimidate a young person doing their job in front of me! I am to old to fight, too stupid to run, but I can still lift my foot high enough to make you wish you were at least a foot taller. I am so tired of this bull poop!

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Glad I got out of my shop when I did, it was becoming harder and harder to follow all the (new and ever-changing) Covid rules and not piss people off. I was always asking people to wait outside; if I already had three people in the front office. Losing customers that had to be told NO MASK ON ENTRY. A number of them walked back to their vehicle and left. It's not my law and wearing a mask is doing nothing but good? As for this guy spitting at the girl; well you can't fix stupid! As for being a female at the door, it should have been one who could have defended themselves verbally or physically. My niece is five foot nothing tall and weighs 85-90Lbs soaking wet; an easy target. For her job, she had to take self-defense courses. She has gained much respect from the clients, that she has to deal with. "Uncle Danny all I had to do, is put one guy down on the ground and hold him there until he cooled off and I gained the respect of the rest in my charges" She's a prison guard at an all-male correction facility. Like she always says "dynamite comes in small packages". LOL She's my hero!


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This is nothing new but definitely getting worse. My 36 yr old son was abused by customers working the cash at McDonalds as a 15 yr old. Treated horribly by adults.   He quit  and didn’t ever want to work with the public again. Is an engineer now with a family of 4. 

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Working with the public is certainly a challenge. The entitlement mentality is growing day by day. I also call it the "wally-world" (Walmart) syndrome; whine loud enough, long enough and you may get your way. It happened so often at my garage. "my car is doing this and I've checked on google and You Tube". I want you to do this and nothing else. I'd say OK if you are sure, I'll do as you say; or would you like me to check (diagnose) the issue. A lot of times I was told to do as asked. When the "repair" didn't fix the issue, I'd still be the bad guy, with them saying "You're the mechanic". After a few incidents like this, I would tell these said customers that Canadian Tire was only a few blocks away and nicely kick their ass out of my shop! I really miss dealing with my "normal" clients, but I sure as hell don't miss the want-to-be, all knowledgeable individuals, that think their crap don't stink!!! 


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