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Besides our minds what else have you lost during this unique time in the history of our Human race

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I doubt very much it'll open beginning of July but it'll be great when it does finally open. I totally agree though that Americans that are fully vaccinated should be allowed to join us.


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May not be what you all  want to hear, but to me,keep them closed til next year. Lets get both sides 90% vaced atleast, then think about it.  I would bet if you southerns were on this side, you would be thinking the same . And to be clear,any of the northerns that feel they need to go south, yer just as ignorant as those that think,they need to come north. Our country is getting to a safe area, yet the US ,is still on the list of leaders of not .

Some are putting themselves, before many others .


Facts here


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1 hour ago, lew said:

I doubt very much it'll open beginning of July but it'll be great when it does finally open. I totally agree though that Americans that are fully vaccinated should be allowed to join us.


One of the bigger problems with getting it open now is CBSA threatening to go on strike.  They certainly can't claim to be overworked.  Trudy is getting heavy pressure from both sides of the border to open up and right now there is no real legit reason to keep it completely shut down to those that are fully vaccinated.

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5 minutes ago, Crimsongulf said:

One of the bigger problems with getting it open now is CBSA threatening to go on strike.  

They probably figure with the approaching border opening it's a great bargaining chip for them LOL

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On 6/10/2021 at 10:00 PM, GBW said:

My kids.  My ex has said "lockdown means they cannot come see you" right from the start.  I've been deprived of my kids.  I don't really care to the finincal loss I have taken a beating on and lack of family and friends time, yes I'm hurting there too but.  I'll never get back all that time my EX deprived me from of my kids.  

Unless she has sole custody I think that is illegal.


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My health!!!

COVID has completely ruined my life. I fully expect to die much sooner than I would have I I had not got the virus. It's been 17 months since I first got sick and I'm not really much better health wise. Still have shortness of breath, dizzy spells, headaches, brain fog amongst a host of other problems. 1/2 my coffee table is covered with medicine bottles to help combat my myriad of health issues because of COVID.  🤬 

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1 hour ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

My health!!!

COVID has completely ruined my life. I fully expect to die much sooner than I would have I I had not got the virus. It's been 17 months since I first got sick and I'm not really much better health wise. Still have shortness of breath, dizzy spells, headaches, brain fog amongst a host of other problems. 1/2 my coffee table is covered with medicine bottles to help combat my myriad of health issues because of COVID.  🤬 

Have you received a Vax shot as of yet? I ask because I know of a few people who got covid and suffered greatly, the long term affects. Some of those noticed that right after they received the vax, many of their symptoms disappeared relatively quickly. It may or may not work for you, but given your current state, it can't hurt.

And so sorry that you have to go through this....



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My challenges with Covid are admittedly, first world problems. My other "hobby" if you will, besides fishing is playing music. I have been playing with the same guys for over a decade, playing gigs in local watering holes about ten times per year. Our last gig was in late February of 2020. Three weeks later and the entire country is in lock down.

I have not seen my band mates since, with only the occasional email to stay in touch. As a result, my normal 10 to 20 hours per week, spent playing and practising has come to a full stop. I can't seem to draw the energy required to pick up the instrument and play. The other concern is that one or more members of the band may decide that they have had enough, meaning we may not even be a band anymore.

Now that I am fully vaxed, I am hoping that by some time in the early fall, we can gtg again and get back out playing... it's just too much fun not keep going.



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42 minutes ago, Headhunter said:

My challenges with Covid are admittedly, first world problems. My other "hobby" if you will, besides fishing is playing music. I have been playing with the same guys for over a decade, playing gigs in local watering holes about ten times per year. Our last gig was in late February of 2020. Three weeks later and the entire country is in lock down.

I have not seen my band mates since, with only the occasional email to stay in touch. As a result, my normal 10 to 20 hours per week, spent playing and practising has come to a full stop. I can't seem to draw the energy required to pick up the instrument and play. The other concern is that one or more members of the band may decide that they have had enough, meaning we may not even be a band anymore.

Now that I am fully vaxed, I am hoping that by some time in the early fall, we can gtg again and get back out playing... it's just too much fun not keep going.



I hear Gordon is looking for an opening act Joe, at Massey Hall this fall.

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8 hours ago, Headhunter said:

Have you received a Vax shot as of yet? I ask because I know of a few people who got covid and suffered greatly, the long term affects. Some of those noticed that right after they received the vax, many of their symptoms disappeared relatively quickly. It may or may not work for you, but given your current state, it can't hurt.

And so sorry that you have to go through this....



I'm fully vaccinated since late Feb. After the first shot I felt better for a bit but the symptoms returned before my second shot. Second shot made no difference. Unfortunately I believe some of the damage COVID did to my body will never heal. 

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So sorry to hear about your case. Too many horror stories out there. It infuriates me to see some out there denying the whole thing, downplaying it-----'just another flu"---and/or ignoring the rules. The lack of enforcement for blatant flouting of the rules e.g. allowing anti-mask protests is. IMO. inexcusable.  


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/16/2021 at 10:01 PM, DRIFTER_016 said:

I'm fully vaccinated since late Feb. After the first shot I felt better for a bit but the symptoms returned before my second shot. Second shot made no difference. Unfortunately I believe some of the damage COVID did to my body will never heal. 

Were you diagnosed with covid? Or just assume thats what you had at the time? I kind of remember your story being along the lines of you got sick at the time covid started, but weren't diagnosed? I could be wrong.  Have you been checked for Lyme disease? I have a friend who has been through hell and back again with Lyme. They also just assumed covid related, but he was also not diagnosed with covid, and has never tested positive. 


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6 hours ago, Sinker said:

Were you diagnosed with covid? Or just assume thats what you had at the time? I kind of remember your story being along the lines of you got sick at the time covid started, but weren't diagnosed? I could be wrong.  Have you been checked for Lyme disease? I have a friend who has been through hell and back again with Lyme. They also just assumed covid related, but he was also not diagnosed with covid, and has never tested positive. 


No there wasn't testing available at the time. They didn't even acknowledge it was here yet. My Dr's are almost 100% positive it was COVID due to my symptoms.

In order to get Lyme I would need to live in an area I could catch it. Yes I was in Ontario visiting my dad but it was winter and ticks find it difficult to penetrate all that clothing. ;) 

No Lyme disease here in the North. We have to worry about bigger pests.

I had some issues earlier this week with this fella. He's a 2 year old just kicked out by momma and he's been causing a ruckus on the lake breaking into cabins and damaging stuff. He was on my deck at 12:05 AM Monday morning and I scared him off. He was back at 5:30 and wasn't scared the second time. I was banging on the door and he just came over stood up and looked me in the face. There was between 12"-18" between us. Luckily the door was there too as he was not afraid of humans. Talked to the CO's and they figure it's the same one that has been causing all the problems. I told them if I get the chance I'll dispatch the critter and give them a call for pickup. Forgot to bring Mr Remington  with me. Now that he's here at the cabin the delinquent bruin hasn't been around.


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@DRIFTER_016 If you were in Ontario, there is a chance. My buddy had a hell of a time getting it diagnosed. So many odd symptoms, that could have been anything. He eventually had to cross the border to get tested properly, and once diagnosed, was treated properly and is doing perfectly fine since.  

How do you figure you got covid? I know it was around earlier than most realize. I think myself and a group of friends MAY have had it as well, before the "Pandemic" kicked in, but like you said, won't know for sure. We are all fine though, just a bad cold. 


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  • 1 month later...
On 7/10/2021 at 7:38 AM, Sinker said:

@DRIFTER_016 If you were in Ontario, there is a chance. My buddy had a hell of a time getting it diagnosed. So many odd symptoms, that could have been anything. He eventually had to cross the border to get tested properly, and once diagnosed, was treated properly and is doing perfectly fine since.  

How do you figure you got covid? I know it was around earlier than most realize. I think myself and a group of friends MAY have had it as well, before the "Pandemic" kicked in, but like you said, won't know for sure. We are all fine though, just a bad cold. 


My best guess is I got it at the grocery store.

I got sick in mid January which is high time for tourists from China and Japan here in Yellowknife. Most likely I got it from a tourist.  😒

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On 6/16/2021 at 11:18 AM, Headhunter said:

Have you received a Vax shot as of yet? I ask because I know of a few people who got covid and suffered greatly, the long term affects. Some of those noticed that right after they received the vax, many of their symptoms disappeared relatively quickly. It may or may not work for you, but given your current state, it can't hurt.

And so sorry that you have to go through this....




Have been fully vaxed since the end of February.

First shot eased the symptoms but they flared back up before the second shot .

Second shot made no difference.

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My main kayak fishing buddy is going on 3 weeks now in the ICU at Scarborough Centenary Hospital.  He was unfortunately against the vaccine, and has since told me via one of our few text exchanges that he wishes he had gotten it.  If they take him off oxygen his blood oxygen drops, so there's likely some damage, and no way to know if it's permanent.

I was already distancing more than most and I'm doubling that now.


Hope you get things sorted out @DRIFTER_016  

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17 minutes ago, Dutch01 said:

My main kayak fishing buddy is going on 3 weeks now in the ICU at Scarborough Centenary Hospital.  He was unfortunately against the vaccine, and has since told me via one of our few text exchanges that he wishes he had gotten it.  If they take him off oxygen his blood oxygen drops, so there's likely some damage, and no way to know if it's permanent.

I was already distancing more than most and I'm doubling that now.


Hope you get things sorted out @DRIFTER_016  

Damn man, all the best to your friend. Scary scary stuff.


ive seen a few similar stories on the bass boat central forums. Guys literally posting from the hospital, somewhat stuck, they seem to be recovering but then they go off of the oxygen and their levels just crash and back they end up on oxygen.

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My original question was answered as I expected, since then the "things" that have changed my life is my utter frustration with those that are addiment "NO VAX" people. If you want to kill yourself, go ahead, I'll drive you to the top of a bridge but don't think you are taking us with you. I have several no vax freinds and relatives, some have a semblance of intelligence. I want to  throttle them. We may never recover from this unless  they wake up or die wishing they weren't so stuborn.

Covid saved many family members from forced socializing with each other and pretend everything is just peachee. That may be a positive for some, maybe most. 

Drifter Dave, I haven't been here for a while, I am so sorry you are in bad shape, still. I am no Dr. or scientist but based on what I have learned about Covid-19, I think you did get it. I hope you are in your remote cabin, spending as much time there as possible, if the place isn't 100% finished to your specs please do not sweat it. If it's livable, live there. It was pre covid my health went for a s*&^. so I was in the mindset do what you can now, what was I waiting for? My wife to retire actually and now we can't take that Eurpean trip, then buy a place in South West USA for winters, I'm arthritic head to toe which isn't an imbellishment, I have it in my neck and right foot. It doesn't look like we are going together anywhere anytime soon, not even to Buffalo. 

Why wait, do it now.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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