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Crown Land camping suspended until further notice


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" If you can trust the numbers, 3 million deaths out of 8 Billion people.  That ranks pretty average and even on the low side of other diseases killing people. "

Allegedly we learn from advances in science and our past mistakes? The numbers seem low? Well compared to the 1918 pandemic? yes, they didn't have the science or experience to do much about that.

Just suppose we let our mass of humanity wander about and breed a variant they can't control?

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I just want Ford to lock health zones.

The province is too big to be running from one end to the other

No travel to another zone.

If you live in the north don't go south.

If you live in a hot zone, stay there.

Don't assume you aren't a carrier.


And please have the part time high school drama teacher get us some vaccines.

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39 minutes ago, Dara said:

I just want Ford to lock health zones.

The province is too big to be running from one end to the other

No travel to another zone.

If you live in the north don't go south.

If you live in a hot zone, stay there.

Don't assume you aren't a carrier.


And please have the part time high school drama teacher get us some vaccines.

Don't even think about that! 


Makes too much sense!!! 


I'm done with it. Going to do my thing, and not abide by stupid rules any more. If it doesn't make sense, I'm not doing it. I can live my life 100% safe, and still do what I have to do, no problem. Unless you can show me absolute proof that me driving to a boat launch, and fishing in my boat is spreading covid, i will be going. Give me my ticket, see you in court. Don't care any more. Nobody else should either, and until we all stand up together, its only going to get worse. 


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On 4/17/2021 at 5:15 AM, Big Cliff said:

I live alone, have been tested several times for covid because of medical appointments, always negitive. I have a piece of property in French River, fully serviced lot and a motor coach. I can literly leave here not have to interact with anyone and stay there for the whole summer without having to go into town but under the current guidelines I am not alowed to do that. I might just risk the fine because at my age who knows how many more summers I might have. 

Just go Cliff. You're not hurting yourself or anyone else. Its much safer to be there than anywhere down here, thats for sure. I wouldn't even think about it for a second. Just go. 



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19 minutes ago, Sinker said:

Just go Cliff. You're not hurting yourself or anyone else. Its much safer to be there than anywhere down here, thats for sure. I wouldn't even think about it for a second. Just go. 



So it's ok to go to a different health zone.

Travel is acceptable.

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6 hours ago, scuro2 said:

There is Fox news and everything else at Fox which they classify as opinion shows. When sued programs like Tucker's claim it is an entertainment show. Their defence is we can't be held accountable to any fact even if our misinformation inadvertently kills people. People know it's all Bull.

Looking at the specific clips you provided all three are making the point that we can't stop with masks even when a significant portion of the population has been vaccinated. Transmission is still occurring in all states, and in a number of states rates are still going up even with vaccinations because of the new variants. They are far more contagious. Israel with a 54% vaccination rate only today stated that you no longer need to wear masks outside. A very small percentage of people who have been vaccinated still have died or been hospitalized. Most will not get sick but those who do can still transmit CV19. The percentages go way down but they don't disappear.

Otherwise I agree with the second half of your response. :)

Good for you. Here is another clip to watch. Google likes to censor certain things so i had to go to another search engine and easy to find this....


IMHO this cheap medication used properly will allow us all back to normalcy along with the vaccines. 

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2 hours ago, Dara said:

So it's ok to go to a different health zone.

Travel is acceptable.

Cliff  I see a like. I was being sarcastic because some were agreeing with me and then telling you its ok to travel.

I don't believe it's ok. It is allowed but I don't believe it will help at all. We are not allowed interprovincial travel and given the size of Ontario I don't believe we should travel from one zone to another.

We are fairly isolated here and 2 weeks ago somebody thought a visit to southern Ontario with the kids was a good idea.

When they came back they brought the virus and spread it through our school system

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12 minutes ago, irishfield said:

AZ is still available and lots more probably coming from US, as they still won't use it and they have a bunch close to expiring again..

There is none available here

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17 hours ago, Dara said:

Cliff  I see a like. I was being sarcastic because some were agreeing with me and then telling you its ok to travel.

I don't believe it's ok. It is allowed but I don't believe it will help at all. We are not allowed interprovincial travel and given the size of Ontario I don't believe we should travel from one zone to another.

We are fairly isolated here and 2 weeks ago somebody thought a visit to southern Ontario with the kids was a good idea.

When they came back they brought the virus and spread it through our school system

Sorry, the sarcasm went right over my head, I am not use to that from you! So, would you feel better if a 75 year old who lives alone stayed in his own house alone when he could be out in the bush with no interaction with anyone else? My motor coach has 1000 km range. The fuel tank is full, I don't even have to stop for fuel. I  have enough food here to last me for 2-3 months and the ability to take that with me so I don't even have to go into town for supplies. My property there is fully serviced, water, septic, hydro. I have already given up so much in the intrest of doing my part, Christmas, my son's 50th birthday, the birth of a great grandaughter. If you can give me one valid reason why my isolating there where I can fish and hunt without having to contact anyone else is going to put anyone at risk then I  will consider it. 

Edited by Big Cliff
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21 minutes ago, Big Cliff said:

Sorry, the sarcasm went right over my head, I am not use to that from you! So, would you feel better if a 75 year old who lives alone stayed in his own house alone when he could be out in the bush with no interaction with anyone else? My motor coach has 1000 km range. The fuel tank is full, I don't even have to stop for fuel. I  have enough food here to last me for 2-3 months and the ability to take that with me so I don't even have to go into town for supplies. My property there is fully serviced, water, septic, hydro. I have already given up so much in the intrest of doing my part, Christmas, my son's 50th birthday, the birth of a great grandaughter. If you can give me one valid reason why my isolating there where I can fish and hunt without having to contact anyone else then I  will consider it. 

In your instance Cliff I wouldn't have a problem with it and would do it myself.

I was quoted by people agreeing with me about locking health zones then they say you should travel.

I really don't know what to say. We need to isolate from others and if we do that nothing should be a problem.  I want to go fishing on my own but doubt there is a spot open to launch my boat. I do go to my cabin a few miles out of town with just my dog because it's actually safer than walking it in town.

I do think that with all the other stuff in place there should be restrictions on health zones at least because thats the only way I can think to keep people from moving around.

We have no vaccines here because they are all being allotted to the hot spots. So, people need to stay in their hot spots rather than spreading this virus.

I sit here wishing I could at least get an astra shot when I hear people in hot spots are turning it down

Its a very frustrating and depressing situation

I can't go visit my only granddaughter for her 2nd birthday. I have seen her all of 2 times so far and she lives in Canada


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7 hours ago, siwash said:

its one thing to protest lockdowns because people need to go work to earn money to pay bills and live etc

its quite another to believe Covid is all a big scam - that site looks like it leans towards the latter. it preaches removing masks and posts old videos from the early days of the pandemic with information that has since been corrected as we learned more about the virus (eg masks dont work, 50% false positives etc)

Edited by Duckie
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Sorry Duckie but it may be both real and a scam. (Virus is real and the response has been criticized as basically a way to funnel wealth and power upwards.

I don't see anyone here saying it's not a real virus. I see concerns that it is being used for other purposes and I read that many are questioning the need for lock downs. 

Me, I posted something many here missed so I'll post it again. EVERYONE should be aware of such 'possible' cures for covid which are NOT even mentioned in MSM or from our elected and non elected 'bosses'.


As a researcher it seems odd that the many doctors and jurisdictions in the world who are using this are basically being called 'liars'. If so and since they aren't doing it for profit since the med is not patented and so cheap, then the doctors/office people/corp owners who disagree or question the honesty of these doctors are also liars. 

I will say this. I personally know a chap that was a 'long hauler' re aftermath of covid. A couple months of not even wanting to get out of bed to go to work. Now, after approx 3 wks after taking 3 Iv pills he is 100% he says. IMO it took this time to heal his internal organs after stopping the virus which was still sneaking around inside him.

Right now the former patent owner of Iv has announced a 'new treatment' which many think is just a rework of Iv in order to gain patent thus $billions$.  

Why am I telling you all this? So a few may forward questions/pressure to our 'leaders' to properly investigate/review Iv and hopefully to allow its use to end all this reverse Robin Hood nonsense of the rich taking from the poor to give to the rich. Word is slowly getting out with pharmacy mags even stating in articles that Iv works. The only way to hide it is to stop us from hearing about it and to push vaccines as savior.   

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At some point the Canadian gov't has to take vaccinations into account.  As of now the official CBSA stance is "There are no exceptions for vaccinated travelers  at this time".  We already have the  ArriveCan app downloaded and will do the same as last year.  In prior years we would say we were going to the cottage, last year we just gave the county road address.

We could run into an issue bringing the little boat across but we have checked into having a transport take it across the border, but either way that isn't a deal breaker.

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4 hours ago, cisco said:

I keep watch on vids re Drs claiming positive results. They aren't liars. Insane to think what they are telling the world is bogus.


Boy you're pushing this one hard. Funny that the whole rest of the world missed this miracle. It's a plot. It's a juicy narrative, it's a conspiracy theory.

Edited by scuro2
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50 minutes ago, scuro2 said:

Boy you're pushing this one hard. Funny that the whole rest of the world missed this miracle. It's a plot. It's a juicy narrative, it's a conspiracy theory.

Yes I am pushing this hard. You are having fun pushing hard dissing doctors? What qualifies you? Did you even watch the video before planning how to attack? The rest of the world hasn't missed this medication. Maybe look at just the last vid to say why just this one doctor is wrong or lying. Again, I am pushing this 'hard'. From all I have read and observed I am cynical of MSM and what we are being told because I do research and have found many examples of bias in the research that has been done to disprove anything and everything except about the experimental vaccines. 

If a 'magic bullet' to cure and to stop the virus was indeed a reality then this would be a worthwhile thing for most of us anyway. But certainly not for all. Not for you it seems. Rather than constantly offering hollow negative assertions perhaps do some research re what doctors who are using it around the world are saying. Oh and I mean doctors rather than regulators or Big Pharma or cynics such as yourself.    

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1 hour ago, cisco said:

Yes I am pushing this hard. You are having fun pushing hard dissing doctors? What qualifies you? Did you even watch the video before planning how to attack? The rest of the world hasn't missed this medication. Maybe look at just the last vid to say why just this one doctor is wrong or lying. Again, I am pushing this 'hard'. From all I have read and observed I am cynical of MSM and what we are being told because I do research and have found many examples of bias in the research that has been done to disprove anything and everything except about the experimental vaccines. 

If a 'magic bullet' to cure and to stop the virus was indeed a reality then this would be a worthwhile thing for most of us anyway. But certainly not for all. Not for you it seems. Rather than constantly offering hollow negative assertions perhaps do some research re what doctors who are using it around the world are saying. Oh and I mean doctors rather than regulators or Big Pharma or cynics such as yourself.    


1 hour ago, cisco said:

Yes I am pushing this hard. You are having fun pushing hard dissing doctors? What qualifies you? Did you even watch the video before planning how to attack? The rest of the world hasn't missed this medication. Maybe look at just the last vid to say why just this one doctor is wrong or lying. Again, I am pushing this 'hard'. From all I have read and observed I am cynical of MSM and what we are being told because I do research and have found many examples of bias in the research that has been done to disprove anything and everything except about the experimental vaccines. 

If a 'magic bullet' to cure and to stop the virus was indeed a reality then this would be a worthwhile thing for most of us anyway. But certainly not for all. Not for you it seems. Rather than constantly offering hollow negative assertions perhaps do some research re what doctors who are using it around the world are saying. Oh and I mean doctors rather than regulators or Big Pharma or cynics such as yourself.    

Quack cures are a dime a dozen for CV19. So are quack Drs and quack published papers in support of these miracle cures. Rule of thumb, if no national health agency is interested in this then it's not worth my time to go do my "individual research" on youtube or other stray websites. If it had validity and could save countless lives the world would take notice. Pushing this on OFC won't speed up that process. Try politcians, some are actively looking for red herrings.

Edited by scuro2
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Thank you for your highly clinical and scientific and medical analysis. Hahaha! 

For the record I and others are pressuring agencies to review Ivermectin. I am here since many may feel there is no hope. I know some members here and like them. So I want to give members hope that a cheap and easy cure may be present regardless of the naysayers with no credible reasoning behind their attacks. 

For the record here I am stating that Ivermectin will become the 'standard of care' for treating covid. Me, I have had both vaccine shots due to the work I do. 

I am not an anti-vaxer. Vitamin D3, C, and zinc are taken daily. Our gov't isn't even advising on ways to boost our immune systems. I have also read Finland has achieved proper vitamin D levels since 2014 by adding it to milk products. Finland has by far the lowest virus cases and mortality rates and has stopped shut down methods from what I have read. Why hasn't our gov't advised on at least vitamin D? Maybe I missed it. IMHO incompetence or some other reasoning......  




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Our gov't isn't even advising on ways to boost our immune systems.

they aren't because unless you have antibodies in your immune system already (which you won't unless you have either had the virus previously or been vaccinated and allowed the time for your immune system to build them up) having a good immune system does very little to stop yourself from being infected if exposed.

thats how viruses work. its not the same as bacteria. 

Viruses are very good at infecting otherwise healthy people who have strong immune systems. 

thats why are they such a problem. 


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