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Covid vacine, will you,wont you ?


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To everyone saying, how can this vaccine be developed so quickly...it’s because the type of vaccine has been in development for treatment of cancer, flu viruses and HIV. With the amount of funding made available by countries collectively funding the development of a vaccine, here we are. 

Just a coincidence but my friend with the doctorate in biology shared this right after I posted. Here it is laid out for stupid idiots such as myself...and even now I still don’t totally understand what I’m reading because low and behold I don’t have a degree in biology! Luckily smart people do though to save our bloody lives




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On 12/15/2020 at 6:17 PM, misfish said:

How does Canada NOT have  a company/ facility, to produce the vaccine ? This boggles my mind.

We do have manufacturing facilities in Canada.  What we don't have is government controlled facilities capable of producing the required quantities of vaccine.

I know there was a facility in Quebec that could have been up and running by year end (if they had starting preparing several months ago).  They would have been able to make about 125,000 doses per month.  We need more than that to get this under control.  The decision was to purchase from other countries instead of making too little of our own.

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1 hour ago, knightfisher said:

RNA vaccines have been in development since the late 80s, over 30 years, yet cancer, flu viruses and HIV  are still world wide and increasing in numbers......interesting.


Ya and so is the population of the world...exponentially 

And the treatment of said diseases has also advanced exponentially over time by none other than the efforts of the medical and scientific community...

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The global pharmaceutical market is worth nearly one trillion U.S. dollars. 1,000,000,000,000
One would think an industry soooo rich would be able to actually find hundreds and hundreds of actual 'cures' for all the various diseases world wide, instead of suppling never ending dependency on drugs and vaccines, which for the most part are hit and miss.
Just an observation.
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AKPris I wasn't asking re the vaccine but rather was asking for proper sources re your claim of the drug Ivermectin's unacceptable/dangerous side effects. I reread my post and can't see why you misinterpreted my request to then twist things into there being a conspiracy against the vaccine. 

To be clear are you are saying that no FDA type review of Ivermectin should be done and that it should be ignored as a possible cure for covid as the Dr and his group of specialists are claiming based on newly found evidence???

Same with Ole IM. Ivermectin should be ignored rather than properly investigated as a possible treatment??

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11 hours ago, ckewley said:

I've spent a good part of my life in the Pharmaceutical manufacturing world and although I'm no chemist/microbiologist I work with them daily & see their commitment to making the world a better place. It fries my ass to see the amount of backwards misinformation being floated out there   

OK but don't forget the Sackler family business Purdu Pharma.Remember them? 

They are the owners of Purdue Pharma, a pharmaceutical company that produces the opioid painkiller OxyContin. As a result, the family has been accused of fuelling a deadly opioid crisis in the US that has killed more than 200,000 people in two decades.

So should we trust Big Pharma? We can't even trust gov't agencies to watch over and regulate them properly. I have read many accounts of US prescription prices being way higher than same in Canada. Profit motivated companies should be trusted blindly for products that keep us and loved ones alive? I suggest not.

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I just asked if you would or not,take the shot, and getting all this info . Seems there are many different opinions on this . Like I said,I will wait,to see how these vaccines work . I do take the flu shot, but IMO , it has been proven and I am happy to not have the flu .

Side note here,

For those of us taking pro action in washing our hands every chance we get, rubbing with sanitizer and wearing masks as requested,do you think this will keep the cold virus down more then norm ? I do this as much as possible .

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Just serached for 'Ivermectin harmful side effects' and got a few re some bad stuff but little re really bad stuff but 2nd thing listed was....

Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use. Indeed, it is such a safe drug, with minimal side effects, that it can be administered by non-medical staff and even illiterate individuals in remote rural communities, provided that they have had some very basic, appropriate training."

Oh and Misfish I doubt we will have a choice since short supply means demand induced by those who can't get it ahead of others. This creates a 'I'm lucky' feeling for those who can. Healthcare workers will be 'assumed' to take it or else not be allowed to work. But if it only treats symptoms and it isn't known how long it lasts or whether it prevents transmission then ???? Personally I don't think it should even be called a 'vaccine'. It is a 'treatment' IMHO. I got all this from Fauci and hopefully he has discovered better aspects to it and can make more positive opinions.  

Oh and re the vaccine I have read where scientists has requested the demographics of the clinical trial participants but have been denied. Concern is ,say, if no old and infirm people were tested and only healthy young people then what are the effects on the people who most need help... old, sickly folks. 

I have seen far less examples of cold/flu in the employment places I deal with. It is obvious that less contact means less transmission of all illnesses.

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1 hour ago, cisco said:

But if it only treats symptoms and it isn't known how long it lasts or whether it prevents transmission then ???? Personally I don't think it should even be called a 'vaccine'. It is a 'treatment' IMHO.

A vaccine triggers a person’s immune system to recognize a virus and become able to attack it without the person having to experience the illness that is typically caused by the virus.

That’s what the Pfizer vaccine approved by Health Canada and the Moderna vaccine under regulator review by Health Canada propose to do.

This thread was originally about whether people would take the regulator approved vaccines, and along the way it got hijacked to include discussion about an alternative drug that does not have regulator approval for use against COVID-19.

I hope this thread can get back to its roots, because that’s exactly what each of us will be grappling with over the next 12 months (I hope the vaccination program doesn’t require longer than that to offer vaccines to everyone that wants one).

Why not start another thread for discussion about alternative treatments so this one can remain focused?

Edited by MJIG
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2 hours ago, misfish said:

For those of us taking pro action in washing our hands every chance we get, rubbing with sanitizer and wearing masks as requested,do you think this will keep the cold virus down more then norm ?

If the influenza virus (although not a coronavirus like the cold virus and the covid-19 virus) is an indicator, yes.



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I have a friend who has a doctorate in biology. She can explain the entire vaccine development process, lay out everything about it with honesty. And there's always going to be someone saying "Yeah, well what do you know?" because they've spent too much time buying into videos on social media.

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21 minutes ago, Ronzo said:

I have a friend who has a doctorate in biology. She can explain the entire vaccine development process, lay out everything about it with honesty. And there's always going to be someone saying "Yeah, well what do you know?" because they've spent too much time buying into videos on social media.

Same here...my friend doesn’t work specifically in vaccines, he actually works in the development of dermal alcohol readings after starting his career in cancer treatment drug development. They are trying to figure out how to make vehicles that take blood alcohol/drug readings while you drive a school bus or other important vehicles but understands the science vaccine development. He’s laid it out clear as day, I’m not smart enough to understand it all, but there’s absolutely nothing fishy going on from his perspective so i have to take his word for it.


I absolutely am for any drug that can assist with fighting this virus, the more drugs available to beat it and the more people treated the faster we get this stupid thing over with. I also believe that much like these vaccines, they should undergo a clinical trial. My understanding is that there is nothing barring the manufactures of invermin from engaging in one and then subsequently requesting approval once complete? Why is this not being done? I don’t personally have the answer.

also is this not something that folks who take the “I’m going to wait a long time to get it” approach have not considered? If a significant portion of the population does not get vaccinated, we quite literally are never going to get past this thing. All of those lock down measures that you hate so much...are going to go on and on and on. It’s as if the people just figure they won’t get sick? Or will catch it and then it doesn’t matter anymore? I’m not sure I can explain their logic?

there are already many confirmed cases of people catching covid two times by the way, there’s are very very strong doubts now that any form of “strong immunity” is available as a result of contracting the virus. You may not die from the second bout but you are indeed contagious and will potentially kill a family member or neighbor.

The man with the most followers on Instagram in the entire world has contracted covid twice now...is that high profile enough for everyone to ensure it’s not another conspiracy?

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19 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:


The man with the most followers on Instagram in the entire world has contracted covid twice now...is that high profile enough for everyone to ensure it’s not another conspiracy?

So the vaccine is going to do what again? 

I'm a sceptic. Call it what you want. There are just too many things that are sideways for me to get on board just yet. 


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20 minutes ago, Sinker said:

So the vaccine is going to do what again? 

I'm a sceptic. Call it what you want. There are just too many things that are sideways for me to get on board just yet. 


Thinking that there’s some kind of grand conspiracy at play, while the #1 vaccine priority group is healthcare workers...during a pandemic while the resource is already stretched to the max.

I don’t know what to tell you, you can lead a horse to water...

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I don’t think there is any conspiracy and I think they are telling us what they know


its the things they don’t know that worries me


there is a reason the government is using an emergency law that makes it illegal to sue the drug makers if there are serious side affects that show up a year or two later

you can only study long term affects by a long term study like most drugs get

the government has a team in place to try to deal with any side affects that show up that were not predicted 

now it doesn’t mean I will not take the drug but it does worry me 

and I will give it some thought 

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1 hour ago, Terry said:

now it doesn’t mean I will not take the drug but it does worry me 

and I will give it some thought 

yet the extremely real threat of covid does not? Im not sure people are grasping the lethality of the virus?

If i gave you a gun with a 100 round clip and put 4 bullets in it (attempting to account for your age...im not 100% certain how old you are Terry but im ballparking) and told you to pull the trigger...or told you to take the covid vaccine, youd choose putting the gun to your head?

Even then...if you manage to survive putting the gun to your head...anyone you saw for the over the course of the few days that you werent experiencing symptoms, now also has to take said same gun and put it up to their head as well...would that maybe change your mind?

This isnt all about protecting yourself remember. Its about protecting your family and neighbors or the guy at the grocery store. I think that seems to get lost on some people. I dont doubt that if I got covid I would survive just fine like most young healthy people, but damn it scares the hell out of me that I might give it to my parents, neighbor...anyone really...I couldnt live with the guilt if i inadvertently caused someone harm because i chose to be skeptical of science and doctors.


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Like I tried to convince my good buddy Lloyd yesterday, healthy people need to get on board and be vaccinated to protect themselves and more importantly, based on current recommendations, those like my Wife that probably will not be able to get vaccinated and all the other immune suppressed people out there currently in Cancer battles and the like that definitely can't get a shot.

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1 minute ago, irishfield said:

Like I tried to convince my good buddy Lloyd yesterday, healthy people need to get on board and be vaccinated to protect themselves and more importantly, based on current recommendations, those like my Wife that probably will not be able to get vaccinated and all the other immune suppressed people out there currently in Cancer battles and the like that definitely can't get a shot.

thats exactly it...there is a large subset of the population that wont be afforded the luxury of getting the  shot to be protected, they are reliant on healthy people to squash the virus out. Allowing it to continue to flow through the community because "im healthy" while equating a death sentence to people with cancer, COPD, or heart conditions isnt really a brotherly thing to do to other canadians.

Sometimes its hard to believe that only a couple of generations ago, people in the prime of their lives voluntarily signed up to place their lives in extreme peril in the name of defending their neighbors...

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I honestly believe that whoever comes out with a vaccine, they will be doing their  best to make it safe.  If it's one DR Frankentien on his own with no one to challenge his findings then maybe that clown would try to  sneak something onto the market to make money ahead of making it safe. I don't believe that is the case with teams of people involved now, especially with everyone having a phone to be able to record any shady stuff that might be going on behind the scenes. I think the companies are getting governments to sign off on the "No legal consequence for suing thing" just because they are between a rock and a hard place.  They are being forced by everyone to help end this gong show ASAP and are just covering their own butts in case somethings go sideways. Can anyone honestly say they would not do the same in their shoes? As far as I know taking or not taking is your choice and your choice alone. Perhaps an employer demands you take it, but it is still YOUR CHOICE. Once you make that decision you have agreed to the terms set before you. Don't be a whining baby after that and sue somebody. 

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I know exactly how bad things are 

I have only been to one other house during the pandemic and have only been within 6 ft without a mask with 2 people outside my household 

only shop in person every two weeks  and so most shopping on line

I take it real serious and have some lots of reading   I know the odds on getting it surviving it   I do t know the odds on surviving the long term affects of the drug 

again I am not saying I will not take it I am just trying to learn all the details

and most likely  by the time the drug is available to me a fair bit of time will have passed and I can make a more informed decision when the time comes


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