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5G coming soon. Is it safe or unsafe?


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Well after reading some other articles it appears 5G isn't all that great, doesn't have the same capability as 3 and 4G without increasing the power.  It would appear a lot more towers would have to be erected and coverage outside the urban zone would be useless.  https://www.extremetech.com/mobile/290069-t-mobile-millimeter-wave-5g-will-never-materially-scale-outside-dense-urban-areas

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Cisco it appears you have a different type of needs up North. A lot of businesses are screaming that the outlying areas do not have fast enough internet to support business applications as well as streaming videos. This makes work both faster and easier if you can download a file in minutes instead of hours.   The opting out of Florida means it will not be available to them not that they do not want it.

Evolution comes in two forms physical and mental. The physical aspect is hard to speed up but the mental abilities can be sped up as fast as the situation demands. In the beginning it is a learned response one that says today is to hot I will spray water on myself or go swimming. The evolutionary aspect is our hair thinned out and our sweat glands became more active. I didn't say our bodies should speed up for technology I said it will speed up for physical difficulties we make happen in the environment we live in. Funny thing is we are changing our DNA and the way it combats issues. An example is the increase of solar radiation ergo we now produce more melanin. I will say this is all long term things that our bodies will take many generations to compensate for these things. Most of my views are based on a philosophy of "what does not kill me  will make me stronger" to a rational extent.  Excessive fear of changes that are going to happen no matter what you believe or do are just a way too cause stress in ones life. 

Just a few random thoughts


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Sorry Art but you are mistaken on many fronts, random or no. In general, biology doesn't support that we are strengthening due to environmental 'hazards' Art.

In fact the opposite is happening. Few examples.... Due to such things as antibiotics and insulin many humans that would otherwise have died are having offspring to pass along their weaknesses. Also there's the 'junk' food and deadly drugs now that cause obesity and health-related effects along with addictions and resultant death. A major killer in your country is opiods and fentanyl (sp?) that Trump is getting China to stop making/shipping since it is killing so many people.  

Our intellectual ability to develop protection to new technology-related health effects has limits also. Lead vests and exposure monitors while working with Xray and radiation generating equipment and the like. But there the effects were determined the hard way with many deaths. The same learning curve shouldn't be allowed with 5G.

Nobody should support a new technology as 5G until proper long-term research is carried out. 

Oh and i recall folks in the rurals wanting cable for internet since bell was slow. That was when they knew it was faster with cable in the city. The 5G apparently won't work for the rurals since the distance between devices is too great. That's why Drifter is happy to plan on living in the bush out of reach of it. haha!  Sure people will want something faster. But that is the sales trick. If people weren't told that they would stay with the stuff that over the past 10 years only has sped up in leaps and bounds.

People also want to go faster on the highway. Cars are safer, better brakes and tires and better able to withstand high speeds yet gov't keeps speed limits the same. Same cautionary approach should be used in considering 5G IMHO.

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26 minutes ago, cisco said:

Sorry Art but you are mistaken on many fronts, random or no. In general, biology doesn't support that we are strengthening due to environmental 'hazards' Art.

I'd have to agree, growing up in the 50's /early 60's , nobody heard of a peanut allergy or any of the numerous food allergies/lactose/gluten intolerant  or kids just didn't make it to school age cause they died , poisoned by a PBandJ and a glass of homo milk , standard lunch fare in those days. Society seems to be become hyper sensitive to a lot of things in the past 50 years.

Edited by dave524
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37 minutes ago, cisco said:

Sorry Art but you are mistaken on many fronts, random or no. In general, biology doesn't support that we are strengthening due to environmental 'hazards' Art.

In fact the opposite is happening. Few examples.... Due to such things as antibiotics and insulin many humans that would otherwise have died are having offspring to pass along their weaknesses. Also there's the 'junk' food and deadly drugs now that cause obesity and health-related effects along with addictions and resultant death. A major killer in your country is opiods and fentanyl (sp?) that Trump is getting China to stop making/shipping since it is killing so many people.  

So, based on this section can I assume that you would be ok with allowing people to die from curable ailments and diseases because they would otherwise weaken the gene pool? That's some shaky ground to be standing on, heading towards eugenics territory. Very shaky when your chief complaint is that a government/corporation is forcing something upon you that you don't agree with....

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My God what did you read to give you that silly impression Tom!! Read it again and get help if needbe buddy! Haha!

To simplify it for you, I would like proper research to be done to see if 5G poses any risks to flora and fauna. I like anyone who is sane simply want to keep something harmful away from people. I do not agree or disagree with 5G. I disagree with it being pushed upon some societies before this research is done.  

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All good points Cisco I can see both sides now thanks. I also agree that we do need to research what the effects are on exposures. 

Actually Tom I am for many of the advancements technology brings us because it is a form of evolution. Whether we eliminate polo  because we are exposed to the disease and develop an immunity to it  or we are vaccinated by a cure are both the same results. 

Bassman87 good advise I think I will go into turtle liking mode and let this thread go on with the new knowledge Cisco has given me to think about. 

be well



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Glad to see some rational dialogue on this potentially important topic. Frankly, some of the irrational/close-minded and weird responses have been unlike anything I've experienced here before. Easy to assume it is coincidence, but also a possibility that G devices are getting placed for too long and too close to cranial regions. 

Other possibly bad issues may ensue since 5G will apparently enable tracking of users. So if you have an FAC/PAL or other form of firearm permit you can more easily be found. I personally dislike that Google and such track what we look at and hit us with ads trying to take advantage. Privacy is being lost very quickly. Sure it's good to know what pedophiles and such are up to, but 'big brother' is becoming more apparent all the time and I don't like eavesdropping. Pretty soon we'll need things like 'voter cards' which is good unless used to allow rig the voting system and to control access to doors/buildings that increasingly are becoming card entrance secured. Sorry you can't enter this store because your income is too low to buy anything.....sorry access denied since you haven't paid a parking ticket.... sorry access denied no explanation. 

The scariest thing is that some think that population control will be necessary and that the 'elite' , whoever they are, could increase the Gs to literally kill people en mass. Due to Washington aggression in the world the doomsday clock is closest to midnight according to some. Right now the economies here and in the US are in shambles with foreign debt. If civil disobedience takes hold then what easier/better way to address this than by ramping up the Gs. I'm old but see that the middle class is being destroyed by regs/taxation/income reduction through inflation. 1% will have the $ and power and the rest will become unhappy poppers. To control unrest the poppers need be dumbed down and controlled. People are becoming dumber and if 5Gs is the start of pop'n control and brain alterations (again, except in Florida, Israel and Brussles) then this is a relatively easy way to get the evil result. Right now several countries are in uprising over the flooding of immigrants and raising of taxes. The yellow vest thing in France, the Brexit in Britain, and so forth are what will have to happen here if taxes and wages continue the way they are. In the US the 2 party system should have opposition to many things, but instead the Dems are supporting the Repubs on everything whether it be the huge increase in military budget or the attempted coupe in Venezuela. The 'Russia collusion' thing which MSM is continuing is just a smokescreen to fill MSM with nonsense to not cover the issues people need to know about. Instant gratification devices like hand-held computers distract and dumb down the masses into complacency.

There. A bunch more stuff to go after me on. I respect the members here and worry about their families and the future. It doesn't look too bright right now and I do not trust that gov't nor corporations nor global banksters 'have our best interests at heart'.   To me and from what I've read 5G may be good in many ways but to be sure is also continuation of a control mechanism.    


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Here is a link where many scientists and countries have raised the need for research before widespread roll out of 5G. 


Another concerning the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration Agency)


No 'Youtube' stuff but some insights that it is probably a good idea to not sleep close to celphones and such. More in the article but I wanted to at least pass along their one tip. The FDA is currently reviewing new research being done since it is unsure of the effects on people. 

Crazy why such a big rush to get this 5G all over. Souldn't be in such a hurry IMHO.   

Edited by cisco
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I really miss the old analog 800 Mhz cellphones , you could hear a lot of crazy stuff on the scanner back then  Got a cell, don't do data except on the home network, rates are too insane for a pensioner. For god sakes don't text me, it's like email, only check it twice a day or so.

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I can agree with you there Dave . My cell bill is around 120.00 a month for two phones. I do have an unlimited plan because of the amount of  data I use in the field for work. Mostly contacting customers and looking up parts or spec. sheets on products. 


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How about forcing some of these big telecoms that hold Monopolies in Canada invest some of the billions they are spending on 5G to get infrastructure to a place where the whole of Canada has access to reliable, cheap and fast internet service, my 2 attempts at an internet speed test just now look like this, all for the princely sum of $90 a month.



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Man we must really live in the boonies. It wasn't that long ago all we had out here was the 56K landline for the interweb. 5K is probably 10 years away before we country bumkins get it so we won't need to don our tinfoil hats for a spell. As far as evolving to our environment, there is merit to that theory. After 23 years in the country I can hear the stop lights change colours when I stay in the city. 

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2 hours ago, aplumma said:

I can agree with you there Dave . My cell bill is around 120.00 a month for two phones. I do have an unlimited plan because of the amount of  data I use in the field for work. Mostly contacting customers and looking up parts or spec. sheets on products. 


Must be nice to get a cell unlimited data package.

We don't get those up here in the Republic of Canuckistan!!!   ?


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that brings back an old saying that I have heard "never complain about what you have because there is always someone who has it worse." While I live 10 minutes out of town on 20 acres we still have cable internet and t.v. as well as LTE cell reception. With all of the other things in life that are or will kill me the 5G  is very low on my list. Some things that occur are just bigger than you can change and to waste time and breath are just that, a waste. I found that choosing my battles and in some cases support a cause is a better path than shaking my sole tiny fist in defiance. Big brother and Big business both are not going to be taken down by a small force or grass roots effort but will feel the end result when many factions join forces and present a organised realistic answer instead of just protesting we don't like it. For most cases if you do not finish a protest with a real answer or solution then you have little chance of making change. 


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6 hours ago, aplumma said:

I can agree with you there Dave . My cell bill is around 120.00 a month for two phones. I do have an unlimited plan because of the amount of  data I use in the field for work. Mostly contacting customers and looking up parts or spec. sheets on products. 


The rates are even higher in Canada, I pay $33 a month for mine ( FIDO), gives me 200 minutes of phone 8 AM to 5 pm, unlimited out of prime time and weekends and I think I can do 500 texts a month, works for me. We have Cogeco for unlimited internet and phone toll free US and Canada and I can connect to their wifi hotspots in most places downtown if I need to do data or check something on the net when out shopping in town.

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Seems allot of distraction about celphone plans has 'hijacked' this thread. 

But what do you folks say about the links I provided about 130 scientists from 36 countries saying WHOA to 5G till proper research is done? 

As for 'fear mongering' I reasoned... OK looking at the 3 jurisdictions that are not allowing 5G, does any have a nearby 'enemy' jurisdiction that it is 'helping' to get 5G?

I mean why would a jurisdiction help an 'enemy' if that meant the 'enemy' would attain faster downloading, etc.. 

Here is an interesting link that  Makes we wonder if 5G is quietly being pushed through a 'back door' where it really shouldn't if the two jurisdictions involved are at odds with one another. 

Seems 20 engineers are working to get 5G from the jurisdiction that won't have it, into the 'enemy' jurisdiction via a CISCO cloud approach to supposedly 'help'. 


A bit long but near the end it states this. IMHO I am concerned over 5G as it is being 'deployed' this way. The day a declared enemy family offers you a cake and says "Here this is for you and your family to benefit from" and you find out the cake wasn't eaten by  them because they think it's unsafe, should be the day you don't feed that cake to your family. We here should consider what is going on with that cake to determine whether we want that 'questionable' cake for our families.

Oh and I don't consider the above 'political. I am just trying to show that 5G salespeople may have hidden agendas. I am neutral re the issue over there. We all have a right to live a peaceful existence.


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On 4/27/2019 at 11:11 AM, cisco said:

Haha! Bill, you should contact Bell, Rogers and say you and your family volunteers to have a light pole 5G device installed nearest your home. One of the big ones that runs the wee ones along the pole line.  This to prevent any of your neighbors from 'falsely' claiming it is harming them. You can defend the company with "We're OK so those folks must be just imagining things!"   I imagine the rest of the family would be on side with no worries. 


I've been running 5G in my house for years.  Or did you think this is something new?   See how worried I am?   I've left all the tinfoil on the shelves for you, stock up!  

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2 hours ago, cisco said:

Guess I was wrong there Bill! I have to say that I can't argue with 5G in certain applications. 

I'm just being an ass :)    But I do agree with you that stuff like this needs to be tested before just tossed out in the general public.    We aren't a test lab (Although some companies think we are)

The router in my place doesn't put out even close to the power of a 5g setup from say Bell or Rogers.  I don't remember any fuss about 3G or 4G rolling out, perhaps there should have been as well?

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I know Bill. I was a bit of an ass too.  The 'application' I was implying was on you! haha! I used sneaky wording.  Just kidding of course and I honestly pray that no 'hidden agendas' like some experts suggest is correct. Figured you weren't 5G yet. But if you start getting crazy(er) around here there's good excuse.

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