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Gun amnesty (nf)


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10 hours ago, aplumma said:

You are on a thin line here if it gets anymore political or personal attacks it going to be locked. 




Hell I'm a gun guy, even own an AR, but this is politics pure and simple, and it will only go badly.  Shut er down, and we can get back discussions on concrete, building bird houses and fishing from time to time!

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3 hours ago, porkpie said:


Hell I'm a gun guy, even own an AR, but this is politics pure and simple, and it will only go badly.  Shut er down, and we can get back discussions on concrete, building bird houses and fishing from time to time!

Agreed.  Lets just all agree its Kathleen Wynne's fault, and then lock this thread!

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The whole defense issue is a red herring. As stated before with a gun in the house an accidental death of someone in your house is more likely then you killing a bad guy with a gun in your house. You are more likely to die of scalding water...you are 180 times more likely to blow your brains outs...

The reality is armed robbery of your house is a relatively rare event, especially in Canada. In the US the risk of dying by a robber with a gun in your house is 0.0000002. I'm sure it happens but I've never even heard of it happening to someone I know, let alone experienced it.

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My belief is that we should be able to own and use anything that we can own and use responsibly. Until the time an individual is shown not to be a responsible owner/user of anything it should not be taken away. Almost anything can be used as a weapon but there is only one object that people focus on, firearms. In terms of casualties, firearms aren't at the top of the list of items. If people really cared about reducing harm to people they would focus on the top of the list items, but they don't. They would also focus on the reason's for such events, but they don't. There are very passionate people on both sides of the debate unfortunately what has been seen can never be unseen. An average handi-person (get it, haha) can build a firearm in their garage with common tools meaning you cannot simply ban firearms. Where there is a will there is a way. The anti-firearm crowd doesn't seem to understand this and doesn't understand it is impossible to get rid of all guns entirely. The pro-gun crowd understands this and believe as long as criminals have access to firearms they should have the right to have ones to defend themselves if need be.

I am a firearms guy and I have stated as soon as the government can guarantee 100% without a doubt a criminal will never use a firearm on me, I will give up mine. Until then, I will keep my guns thank you. I use my guns for a lot of hunting, target shooting and competition so they aren't just sitting around while I am being paranoid, they are being used for 100% legit and recreational purposes but I can assure you if someone ever does break into my house I can have them out of a safe in a matter of seconds. 

Edited by jonasdry
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28 minutes ago, jonasdry said:

My belief is that we should be able to own and use anything that we can own and use responsibly. Until the time an individual is shown not to be a responsible owner/user of anything it should not be taken away. Almost anything can be used as a weapon but there is only one object that people focus on, firearms. In terms of casualties, firearms aren't at the top of the list of items. If people really cared about reducing harm to people they would focus on the top of the list items, but they don't. They would also focus on the reason's for such events, but they don't. There are very passionate people on both sides of the debate unfortunately what has been seen can never be unseen. An average handi-person (get it, haha) can build a firearm in their garage with common tools meaning you cannot simply ban firearms. Where there is a will there is a way. The anti-firearm crowd doesn't seem to understand this and doesn't understand it is impossible to get rid of all guns entirely. The pro-gun crowd understands this and believe as long as criminals have access to firearms they should have the right to have ones to defend themselves if need be.

I am a firearms guy and I have stated as soon as the government can guarantee 100% without a doubt a criminal will never use a firearm on me, I will give up mine. Until then, I will keep my guns thank you. I use my guns for a lot of hunting, target shooting and competition so they aren't just sitting around while I am being paranoid, they are being used for 100% legit and recreational purposes but I can assure you if someone ever does break into my house I can have them out of a safe in a matter of seconds. 

If you use firearms for hunting, target shooting, and competition, why on earth would you surrender them to the government?  This makes no sense whatsoever.  And has already been stated, the likelihood in Canada is very remote of a person being confronted in their home by an intruder with a firearm.  In MOST areas.

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I do have to chuckle at the pro gun enthusiasts that say we need less restrictions on fire arms and more abiliity to "defend" our homes by using firearms...


Then we have the liberals proposing new legislation that works to make it more difficult to obtain registered legal weapons on people with valid gun licenses underogoin the apporpriate checks.

Can anyone here please provide a statistic or example of a person in Canada being murdered with a legal valid weapon?

The closest thing was that guy in Saskatchewan that shot intruders on his property. I would say that is a very far cry from a school shooting. I dont know the specific's of that event...I dont think anyone does, but I think we can all agree that your personal possessions like someones tomatos, or even a used car are not worth shooting and killing someone over...thats what insurance is for.


Regardless...can we all not agree that as it currently stands Canada's gun control laws appear to be working almost perfectly? So why the hell do we even debate it? Why change anything. the system is working...it may not be perfect, but gun owners have guns and people aren't dying.

No one here is dying from legally purchased weapons, meanwhile our friends in the states have multiple mass shootings per year with legally purchased weapons. The evidence is clear that we have things figured out pretty well apparently. Dont try and fix whats not broken.


Illegal handguns are a whole other issue...they need stricter mandatory sentencing for these clowns...lock em up for 15 years on an attempted murder charge...plain and simple...you get caught carrying an illegal handgun...your intent is clearly to kill someone...boom 15 years bye bye.



Iron i could only imagine what an SS soldier's pistol and holster collected from a european battlefield would be worth at auction. Holy crepe

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6 minutes ago, manitoubass2 said:

Never thought I'd see the day a hunting/fishing board was full of people ok with rediculous firearms restrictions.

Let's hope everyone has an awesome fishing season and fills the boards with reports

Tight lines guys and gals!

I think watching what has happened down south has sobered people up a bit.


I dont think a single person here could imagine the horror (If we have any war vets reading this I am not referring to you)

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22 hours ago, akaShag said:


To acquire and possess any restricted firearm, yes a person has to take and pass the course, and apply for a Restricted Possession and Acquisition Licence.  As part of the approval process (which Mr Day also neglected to mention), there is not only the criminal records check, but also a confirmation with the spouse and any ex-spouse that there are no domestic violence issues that may be a concern, PLUS a confirmation that the applicant does not have mental health issues.  Every 24 hours the entire list of individuals having a firearms licence is cross-checked with the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC).  It is noteworthy that CPIC does not run daily checks on anybody else, not paroled rapists and pedophiles, not career criminals, not known gangsters, only firearms licence holders.


I got one of those. :D


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2 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

Can anyone here please provide a statistic or example of a person in Canada being murdered with a legal valid weapon?

Here's an example. 

And a school shooting to boot.


As you can see people can still slip through the cracks.

And this wasn't a restricted firearm, just a run of the mill semi auto hunting rifle.

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12 minutes ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

Here's an example. 

And a school shooting to boot.


As you can see people can still slip through the cracks.

And this wasn't a restricted firearm, just a run of the mill semi auto hunting rifle.

1989? that is your example?


Exactly my point.

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3 minutes ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

Just the first one that came to mind.

There have been others over the years but they are few and far between unlike what happens in the US.

bingo...our system is working pretty darn good currently, why in the hell would anyone change anything about it.


Our hunters have the guns they need to hunt, and our anti gun crybabies have no "ammo" to argue otherwise. if it aint broke dont fix it

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15 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

bingo...our system is working pretty darn good currently, why in the hell would anyone change anything about it.


Our hunters have the guns they need to hunt, and our anti gun crybabies have no "ammo" to argue otherwise. if it aint broke dont fix it

Google Justin Bourque if you b want a more recent case illustrating the need for reasonable restrictions on firearms ownership.

He held a PAL and bought his guns legally, though he was clearly unfit to possess them. Five RCMP officers were shot and three died as a result.

Edited by Dutch01
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2 hours ago, manitoubass2 said:

Never thought I'd see the day a hunting/fishing board was full of people ok with rediculous firearms restrictions.

Let's hope everyone has an awesome fishing season and fills the boards with reports

Tight lines guys and gals!

I don't see any connection between being a fisherman and having any particular viewpoint on gun control in Canada or lack thereof in the US.  

There is no hunting section on this forum.

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34 minutes ago, Dutch01 said:

Google Justin Bourque if you b want a more recent case illustrating the need for reasonable restrictions on firearms ownership.

He held a PAL and bought his guns legally, though he was clearly unfit to possess them. Five RCMP officers were shot and three died as a result.

once again, we are referencing what I would call a Terrorist attack against police officers that happened 4 years ago...thats a pretty damn good track record when comparing it to the problems that are occurring in the United States.

I am not debating that Justin Borque should have never had any guns at all, but imagine the carnage if he had a bump stocked M16? or clips exceeding 7 rounds? Yikes

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I'm leaving the USA out of my thought process entirely.

While I don't disagree with you that Canada has a pretty good system, we shouldn't be patting ourselves on the back too hard. You asked for examples and some were provided. Unfortunately I'm at work and I don't have time to search up and catalog all the incidents that have occurred in the last year. (Being serious, not being sarcastic at you brother)

The point is threre are people slipping through the cracks and that's not okay when the result is dead Canadians. Much more can be done without penalizing law abiding owners. 

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