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Open weapon carry law in Missouri.

Old Ironmaker

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Dunnville is the Arkansas of Ontario!


Bowhunted deer there late 70's /80's, grabbing lunch at a restaurant on the east end of town on HWY 3, you felt out of place if you were not in full camo on the weekend, camo face paint was optional :ninja:

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Dunnville is the Arkansas of Ontario!

I have seen Dunnville change in the last few years. You can judge a place by their real estate sales. Places have doubled or more in the last year, a place may sell within 3 days for above asking. Yes the same is happening all around the GTHNA but I would never have thought that would happen in old grungy grimy Dummyville. The same thing in Cayuga is happening. Many are choosing to retire there. It's right on the river and 10 minutes from Erie by water, both hunting and fishing are still great. They are starting construction on a new Market and waterfront park by the bridge. We would have never, ever considered moving there but we would now.


It was a cesspool of crack heads 10 years ago for sure. You know what they used to say about people from Dunnville, they all have 9 teeth and 6 are in their pocket. Or, they can eat corn on the cob through a picket fence. In Dunnville when you get divorced you still love your ex because after all, your sister is still your sister.

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Flew into Buffalo today from St. Louis. By the way the seats were more than double from T.O. I didn't get the details but just last night a Police Officer was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop near St. Louis. I choose to live in a shack in Dunnville over a McMansion down there. When the Family has

d a place in south Fla. when I was in my 30's I was told you made sure you had milk and bread for the morning because once it got dark out a smart person just didn't venture far from home. It didn't stop me and I felt very safe but it wasn't the smartest thing to do according to some locals.


We are always more than happy to get back to over taxed, over priced, over everything Ontario when ever we travel.

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Flew into Buffalo today from St. Louis. By the way the seats were more than double from T.O. I didn't get the details but just last night a Police Officer was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop near St. Louis. I choose to live in a shack in Dunnville over a McMansion down there. When the Family has

d a place in south Fla. when I was in my 30's I was told you made sure you had milk and bread for the morning because once it got dark out a smart person just didn't venture far from home. It didn't stop me and I felt very safe but it wasn't the smartest thing to do according to some locals.


We are always more than happy to get back to over taxed, over priced, over everything Ontario when ever we travel.

Thank goodness you survived your dangerous visit to the USA.. :sarcasm:.




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Living in a small town in the Niagara Region (Grimsby) is like living

in "Mayberry", North Carolina, USA.

Location of the Andy Griffth Show.




Violent crime is rare here, I sure hope it stays that way.


I love small town living, folks will hold a door open for

you if they see you coming in or out of a store.


Total stranger say Hello when you walk down the street.


Just my 2 cents worth.

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8813 that's all? I expected it to be much higher. Since 1 in 8 people have some form of a gun here. Statistically we should be way higher. I however do NOT wish to debate guns here since it is a hotbed discussion that will never be won by either side. I can tell you though that the majority of the people in the US are just as nice and a joy to be with as the Canadians I have had the pleasure of meeting up North.



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I'd carry all the time. I'm used to it already. But then again most places I go I feel completely safe because I'm always aware of my surroundings.

Now for a funny! Years ago went fishing the 30,000 islands out of Parry Sound, at the dock we met OPP boat coming in from patrol. Asked how the Mosquitos were out there and "they pulled their Guns" and to quote "we have these", what a great laught we had with them.


WE don't need anymore gun crap.

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8813 that's all? I expected it to be much higher. Since 1 in 8 people have some form of a gun here. Statistically we should be way higher.




Interesting is the fact that the average Canadian gun owner actually owns more guns than the average American gun owner, the Canadians gun owner are hobbyists where a lot of Americans often only have one in the nightstand just in case, dragging the number down. I believe the average Canadian gunowner owns something like 5 point something firearms.

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Now for a funny! Years ago went fishing the 30,000 islands out of Parry Sound, at the dock we met OPP boat coming in from patrol. Asked how the Mosquitos were out there and "they pulled their Guns" and to quote "we have these", what a great laught we had with them.


WE don't need anymore gun crap.

what the hell? That's not good.......how unprofessional

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8813 that's all? I expected it to be much higher. Since 1 in 8 people have some form of a gun here. Statistically we should be way higher. I however do NOT wish to debate guns here since it is a hotbed discussion that will never be won by either side. I can tell you though that the majority of the people in the US are just as nice and a joy to be with as the Canadians I have had the pleasure of meeting up North.



I can vouch for this feeling. For education and work I lived in Dallas and Chicago and come across many many fine people who are pleasure to meet, hang and wok with like any Canadian. I guess, since Canadians are not expose to public display of guns, when we come across that gives a feeling of being unsafe and intimidating.

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I love sarcasm! Here's some more Art!


I have no idea why a Canadian would feel unsafe in the USA?


StatsCan report from 2012, 8813 Homicides from firearm in USA, 172 in Canada!


Lets times that by 10 to make up for the population difference! 172 x 10 = 1720

Just to set the record straight. I never felt unsafe there nor do I ever feel unsafe when I travel, well maybe once in Russia. We had a place in south Florida when the Cocaine wars were on. What I wanted to comment on was how strange it felt walking around in a public place and seeing men walking around with side arms and in 2 cases a semi-automatic weapon slung over their shoulders. People still walk Fifi in the parks. It's not a police state or in the middle of the hood.


According to Michael Moore during his film Bowling for Columbine Canadians have far more fire arms per capita than Americans, and they are the guns registered. I would double that number, not everyone handed in their guns nor do they register all the new ones with the serial numbers missing.

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funny how u let some political threads slide. dont mention a pontoon boat though :dunno:

Some threads are doomed from the beginning due to the negative wording and subject matter. This thread has not gone wrong and I have not had to watch it. Many may know I run a plumbing company and a farm along with family matters. This keeps me busy and I usually have a limited amount of time to read the threads and make corrections when they go wrong. It is easy for people who have more time than me to not see why I am not here all the time to moderate all of the threads. If I stick to the rules tightly then many threads would be dead on arrival. When I do go out on a limb and let the ones that are edgy run people complain. The easy path would be to shut a lot of them down but when I take the harder path people complain. So if I am going to listen to people complain either way why am I taking the hard path? I think the board is pretty liberal on what you are allowed to discuss it is very rare that I get people P.M.ing me with bent feelings. If you want a board that allows free for alls I am sure it is somewhere on the internet but it is not here. If a thread is locked and you want to know why then feel free to ask me as a P.M. I will gladly give you my reasoning.





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i guess the ones that you want to participate in are acceptable

Art does a great job of walking the line between allowing open conversation and ruling with hard and fast authority. You're obviously bent because something didn't go your way. Here's where you get to either invest your time and money into creating your own forum and run it at your level of implied perfection, or relax and enjoy the ride.

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Boss has decided to escalate the situation he has been Moderated. I gave him a chance to talk in P.M. he declined. I am sorry that I can't make everyone happy I will continue to run the site in the spirit of OFC and the rules that T,J, and I a few others have written.


Enjoy the evening folks





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