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Horrible Spring Thaw Experience


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So, I was watching my sons dog for the weekend. They called and said they would be by in about an hour to pick her up. I took her out for a quick romp down by the lake. She is just a little chug and likes to bolt around like a spitfire. I was watching the geese on the ice and then noticed this other dog looking at me from a hole in the ice, I could tell it had been trying to get out for a while and was completely exhausted. Seems like the ice just kept breaking as it tried. I quickly tried to prompt it to keep trying, but it could barely move. I grab the little chug, ran to the house and put her inside then ran to the neighbours for some back up before I grabbed waders to go after the dog. Sadly. I got back to the lake and the dog was gone. I don't know if it got out or went under after a last struggle. I keep seeing the dogs face laying on the ice with its sad retriever face and wondering if I could have done more. I keep thinking I should have just went in and grabbed it, but I have serious back issues and the last thing I needed was to get stuck in the mud and ice in our bog type frontage and not be able to get myself out. That's was my Sunday afternoon, should have went fishing somewhere.

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ughhhh this is friggin heart breaking.


its not worth risking your own life to save a random dogs as horrible as it is. You made the right decision by taking your safety into consideration first.


The first thing you learn when taking First aid is to conduct a scene assesment to ensure that you are at no risk of personal harm.

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Sad story perhaps but it could have been a lot sadder story if you had reacted without thinking, I think you made the right call! I wonder where the dog's owner was at that point, must be someone local, perhaps check with a few of the neighbors.

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Thats awful. Id say you made the right call by keeping your safety first. AKR is right, first thing you learn for any emergency response is ensure the scene is safe, you are no good to anyone if you get hurt or injured, now someone has to rescue you as well.


There are countless news stories of someone trying to rescue someone or something else, only for the rescuer to drown.

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Yup, thats horrible. I"m sorry you had to see that. I'm really not sure what I would have done in that situation. I would have to be there to assess it first I guess. I'm not at all saying you did the wrong thing, because you didn't!! I hate these stories. I had to put my dog down in december because he bolted after a bird, and got hit by a car. It was the most horrible day of my life. Even as a hunter, I don't like seeing animals suffer. Its a hard thing to deal with. Hopefully the dog got out and made it back home.They are tough as nails. Was it a lab?



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It looked like a golden retriever mix. Had that face.

My son said he would have went in, but he's impulsive and I have warned him he is going to make a mistake one time and it's going to cost him. He's 27 though and strong as an ox.

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As everyone has already said, you made the right decision. I know its hard, but don't beat yourself up with the "should have, "could have" stuff.

A few years ago, I remember reading about a guy that went into the Humber River to save his own dog's life. In the end, the dog got out on his own.....and the owner drowned.

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As everyone has already said, you made the right decision. I know its hard, but don't beat yourself up with the "should have, "could have" stuff.

A few years ago, I remember reading about a guy that went into the Humber River to save his own dog's life. In the end, the dog got out on his own.....and the owner drowned.


I have read several reports with similar results. I agree, Jimmer made the right decision.

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