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Know Anyone Who's Drinking & Driving This Weekend???


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I have seen that somewhere. Very sobering message. Now I can only pray someone heeds it. Death due to driving hammered has visited close to me too many times. I have been known to take keys from more than 1 belligerent drunk who insisted they are OK, mind your own business. Look at you now, I asked you nicely. I never went overboard. If you are sitting on my deck having a great time and you have had 4 drinks in 45 minutes you are staying here until I feed you, you have a nap and I am satisfied you are fit to drive. Option 2 is stay the night and you can have as many drinks as you wish plus breakfast. Option 3, not good.

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I have seen that somewhere. Very sobering message. Now I can only pray someone heeds it. Death due to driving hammered has visited close to me too many times. I have been known to take keys from more than 1 belligerent drunk who insisted they are OK, mind your own business. Look at you now, I asked you nicely. I never went overboard. If you are sitting on my deck having a great time and you have had 4 drinks in 45 minutes you are staying here until I feed you, you have a nap and I am satisfied you are fit to drive. Option 2 is stay the night and you can have as many drinks as you wish plus breakfast. Option 3, not good.

Totally agree. Very sobering video.

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Yup Great message. It ain't pretty and its the truth. I attended a session once where an ex opp officer described a scene he investigated. He worked in Parry sound, and lived there, Had for many years. He put a picture up of the scene. A terrible car wreck. You couldn't recognise the cars. There was a ladies white sun hat in the middle of the picture. You didn't really notice it till he said " see that sun hat.? As I approached the scene I saw that hat. It belongs to my best friends 19 year old daughter. I knew it as soon as I saw it because I had seen her a couple hours before. As I walked back to close off the highway my best friend was the first car I stopped. I said, you need to stay here. But he could tell from my face something was wrong. He pushed me out of the way and walked to the scene.........".


He quit the force not long after that.


If you know you are drinking, just don't drive there. It stops you having to make a decision when your judgement isn't what it should be.

Now, if we can just get the message out about using the phone while driving.....

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The law's are not tough enough against DUI and DD, = ( DISTRACTED DRIVING ).

Penalty for the above charges need to be much more severe.

Life time ban from driving laws are in effect in Europe.

I wish everyone would abide by this, If you can afford the drink and

the drugs, can you please call a Taxi and pay for a safe ride home!!


X2 what OIM said regarding his "Option 3 ".

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That's reality. One of the worst I ever came across was 40 years ago, 02:30, saw the medics and cops on the side of the road by a cornfield, sweeping downhill curve. A drunk had really been "giving it", lost control, the passenger side of the car collided with one of the really large wooden hydro poles. The cops and medics were going through the cornfield looking for the passengers head which had been ripped off by the force of the impact. Found out later the drunk driver survived.

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Great message and not to take away from that. Texting and driving commercials are just as bad.Need to pay attention everyone !

X2 They have proven texting and cel phone in hand has caused double the amount of deaths but they won't go their.

Cel phones as they say are for emergencies, so leave them in the trunk. If caught with one in your car 6 month suspension.

I see it every few minutes I drive, heads looking down, driving in the left lane slowing down no one in front. People walking out in front of cars talking on them.

Worlds going crazy.

Very touching video I must say.

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I'm not watching this.


Anyone that drinks and drives deserves a fate meant for musquitoes

Sadly it isn't usually the DUI that suffers the worse fate, it's usually some poor innocent person.


I agree that DD is just as bad but I see so many people with their cell phones in their hands or sitting on their lap (sitting up in a truck you get a great view into the car beside you) If I was a cop I bet I could easily nail 25 or 30 people a day without any problem.


Good job on sharing that pikeslayer!

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Sadly it isn't usually the DUI that suffers the worse fate, it's usually some poor innocent person.


I agree that DD is just as bad but I see so many people with their cell phones in their hands or sitting on their lap (sitting up in a truck you get a great view into the car beside you) If I was a cop I bet I could easily nail 25 or 30 people a day without any problem.


Good job on sharing that pikeslayer!

Same here in Ottawa. Not to discriminate but I'd say it's a 2:1 ratio of mostly women texting. Just saying what I'm seeing. What the hell is it with social media that people are addicted to? Put your damn phones down!!

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As a Safety and Compliance Instructor as well as an Accident Investigator and being a prior Tow Truck Operator it is Disgusting to say the least that this DUI and Distracted Driving is still going on. Remember years back we did not have Cell Phones and we did not have this problem with Distracted Driving..... I show many Videos on this at all my training sessions and drivers just look at me.... DUI seems to not be going a way it increases mostly around Christmas time.... I know this because I know Police Officers as well as Tow Truck Operators as some are my Friends.... People need to take responsibility for their own actions.

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There must be mandatory classes for High School kids to educate on distracted driving and driving under the influence. I hope there are. I'm not talking about sitting in a room watching videos, go to the Hospitals, wrecking yards and cemetaries to see the real damage. The same goes for the more Sr. of our citizens that I know think drinking and driving is a risk you take in everyday life. I bet 5 out of 10 people leaving a Legion at 4PM are DUI. And the Police must know the same thing. The same goes for rural bars here emptying out at 2 AM, the few that exist at least because the OPP basically shut them down by parking outside at 1AM, that's a good thing for everyone but the guys that lost their businesses.

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There must be mandatory classes for High School kids to educate on distracted driving and driving under the influence. I hope there are. I'm not talking about sitting in a room watching videos, go to the Hospitals, wrecking yards and cemetaries to see the real damage. The same goes for the more Sr. of our citizens that I know think drinking and driving is a risk you take in everyday life. I bet 5 out of 10 people leaving a Legion at 4PM are DUI. And the Police must know the same thing. The same goes for rural bars here emptying out at 2 AM, the few that exist at least because the OPP basically shut them down by parking outside at 1AM, that's a good thing for everyone but the guys that lost their businesses.

Weird story. I went to a high end liquor store in Edmonton, it had about a 30 foot long bar stool, and you could sample scotches.


I found that very off, you can sample 10 or 15 scotches, buy a bottle and hop in your vehicle and drive away????


OI we only have about 5 bars in the area, everyone (accept emo) has cabs and cops parked outside.


In emo it's just cops outside. Well and the bar is conveniently across the street from the OPP office

Edited by manitoubass2
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Same thing in LCBO's around here. No more than 1 sample per person. Who keeps track?

This was basically a bar in the store!


People were obviously intoxicated. My buddy Adam, a huge scotch guy, probably had 8 ounces or so before we left. He wasn't driving, but still, that's rediculous

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Same here in Ottawa. Not to discriminate but I'd say it's a 2:1 ratio of mostly women texting. Just saying what I'm seeing. What the hell is it with social media that people are addicted to? Put your damn phones down!!

Yes, I'd agree with that observation 2:1 ratio and most of them are middle aged women who you would think would know better!


As a Safety and Compliance Instructor as well as an Accident Investigator and being a prior Tow Truck Operator it is Disgusting to say the least that this DUI and Distracted Driving is still going on. Remember years back we did not have Cell Phones and we did not have this problem with Distracted Driving..... I show many Videos on this at all my training sessions and drivers just look at me.... DUI seems to not be going a way it increases mostly around Christmas time.... I know this because I know Police Officers as well as Tow Truck Operators as some are my Friends.... People need to take responsibility for their own actions.

You are so so right! The problem is we don't teach our kids to accept responsibility (we give them trophies just for participating) . How can we ever expect them to understand there are consequences to their actions when we teach them they can not fail?


There must be mandatory classes for High School kids to educate on distracted driving and driving under the influence. I hope there are. I'm not talking about sitting in a room watching videos, go to the Hospitals, wrecking yards and cemetaries to see the real damage. The same goes for the more Sr. of our citizens that I know think drinking and driving is a risk you take in everyday life. I bet 5 out of 10 people leaving a Legion at 4PM are DUI. And the Police must know the same thing. The same goes for rural bars here emptying out at 2 AM, the few that exist at least because the OPP basically shut them down by parking outside at 1AM, that's a good thing for everyone but the guys that lost their businesses.

I only wish there was mandatory classes not only for high school kids but for any new drivers. (although they aren't always the culprits) In Lindsay we have a steady line up of people taking their road test (why in Lindsay you ask? Well they can't drive in Toronto so they come here to do their test which we offer in something like 26 different languages. (Anyone around here ever seen a road sign in other than English or French, if you can't do the test in either of those two how can you drive here?)

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