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Pike set up for 2500 spinning reel


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Spring is around the corner and need to spool up my spinning reel. Usually I use 8 pound mono ( year round line ) and when fishing pike just add a steel leader. But when summer time comes there is also a lot of bass and don't want to risk my lures to the pike. I got a tip to use flourocarbon 30 pound test as a leader ?????? And to use 20-30pound power braid as a main line " cause it's same thickness as the 8 pound mono? Was wondering if you guys can help me out and what you guys think

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I use 15 or 20lb power pro on a lot of my spinning reels. It's cheap by the yard at my local shop and lasts a long time. For pike I've been using thin wire black steel leaders for ages. I bought a pack of about 40 maybe ten years ago and haven't managed to work my way through them. I use fluoro quite a bit for steelhead and pickerel but I see no reason for using it with pike or bass. But by all means give it a go. Power pro is pretty good stuff though!

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A search on here should turn up a few threads on this topic. There are of course varying opinions. Mine is that while braided line it strong it is not as abrasion resistant as the same pound test fluorocarbon. The flouro is thicker and that helps a bit when a pike roles in the line too. I will use mostly 20 to 40lb flouro for pike. The thicker stuff does dampen the action on the suspending husky jerks that I like to use early in the season but with spoons, spinners and such the action really isn't affected so I'll use the heavier stuff then.


There are a few different knots that you can use to join the two depending on if the lines are, or are not, similar thickness. Winter is a great time to practice those knots.

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I know what ya mean re; lures and pike when fishing for bass.

I have used a braided line on my pike spinning rod set up, but the brand I tried was too noisy for my liking so I went back to mono. I may try Spiderwire Stealth braid on my spinning outfit as I use it on my heavy baitcasters and it's one of the quietest braids I've used.

What I've started using on bass lures in pike waters is micro leaders. For example, Cabelas.ca has Danielson thin wire leaders. They come as light as 12 lb test and only 5 inches long. I think that these leaders have less impact on a bass lure than a piece of heavy mono or flouro. You may need to replace them more often than heavier wire leaders, and a big pike can pop open the smaller snaps if you horse it in, but's it an option that I like. Or make you own thin wire leaders out of something like that Knot2Kinky stuff in a light test with whatever size snaps and swivels you want, although I find it a bit awkward to work with.

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Thanks for the reply guys. As for thicker stuff. Is 30 pound flourocarbon think? Will it effect my jerkbaits? Pike won't chew through the 30pound test? Or even 20? And if I did tried flouro for a leader should I stick with mono as a main line or switch to power pro braid?

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A search on here should turn up a few threads on this topic. There are of course varying opinions. Mine is that while braided line it strong it is not as abrasion resistant as the same pound test fluorocarbon. The flouro is thicker and that helps a bit when a pike roles in the line too. I will use mostly 20 to 40lb flouro for pike. The thicker stuff does dampen the action on the suspending husky jerks that I like to use early in the season but with spoons, spinners and such the action really isn't affected so I'll use the heavier stuff then.


There are a few different knots that you can use to join the two depending on if the lines are, or are not, similar thickness. Winter is a great time to practice those knots.


KF, curious...you'd put 20-40lb fluoro on a 2500 spinning reel? I'm wondering because hate 10lb fluoro on a spinning reel.


If it were me, I'd be using braid with a 36" fluoro leader.

Edited by grimsbylander
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I like 20 pound braid for your main line on a spinning reel. Strong but not so heavy as to really impact on casting distance or lure action. I used 40 pound flouro to make musky leaders for a little while, I probably wouldn't do it again but it worked well, never had any break offs or chew throughs.

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KF, curious...you'd put 20-40lb fluoro on a 2500 spinning reel? I'm wondering because hate 10lb fluoro on a spinning reel.


If it were me, I'd be using braid with a 36" fluoro leader.


Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant that I use 20-40lb flouro tippets tied to superline mainline. I don't like flouro mainline at all, but that's just one angler's opinion.

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20-30 lb braid and a 20-30 lb fluorocarbon leader is my first choice as well. You could even go get more line if you used the max quattro stuff.


Thanks for the reply guys. As for thicker stuff. Is 30 pound flourocarbon think? Will it effect my jerkbaits? Pike won't chew through the 30pound test? Or even 20? And if I did tried flouro for a leader should I stick with mono as a main line or switch to power pro braid?


I haven't had any bite offs (knock on wood) and I've been using straight braid to flourocarbon for a couple seasons. So far so good.




I use 30# braid connected to a 6 foot long piece of 40# flouro leader.

I make the connection using an FG knot.





X2 on the knot, used it all last season, it's great! Took a couple tries, and loosing a couple lures because i didn't tie it properly lol, but its a beauty.

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20-30 lb braid and a 20-30 lb fluorocarbon leader is my first choice as well. You could even go get more line if you used the max quattro stuff.




I haven't had any bite offs (knock on wood) and I've been using straight braid to flourocarbon for a couple seasons. So far so good.



You think I could get away with even 20 pound flouro for a leader? If I did 20/20 or 20/30? If the 30 doesn't effect the jerkbaits actions. These would work with 2500 reel? And thanks drifter for sharing the video!





X2 on the knot, used it all last season, it's great! Took a couple tries, and loosing a couple lures because i didn't tie it properly lol, but its a beauty.


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For bass? Not necessarily. For lightish topwaters I won't use flouro leaders, I'll tie the superline direct or use a mono leader if I'm not near cover. For slop topwaters I'll usually have a flouro leader because I think it doesn't cut into the lily pads as much but if it gets nicked up I'll just tie direct to the braid.

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I would recommend 20 pound power pro. Don't forget to add some mono backing on your spool before your braid so it doesn't slip on the reel.

Minimum 50 pound flouro leader of pike. You can take the leader off in the summer when bass fishing. Or you can use a 12 pound flouro leader in the summer for bass if fishing clear water

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A leader is only used here (for me) rarely and I direct tie to either super slick8 or spiderwire stealth on spinning reels. Most lures used are a reaction lure and not fished slow hence the lack of a leader for me. If not using a backing on the spool then a single wrap of electrical tape works well to avoid any line slippage.

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If you're fishing for bass or pike? 20 - 30 pound braid sounds a lot better to me than 8 pound mono! LOL, especially up north! 20 - 30 pound fish here are usually carp, and losing one doesn't bother me!


I used 8# test for drop shotting and fishing wide open waters with no junk.

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A leader is only used here (for me) rarely and I direct tie to either super slick8 or spiderwire stealth on spinning reels. Most lures used are a reaction lure and not fished slow hence the lack of a leader for me. If not using a backing on the spool then a single wrap of electrical tape works well to avoid any line slippage.

Thats what I do. No backing. Just a piece of Electrical tape

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You think I could get away with even 20 pound flouro for a leader? If I did 20/20 or 20/30? If the 30 doesn't effect the jerkbaits actions. These would work with 2500 reel? And thanks drifter for sharing the video!



I think so, 20 is what I use majority of the time. 30 on the rare occasion. But that's what my bro uses, he says he likes it better. We both use what works best for us. As far as affecting the action of a jerkbait, I haven't noticed any but I could be wrong. And yes both work great, me and my brother both have 2500 size shimano spinning reels.

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coming from a guy who fishes big open water for bass and runs into bigger pike constantly


its 20lb PP to a raven xxs swivel to a piece of 17lb fluro or 17lb mono if im fishing topwater.


When i start actually chasing big pike then i basically just use my musky set ups.


ive played with the sizing for a while continuously going thinner and thinner until i start getting cut off and then i back off. Ive caught countless pike on this set up and ive only been cut off once by a 25+lb fish, the swivel has broken a couple of times but thats about it.

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I use 80 - 100 pound flouro leader for pike and sometimes 30 titanium wire. This leader does not seem to affect the action on the jerkbaits much.

One spool of the 80-100 pound will last you a long time.

Trust me. We have had this argument in the past. I have had big pike slice right through 50, 80 pound flouro.

Better to be safe than sorry

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