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2019-2020 Hockey Thread

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One bad game lol...you laff fans would give a nut to have him and you would be lying if you said you wouldn't.

2 time Norris winner, should have been 4 times.

He lost his partner in Methot, had surgery, missed the training camp and first 5 games of the season. He comes back and gets 9 assists in 3 games and you guys on bashing him for 1 off game.

No wonder you cheer for a team that sucks as bad as the laffs, you know nothing about hockey!

By the way is that 3 losses in a row for the laffs?

Who did they lose to and by how much last night?







He is the best player in the NHL and they don't have bad games.

Therefore he is not the best player in the NHL!!! :tease::tease::tease::tease:

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And if he played for the leafs Matt would say he is an overpriced defenseman who never backchecks and is one dimensional.

Nope. Matthews is an unquestionable talent, so is Marner. I would take either of those guys on the Sens in a pinch. I hate Kadri with a passiona and wouldn't want him on my team no matter what, all because he is a pos and is a dirty player who dives when you touch him.

Any hockey fan anywhere should be able to recognize that Karlsson is an outstanding defenseman whether you think he is the best in the league or not.

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He is the best player in the NHL and they don't have bad games.

Therefore he is not the best player in the NHL!!! :tease::tease::tease::tease:

Crosby has off games, Gretzky did and I'm sure every superstar had a bad night now and then, it's human.

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the guy has never been a very good defenseman. Hes gotten better but when he first started he was friggin terrible.


Its crazy how hard it is these days to find a niedermyer or pronger...everyone wants to snipe instead of stop the other team from sniping

he is better defensively than anyone on the leafs and we know where he stands offensively

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OK, he's one guy. What forward does Ottawa have that they wouldn't trade in a heartbeat straight up for Matthews? Same thing.

I'm pretty sure you guys would trade D for D straight up with Ottawa, maybe with the exception of Phanuf lol.

I like our forwards and with the exception of bringing Matthews in, I would keep pretty much all of them.

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I'm pretty sure you guys would trade D for D straight up with Ottawa, maybe with the exception of Phanuf lol.

I like our forwards and with the exception of bringing Matthews in, I would keep pretty much all of them.


Nope. I'd want to keep Gardiner. Without him I have no reason to go to confession.

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Are the playoffs coming up? I know by birth I am supposed to be a hockey fan but I just can't. I actually feel like a traitor. I was a fan until I was told by Don Awrey who's brother was a neighbour to play football or baseball because I can't skate. Anyone remember Mr. Awrey? A Canuck who can't skate, that hurts.

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Matt, all joking aside...sometimes its fun to actually talk hockey and not just poke fun lol



you are 100% correct, Karlsonn is an outstanding offensive defenceman. He is IMO by far and away the best one in the entire league.


Moreso, he absolutely is way better than any D men on the leafs...




much like the D men on the leafs, his defensive play leaves a lot to be desired. Dont get me wrong hes still better than anyone on the leafs but his +/- tells the entire story. The good news is that he is just entering his prime as a D man (most guys dont truly figure out that side of the game until their late 20's) He has the skill set to be very good, but IMO he lacks the frame to be a physically dominant shut down type of guy that can also score...they are perhaps one of the rarest breeds...Lidstrom might actually be the last one to exist!

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Similar to what Arkinsoner said, Karlsson is a great fit on Ottawa and a very dominant defenseman, but in terms of salary cap, plus the fact that the leafs need badly to keep goals out of their own net more then anything, he wouldn't be the best fit on the squad. If the leafs could make it work and still have room to improve their D core, of course we would take him, but we have a lot of work to do where as he would just be more icing on an already explosive offence cake.

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It's always been that way. Ask who is the best defenseman of all time and you get arguements of Orr, Coffey, Park. Lindstrom was a defensive juggernaut but he still had to put up 60 points a year to get noticed.


Give me Jason Smith and Glen Wesley on the back end any day. Leave the offence to the forwards.


Those are 2 D MEN I would have on my team anyday. Perfect pairing.

My other pairing would be BJ Salming and Ray Bourque.


Salming was my hockey hero, even got to met him and get a pair of skates from him. Remember those clear tuck blades.

reg season playoffs

Skater Nat Pos Seasons Regular season Playoffs Notes GP G A P PIM GP G A P PIM


Salming, Börje23px-Flag_of_Sweden.svg.pngSweden D 1973–1989 1,099 148 620 768 1,292 81 12 37 49 91

Edited by Misfish
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Matt, all joking aside...sometimes its fun to actually talk hockey and not just poke fun lol



you are 100% correct, Karlsonn is an outstanding offensive defenceman. He is IMO by far and away the best one in the entire league.


Moreso, he absolutely is way better than any D men on the leafs...




much like the D men on the leafs, his defensive play leaves a lot to be desired. Dont get me wrong hes still better than anyone on the leafs but his +/- tells the entire story. The good news is that he is just entering his prime as a D man (most guys dont truly figure out that side of the game until their late 20's) He has the skill set to be very good, but IMO he lacks the frame to be a physically dominant shut down type of guy that can also score...they are perhaps one of the rarest breeds...Lidstrom might actually be the last one to exist!

Yeah he's not a bruiser physically dominant guy but then those guys never have the skill and speed to be anything other that. He has the most points per game than any defenseman dating back since from 2002. He also was 2nd in the league in blocked shots last year and believe it or not he was throwing his weight around when needed.

He's electric, grabs a hold of the game and elevates every other player around him.

So if I was asked if I would trade off qualities he has for more size and physical dominance I would say no.

That's what his partner Method was good for, being the guy who would allow him to be offensively minded while knowing your partner was a stay at home, physical D.

And I do agree he is just entering his prime.

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There are two types of d-men. Stay at home physical guys, and offensive oriented guys. Give me the stay at home physical type all day. I don't need my d men scoring goals, I need them clearing the net and making the forwards think twice before heading into the corners.

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There are two types of d-men. Stay at home physical guys, and offensive oriented guys. Give me the stay at home physical type all day. I don't need my d men scoring goals, I need them clearing the net and making the forwards think twice before heading into the corners.


Nick lidstrom did it without being physical...his stick work might be the greatest of all time.


I remember watching a show about him and guys basically said lidstrom would look like he was still 20 feet away from you while you were carrying the puck, but then hed have the puck.

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Nick lidstrom did it without being physical...his stick work might be the greatest of all time.


I remember watching a show about him and guys basically said lidstrom would look like he was still 20 feet away from you while you were carrying the puck, but then hed have the puck.

Lidstrom was a freak of nature.


I remember when he was a draft pick and I was just young and still collecting hockey cards.


I'm obviously a leafs fan but back then I also cheered on Detroit because of yzerman.


I had saved probably 30-40 lidstrom rookie cards in hopes he would become a star.


Pretty funny to think about, but he was pretty much amazing right outta the gate. As he matured it was rediculous how good he was.


As a kid, my Bobby or was Paul coffee, but lidstrom, I always was a huge fan. No ego, no crap talk, just straight up skill and probably one of the best hockey senses ever

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Now actually that's a good question, Matt, would you take Karlsson entering his prime or Chara entering his prime? Because that's a no brainer for me. (This came up when I was thinking who the best Ottawa defenseman of all time would be)

Well they both are huge impact players.

They both were looked at as leaders.

Both elevate the level of others play.

Both can/could put up lots of points.

Both have a great shot.

Both garnish tremendous respect from the opposition,,,,,,but for different reasons.

Chara could kill you in the corners, or if you had your head down coming down the wing, or he would punish you for standing in front of the net. You had to know where he was on the ice at all times.

Karlsson will strip you of the puck, or start a break out play, make you look bad and either deliver an amazing pass or skate through your team and score,,,,from anywhere. Point, top of circle, middle of the ice or behind the net, the guy can pick the net. When on the ice you have to know where he is or like I said he will make you look like a minor leaguer. And on top of that his breakout speed is amazing.

So my answer would be , they are both great players in their own right, and for their own specific reasons.

I would like to see both on the same team.,

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