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Land owner has made it very clear


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A while back I posted about a large amount of river access lost due to ignorance. I guess some of the actions that were taken before, chained off,trees cut down to stop access, was not working.


So if you dont see this and comply, you are an ignorant person. Yes the same as the ones that had the owner cut access.


I dont fish this area. I did how ever ,LIKED, to walk the area and see how folks were doing. The more I walked it, the more crap I seen and garbage.




no trespassing.JPG

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I had the same guy as a next door neighbour before the Lord punched his ticket. We had a common breakwall of armour rock and dear old Bob painted a line down the centre of a rock in case I decided to sit on his side of the property line. Here we own to the waters edge, RIP Bob posted NO TRESSPASSING signs at each end of his 80 foot of beach. He would sit in his chair and remind beach combers that they had to walk in the water to get passed his piece of Earth. Some folks are just lonely and need a hug. There were many times I wanted to give Bob a big hug, right around his throat. Man I miss Bob.

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Yes you can. Guys put in canoes,small punt row boats. Nothing can stop you from that. You can stand on the shore as long as it,s not above the high water line. This I hope, the owner understands. I really dont think he has an issue with that. it,s the garbage and fires that pisses them off. Alot of forest there.

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I had the same guy as a next door neighbour before the Lord punched his ticket. We had a common breakwall of armour rock and dear old Bob painted a line down the centre of a rock in case I decided to sit on his side of the property line. Here we own to the waters edge, RIP Bob posted NO TRESSPASSING signs at each end of his 80 foot of beach. He would sit in his chair and remind beach combers that they had to walk in the water to get passed his piece of Earth. Some folks are just lonely and need a hug. There were many times I wanted to give Bob a big hug, right around his throat. Man I miss Bob.



This is something totally different John. Garbage and fires are the main concern. I have a spot I fish that has a sign now, keep it clean or lose it. This spot would be a great lose to guys like I, that are there to fish and enjoy the quiet. This place WAS out of the way, but like everything else on the WWW, someone opened up their yap and well, now there is more cars and trucks then I have seen in many years. Parking is limited, well so it was. Now they find the need to just park in the farmers field. UNREAL.

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Allow me to repeat the history for you all.


I moved to Barrie in the mid 80,s, My first experince up here for the salmon run was in Angus. Long side dirt road lead to a house at the end. Talked to the owners and they allowed people to fish and even keep thier tin river boats on thier property. Fishing was great and all was quiet and clean. As the years went on, the mess started to unfold. The owners posted signs. Respect the land. Then it was , keep it or lose it. They went as far as to put 50 gal barrels with garbage bags and a porta potty. Well the cans were used most of the time, there was still garbage being left. The kicker to end one spot was the burning of the porta potty. So they posted up to thier line NO TRESSPASSING. The next owner had to deal with the same troubles. So now they just closed it right off.


I dont blame them one bit.


We could also talk about the pine river. Here it was closed at this one spot due to the land owner being assaulted. Ya thats cool eh.





They are not Bob. Bob, yes needed a hug. Or maybe a bottle of wine to allow access to his beach. LOL

Edited by Brian B
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unless he has a deed that states he owns the river bed, not much he can do if people stay within the high water mark, and depending on the size of the river, can be a ways back from the waters edge



It,s the notty, so navigatable waters. The public has the high water line and thats it.



Edit to add.


If one wanted to walk the line, it would be a chore and a half, but Im not saying it couldnt be done. I guess it depends on how much you really want a salmon.LOL

Edited by Brian B
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If people continue to disrespect his property then I don't blame him for his actions. If someone in the city had people throwing trash or building a bonfire on his front lawn you would put up signs and call the cops every time some one did that. I allow people on my property to use the shooting range and walk the woods but if you abuse the privilege by not following the rules they are asked to not return. So far my judgement has been good and have't had to ban anyone but it would happen if they abuse my kindness.



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Who wants a mud shark that badly. I try to catch my bait just offshore if at all possible. What's the fun in 5 feet of water?


I agree, but actually 5 foot depth is not bad for sport, 5 inches of water , with their backs out is kinda crazy though.

Edited by dave524
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I understand what it's about now Brian. I couldn't read the sign on the post. There is a beautiful smaller quarry out here near the Steel Plant that the owner stocked with panfish and Largemouth and Smallies over 35 years ago. People used it for years fishing, swimming and family picnics with no issues whatsoever. He had to gate it off a few years ago and post it because of the mess people left including fires left unattended. All manner of rec vehicles of all hours of day and night ripping around the quarry. Now no one is allowed to fish there or do anything there now. If someone cripples themselves or dies falling off their quads he is going to be sued because he allowed access and the trails aren't kept up for the trespassers. It is the kids whos parents took them there 15 years ago that are to blame, simple as that.


mukluk, sorry for your loss, she sure had a long life that's for sure. If I can put a smile on someone's face with some of my true stories that is having a bad time my day has been a good one.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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I know that area and I think that sign was long overdue. I amazed at how much crap the owner put up with before posting that sign. Such complete lack of respect by fishing slobs.


There is also a good fishing spot or 2 right here in Wasaga where the owners allow access. With the Tim cups etc that are left behind in the most popular spot I expect to see a sign going up any time. Such moronic behavior----people begging to be denied access to 1 of their favorite spots!! Where the heck do those people come from??? What rock did they crawl out from???

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Disrespect for others property is nothing new. Every generation has it's good and bad. I have buddies in their 60's and 70's that think nothing of tossing anything they want out the window, especially country boys. From Hortons cups to MT beer bottles. They don't do it from my truck. I have turned around and made them get out and pick it up. I said "buddies"? More like Golf acquaintances. Look at some properties out there. They couldn't care less how their places look, usually renters but not always, how can they respect someone else's property if they don't respect their own. There are guys here that do the same when fishing, with this many members the odds are there must be a few, I hope not but I know there probably are. I have fished with guys that think nothing of using the lake as a garbage can. Good guys but they grew up believing the dilution theory of the lake environment. We used Hamilton Bay as a chemical sewer back in the 70's. And didn't believe we were doing any harm because we were told to believe it. Then things changed when Baby Boomers got into Government and positions of making decisions.

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Bottom line is, none of this would ever happen if people would just practice common courtesy and respect.


The problem is, there are a large number of so-called "anglers" out there who are ignorant, obnoxious, self-absorbed Class A idiots. And there seem to be more of them all the time, at least if the growing number of no trespassing signs is any indication.

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Bottom line is, none of this would ever happen if people would just practice common courtesy and respect.


The problem is, there are a large number of so-called "anglers" out there who are ignorant, obnoxious, self-absorbed Class A idiots. And there seem to be more of them all the time, at least if the growing number of no trespassing signs is any indication.


Pretty much nailed it.

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Around my neck of the woods you can always tell where a good water access point is by the amount of garbage on the side of the road (Grand River between Fergus and Elora not included). The amount of disrespect these people have for the natural environment that they apparently "enjoy" on a regular basis is mind boggling. Take a drive by the upstream part of Guelph Lake or Belwood Lake if you need any indication. It upset me so bad the one day I was to go fishing I just turned around and went back home. Didn't want to be associated with those people.

Edited by netminder
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Sadly, pigs are everywhere. They don't care about the water, the fish, the access, the environment.

My buddy and I regularly pick up after these pigs on our way back to the vehicle after a days fishing. Plastic garbage bags have become just one more thing we tend to carry with us. It never fails to amaze me how some idiots can carry a case of beer into the fishing spot, but not take out the empties? Or how heavy can a Timmies cup be when it's empty?

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I always have a bag on hand and have even started to tie bags to entrances. I think one spot I fish it,s working. Was there this sunday and all three bags were gone. Locals taking full bags down? Who knows. I tied another three before I left. Sure hope it,s working. I didnt have to pick up anything on the banks this day.

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Not just fishing access is spoiled by slobs. Used to be a nice takeout on private property on one of our spring whitewater rivers. As long as we parked so there was no impediment for their vehicles and the take out was kept clean, all was fine.


One spring, find out the takeout is further upstream cuz of garbage and parking issues. My guess is that it wasn't the white water canoeists (open boaters) who were the cause cuz we keep good stewardship since many of us came from tripping/ guiding backgrounds. Surprised the put in was ok since it's an honour system cash box ;)


Slobs gonna slob to the detriment of everyone else's access.

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I always have a bag on hand and have even started to tie bags to entrances. I think one spot I fish it,s working. Was there this sunday and all three bags were gone. Locals taking full bags down? Who knows. I tied another three before I left. Sure hope it,s working. I didnt have to pick up anything on the banks this day.


If that was a well known spot in Wasaga I know who is collecting the garbage.

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If that was a well known spot in Wasaga I know who is collecting the garbage.


Atleast the bags are there for those to use. Thats the mind set right? Whom ever it is, I thank them. If they are full when Im there again, I will take them. It the best we can all do. RIGHT.

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