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Fishing Report and outboard help????


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Yesterday I was lucky enough to head out with FisherPete once again. We met at 4:00 am (yes 4 am) at his local Go station so I could park my vehicle and hop in his.


After and hour or so we arrived at the launch and set out on what was to be a great day of fishing.The mosquitoes were really bad and I got bit a few times in short order. It was still very dark out but Pete managed to find some bug cream to my relief. We headed out casting up the shoreline. As usual I was throwing double 10's and Pete would alternate between blades and other baits (suicks etc.)




Sunrise came about 45 minutes later and we headed North towards towards some of Petes spots, The weather couldn't have been better, overcast with a nice cool breeze, but the water temperature was a little high as one could have expected with our hot summer


A few moments later I had a nice hit, set the hook and after a surprisingly hard retrieve Pete netted the first on of the day. Let me tell you I was expecting a mid forties based on the fight this girl gave me. It turned out only to be a thirty five.





Shortly thereafter we headed to the next spot, and within a few casts I couldn't believe my luck slam. I don't want to over exaggerate but this was my best Musky fight to this day. She jumped out of the water and I knew she had some size to her. Pulling my rod under the boat several time as I walked hurriedly from the front to the back of the boat a couple of times she surfaced only to be quickly netted, unhooked, measured, couple of photos and then healthily released, It was at this time Pete noticed the battery on his camera was toast (thanks to Iphones no big deal)




This was my second biggest to date at 43" beating out the 42" that got me addicted to this species.


We hit a couple more spots with no luck and then headed more north and sure enough Pete had put us on a couple more fish, Pete landed this nice ski which he considered too small to lay on the board. My guess would be 34-35".



I followed with another fish shortly thereafter, again I don't know why but these fish were fighting for their lives. A big struggle at the net and the fish never made it in the boat. It was decided that the fish would be considered caught (to be debated) as it was boat side on the net, but not in. (Pete blamed himself, but as we know s..t happens when dealing with these beasts) I am positive this fish was at least 40".


Photo would have been here...... :)


We had spent enough time at this spot and decided to move on to the next. After arriving I switched to orange black from orange yellow which turned out to be a great move as within moments I had another fish on. Adrenaline pumping through my veins again another great fight this was going to be another Kawartha biggie (to me),


After another struggle with the net we landed this 40.5" Beauty.




The weather started to change, clouds disappeared, wind dissipated and my biggest fear had arrived, The dreaded Bluebird skies. Pete to the rescue with some 60 sunblock.


We fished hard for the next few hours without as much as a follow. It was previously decided we would head to Lew's house (fellow OFC'er) to pick up some gear Pete was purchasing.


We arrived at Lew's, stories and gear exchanged, and some time later we headed back for some more time on the water. (Thanks Lew for the great deals and time spent).


Shortly after launching Pete caught a baby about the size of his bait (recently acquired from Lew), No pics.


We headed North again and spent the rest of the day and evening searching for just one more, to no avail.


The sun went down we packed up and headed home.



Hopefully after throwing double 10's all day I have conditioned myself for my upcoming trip to Witch Bay, LOTW's


Thanks Pete for yet another epic day on the water.

That's it for now,



Edited by DaveRoach
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Always a pleasure fishing with you Dave - you were on fire with those blades yesterday! I was having fun watching you catch the big ones while I experimented with different baits and caught the babies lol.


Was certainly not a smooth day operationally - the good camera died an hour in (but at least we got the pics of your 43" first), My knuckle torn open from a hook during a release... I botched a net job (almost 2), and then the problems with my outboard... First the starter goes - ok whatever time to learn how to pull start - then on one of the times taking off the cowling to pull start it the big rubber gasket that goes between the cowling and engine falls off - sinks like a rock. Now what? The cowling rattling around and looking like it will fall off? Nope - ghetto fix - wedge a Timmies cup in the back and a muffin wrapper under the front lol... no more rattle. Rendevous a Lew's place - a pleasure to meet you and the family sir - thanks for the great deals and muskie chat. Fished a few more hours after that but the lake had been thrashed all day by fishermen and boaters and the fish were sulking somewhere. Did catch the smallest muskie I have ever seen on a lure just purchased from Lew - maybe 20" lol! Hey it's a start...


6/7 total, with zero follows - very unusual on this lake - the ones we did contact all ate.


As for my outboard - 2005 or 2006 Honda 30hp - maybe a few of the engine specialists on the board can help me figure this thing out and I can swap the part myself. It's not the battery. Will also be testing the starter motor leads tomorrow to see if it's even getting power so I can rule that possibility out (maybe corrosion somewhere?). When you turn the key to start it there is nothing - no click, no hum - nothing. When you turn the key to the on position you can pull start - and the charging system is fully operational (12.8V off, up to 14.6V while engine is running at speed. Maybe I'll try swapping out a fuse or two also, they looked ok visually. Think there was two 10A and two 15A.



Edited by Fisherpete
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Take jumper cables and go to positive pole with positive clamp. on starter and negative to ground against casing of starter motor If it spins then it is not getting the signal to the solenoid. Recheck fuses with new fuses no click means no signal in most cases. Check solenoid for loose wire, Test for voltage at solenoid post. From here it gets to complicated to stumble thru. Wish you lived closer.




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Looked like a great day of fishing to me Dave! Great photos. As for the diagnosis Pete, Art has it bang on. Youre just missing the crank signal to the starter. Loose, corroded wire. After that, relays and wiring get involved....but I doubt that.

Good luck buddy

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Well checked all electrical connections for corrosion - nothing, everything spotless...

Checked voltage at the spot on the starter where it looks like the battery cables connect - same voltage as at battery terminals... Tried jumping it there from battery - nothing... Started pulling the starter, which is a nightmare - looks like you have to pull the whole flywheel assembly first - cracked the first bolt loose and then decided to recheck all the simple things first. Visually all fuses were fine but then decided to take a meter and check continuity on all of them - bingo. One of the 10A was toast!!! I guess the connection from the battery went to the point where I was still getting voltage and then branched out from there to the fuses afterwards. Really hard to see as everything is packed in there pretty tight. Oh well, problem solved. Good thing too because the starters are around $320 USD! Now just have to get the cowling gasket and I'm back in business.


Thanks for all the help all!

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