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6 year sentence for Forcillo - NF

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my aunt is on the police force in Hamilton.


she told me last night this sentence has caused a divide among the blue in Hamilton....


the minority of cops here she advised want to see a full punishment for this murdering man (can't call him a cop, now that is has been let go without pay)....


HOWEVER, unfortunately the majority of the police here in Hamilton, like the one on this thread, will automatically defend any and all cops, in any and all situations....


ahhh well...


tides are turning.


little brother is watching...


and the days ahead will be much different than the days of the past.....


Who would have thought when cops asked for CCTV everywhere...you know....for the safety of the public would backfire like it has....


Now there are more folks with cell phones than CCTV, and aren't the slightest bit scared of filming cops stepping out of line.


With the direct streaming options, cops can't even take your cell phone and delete (or steal) your memory cards....


Times they are a' changin.


Edit: grammar

Edited by Steve
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I don't give a rat's patewy who it is. Murder is murder. I've said it before, "OUR LEGAL SYSTEM SUCKS!" big time.


There are too many psychos with a badge out there. They are the ones that ruin it for the decent cop that works hard and puts his/her life on the line to , "serve and protect" every day. We need regular psychiatric assessment before, during a cop's employment and especially after a traumatic service of duty. Lethal force MUST be the last resort in all situations not the first as it is in the US. Abuse of leathal force MUST result in a guilty verdict, and to heck with the legal mumbo jumbo. Murder is murder.


Cops have a very dangerous job, no doubt about it, but they choose to be a cop, no one forced them to become one.


My 2 cents .......Mud

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Two things.


TPS have obviously not learned how to deal with people with mental health issues (see Edmond Yu)/


He was obviously not mentally fit to be an officer (imo) if he couldn't wait for a commanding officer to arrive with the taser and no other officer seemed particularly concerned such as he was and one officer in fact holstered her service revolver.


He should NEVER wear a badge ever again. He's not even fit to be a mall cop.

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I want to say first I have a deep respect for police and the job they do!!!


That being said this turd was way out of line..... a kid on an empty bus with a small knife

2 cops with guns (where was the taser) and all the time in the world to keep him on the bus and wait for a dog

anyway he was way out of line after the second shot not to mention the next 8

this guy should not be on the street his butt should be in a cell awaiting his appeal this is really bad optics and just plain wrong

he should be banned for life from firearms and never be allowed to be a cop anywhere

and before it happens his situation was secure and he was not in danger it was way over the line


put him in general I certainly don't want to pay for his special treatment turds should be flushed


my 2 cents


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Oh if we could only walk a mile in their shoes! I am not defending him, to be honest with you I think he crossed the line but: have you ever had one of those days when.........


We don't know what was going through either of their minds on that night. Yes we have a trained professional who in my opinion didn't follow what I would have expected his training to have dictated his course of action BUT, just because you have been trained doesn't mean you are qualified.


Accountability is sadly lacking in not only our police forces but in every walk of life. Our kids are taught that their parents will fix everything, our politicians lie to us all the time and then lie some more, the gang bangers shoot at each other then walk away with suspended sentences. How are we ever going to expect respect for our laws?

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same situation.

different outcome..


Man with knife on TTC bus apprehended after 5 hours of negotiation




different situation, here's why:


"None of the initial calls indicated that anyone on the bus had been threatened, Douglas-Cook said"


Yatim was not at all innocent....


the situation didn't need to end the way it did, that much I can agree with....the Forcillo sentencing was adequate imo, he messed up and will pay the consequences...but everybody calling Yatim a kid, "tiny" knife, etc...please, give me a break, that's pure bull crap....he was an adult...he had a knife, 5" blade is not a tiny swiss army pocket knife...he threatened and attacked people on the bus....he did not have a history of mental illness, no medical records and his family claims he didn't, unless that has changed since last I followed all this drama.....the adult decided to to pop some E and railed a few lines, then raged out on the street car and attacked innocent people....ZERO sympathy for his death


there was a pic floating around when this first happened, somebody painted "the good die young" or something to that affect on the sidewalk...I wonder if the McGregor sisters or anybody else on the street car would say he's a good guy...

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my aunt is on the police force in Hamilton.


she told me last night this sentence has caused a divide among the blue in Hamilton....


the minority of cops here she advised want to see a full punishment for this murdering man (can't call him a cop, now that is has been let go without pay)....


HOWEVER, unfortunately the majority of the police here in Hamilton, like the one on this thread, will automatically defend any and all cops, in any and all situations....


what happened to the "just a few bad apples" ?


sounds like the majority are corrupt, and not fit to be in uniform


cant say that im surprised



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