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Changes in my life...

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Hey gang,


I haven't been super active the past little while.  Truth be told, there's been a lot going on in my life, and our family has recently made some pretty big changes.  One such change is that I left my job after an incredible 9.5 year run.  The experiences, people I've met and friendships I've gained over the past decade have been priceless.  It's pretty scary, making this change now with three kids under the age of 10 at home, but I'm hopeful that in the long run it'll be a good thing for our family.  I've decided to start doing corporate and commercial video work on my own, and now that my youngest is in school full time, my wife Ginny has been able to take on more hours at work.  Long term, it'd be awesome to find a balance between work and family life so that we're able to live comfortably, but mainly enjoy time spent together.


My oldest daughter Averie has grown up on OFC... some newcomers may not know her, but a lot of you guys, who've been members since she was born have literally watched her grow up.  I mean got the idea for her name from TJ's boy for crying out loud. ( thanks bud lol )  It honestly seems like the blink of an eye, yet she's going to be TEN this October.  Starting a business might seem like the wrong thing to do when you want to spend more time with your kids, but I'm giving it a shot anyway.  Some of my fondest memories growing up was time spent at my Great Uncles camp on weekends ( because in Sudbury we called cottages, camps).  He owned a plumbing and heating business, and though he was busy during the week, he always made time for family on weekends - and would skip out from the office for one of his kids field trips without fail.  I won't be buying a cottage anytime soon, but if I could even remotely follow in his footsteps I'll be a happy father.  


OFC has played a huge part in getting me to where I am today, with starting my career in the fishing world 10 years ago, to helping raise tens of thousands of dollars at our Fish-a-Thon for a Cure and with making friendships that are sure to last a lifetime.  Though I'm super busy with everything I have going on right now, I will absolutely check in as often as possible and keep everyone informed on how things are going.  Hopefully I'm able to find that balance between work and family life, so that I can get back to posting actual fishing reports as soon as possible.


We did get out for an hour from shore last night and Averie put a pretty good show, flipping for largemouth from the pier.  Folks fishing with worms for panfish were like what the heck is this kid doing? lol She convinced me to let her bring a few greenies home for dinner.


Posted Image


As for an example of the type of work I'm doing.  My buddy Carl from Baitcloud asked if I'd be interested in producing a video for them, and as they're huge supporters of our Fish-a-Thon, as well as just good people in general I didn't hesitate in saying yes.  So, this is the type of stuff I'm going to be focusing on. Thirty second to 5 minute corporate vids that'll mainly be used online.  Though I have a ton of experience in the fishing world, I don't plan to focus all my attention in that area.  I've recently been doing work in the farming and fuel industries, as well as other areas that aren't even remotely related to fishing.  You may recognize a few people in this video, most notably, a certain carp angling phenom that we all know as MJL. Thank again bro - I had an awesome time, can't thank you enough, and we will get out on the water before ice-up!


Wish me luck - if it blows up in my face, as least I can say I tried!


Hope you enjoy the vid and my best goes out to everyone at OFC.





Ryan & Family

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Looking good, and best of luck! :thumbsup_anim:


Thanks Dave!


All the best Ryan!!!!

If that vid is a sample of your work; you'll do fine!

And yes Averie has really shot up, since the time you guys where having a pop on my deck!




Thanked bud, we have to get together before long for another pop or two! :o)


Good luck to you and your family my self and my wife made a big life change 11 years ago and got into the cottage resort business and we do not regret it life is good.


Cheers Mitch



Congrats on the success Mitch... Love hearing stories like this. Thanks and my best goes out to you and your family!

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Ryan I have seen your stuff and you have serious talent. I know for one that you will be successful in anything you choose to do. I like the concept of branching out because if you become an expert in only one facet of any business it may close off opportunities in others.

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:thumbsup_anim: Wishing you all great success Ryan... you will do just fine we have confidence in you my friend :clapping::whistling:


Thanks bud - very much appreciated!

Ryan I have seen your stuff and you have serious talent. I know for one that you will be successful in anything you choose to do. I like the concept of branching out because if you become an expert in only one facet of any business it may close off opportunities in others.


Thanks man - It truly means a lot to me that you like my work... I've done work for Fanshawe College in London, some lingerie stuff :whistling: , farming, diesel fuel videos... and tons more so the demo reel should be fairly diversified once I have time to put it together.


Good luck, and something tells me Averie will be pro fishing one of these days


lol yeah one of her best friends, Allen has his own little tinner with a 5hp gas motor and a home-made casting deck...he even has his own slip down at the lake. So they get to spend their summer days out on the lake fishing... not a bad way to spend your summer holidays at 10 years old.


What a beautiful read! It will be whatever you make it out to be but from what I've heard and seen you will do amazing!


Now quit playing and get to work LOL. :clapping:


haha Thanks Cliff.... I'm on it.. back to work I go right now..


Thanks for the update. Work hard it will happen.


Thanks Glen... very much appreciated.




:spam: lol

Congrats Ryan on the changes, the video is just great and like the others have said I have ALL THE FAITH you all will be just fine!



Thanks GBW... I will keep you all updated and like I said.. fishing reports will follow as soon as I find the time to get out!


Have a good week guys!

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Sorry I'm just getting to these messages now - I was away for the past 3 days and am now trying to get everything going for the Fish-a-Thon. All of the kind words mean more to me than any of you will ever know. Thanks for the support guys - and like I said, I will absolutely keep everyone in the loop!




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