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Whitefish and Lake trout report.


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Hi all,


last week i planned to head out on the weekend with my buddy for whitefish and lakers.



As per usual the forecast for the week ahead was off, and by the time the weekend rolled sarong the mild (-15C) had turned into -31C, don't even want to think what the wind chill was factoring in the 15kmh wind.


After a brief conversation on the phone at 4am with my buddy which was a weird mixture of wanting to back out but neither one of us wanting to make the call…we decided to go.


We got out on the lake at about 9am. Delay was due to my 4 way trailer light male connector pin snapping off, and having to attempt to splice on a spare one in minus 31C in the dark….duct tape and electrical tape don't stick to well at those temps, so I put the rolls in the microwave for 25 seconds and it worked a treat, but you had to be quick!


We set up the shack in slightly shallower than usual, we should have checked the depth before clearing the spot for the shelter, but we did not want to waste much time doing it all again and opted to try 28'FOW as a compromise that would allow us the instant comfort of the shack.


Pretty much straight off the bat there was smelt coming through in big shoals with the whitefish not far behind. They were in a picky mood today, but the aggressive ones were also around. Micro tubes in pearl (think crappie 1.5" tubes) on an 1/8 oz jig always works on this lake and that is what they seemed to prefer today.


After about a half hour spell where there were no fish to be seen I ventured outside to drill a few holes, as soon as I got 50yrds from the shack I heard my buddy shout "I think I have a trout!" I ran back to the shack and he was battling some thing that was peeling drag effortlessly. Carmon had a 1/2 ounce glow whistler jig with a white double twister tail tipped with a small minnow as bait.


A lengthy 6 minute battle ensued which ended with Carmon landing a real tank! After pictures I headed back to drill some holes in slightly deeper water, it was surprisingly comfortable when the wind dropped and as soon as I dropped my jig down in 38'FOW a whitefish slammed the jig. I saw a few more but returned to the shack because my buddies fish finder battery had died and wanted to share mine with him, I'm such a considerate chap :angel:


We stayed until midday. I managed to burn a small hole in my new shelter :wallbash::angry: , and tear a hole in its cover….DOH. My camera also stopped working and ensued up using my point and shoot so did not get all the video footage of the catches…oh well, at least I can patch the tent and the camera is ok, guess it was also cold…..lol.





































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ive fished a few mornings in -35, I had one lucky day at 35 below without a single wisp of breeze and it was actually really neat to be out on the lake and we didnt even need a shelter because it was easy to stay warm in the sun.


those are some fat fish, thanks for sharing.

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Looks like a bunch of fun...thanks for posting


Myt pleasure…it was a blast!





Awesome as always simon, thats a sweeeet laker!


Yeah…..carmon always catches the trout when we go, this was definitely one of his bigger ones.





what lake?


Lac Seul :whistling:







Soon it will be us out here. The ice gods, are starting to show thier hand.


About time, this year's weather is NUTS!





Simply AWESOME :Gonefishing:B)


Thanks John, it was about time we landed some quality fish, Carmon and me have been out for trout 2 times before this and skunked each time.





Awesome! Great report


Thanks man!





Almost makes me want to go ice fishing, very cool!


LOL…come on Mike…you know ya wanna!





That was very cool. Thanks so much for sharing.





My pleasure smitty :canadian:

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Fat laker, on the WHITE GRUB! haha


Haha…why am I laughing…oh well….lol





Nice grab on that biggie Simon. There's extra pressure when it's not your fish.


I'm pretty sure you guys are glad you went despite the cold.


Thanks Chris, I don't often think about it but you are right, man you don't want to be in a position to get the blame for losing the fish….lol.





That laker is a hawg! Nice video. Thanx


Carmon done good!





Awesome report man!!


Thanks man!





Holy crap are those Mr. Atlas whitefish?? The shoulders on them.



Nice video


Thanks Terry!





~~~~~AH Ha by figuring out the angle of the Sun, the height of your partner I was able to determine where you were. Just finding it strange that you found safe ice in the Bahamas


Its been an odd kinda year….anything is possible…lol.





Great video! Thanks for sharing Simon.


My pleasure Tom.





ive fished a few mornings in -35, I had one lucky day at 35 below without a single wisp of breeze and it was actually really neat to be out on the lake and we didnt even need a shelter because it was easy to stay warm in the sun.


those are some fat fish, thanks for sharing.


It was actually pretty nice outside the shack with no wind, unbelievable considering the temperature….but I have honestly felt colder on a grey, damp English day at +10C.

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