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What do you take on a fly in, that's well, different?


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I'll be going on my first ever fly in, in about a months time. The boys I am going with have been providing me with insight as to what I need and to be sure to keep things light. Thanks Will!

I'm just wondering if any of you have something that you find in-valuable on a fly in, that doesn't normally get packed by others.

Yah, I'm a little bored on a rainy Friday afternoon but thought it would be interesting to hear what you folks have to say.

Many thanks for your contributions.


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Plano boxes holding your baits and then put them in a white buckets that has a good snap on lid....it's light and WATER PROOF ! ! ! They are indestructible and can be left out in the boat in all kinds of weather. You can mark them with a magic marker of what's in them........also DUCT TAPE

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I'm liking the sounds of this Joe. Great to hear you're getting away on a fly-in. You'll be addicted. Where are ya off to? Fishing for what?


First Aid kit is something I'll always tell any gang with me I have covered...








Anyways... other stuff.


I like a headlamp, they're handy for the sundown BBQ's when getting in later after the evening walleye bite. So, a string or stringer too. If you don't smoke, take a lighter anyways for your buddies who do. I take neoprene socks instead of rubber boots and wear them in Crocs, way lighter than packing the boots. Long Johns no matter what season it is. I take a urinal when camping now too because leaving the tent in the night is a pain. If you're in a cabin ya might want to talk to the roommates about that first. An extra hat, cause bull happens. Scotch. Deck of cards. Extra spools of line. Gravol and pain medicine. Earplugs. Those are a few things you may or may not have thought about.


Good luck dood! We all want a full report and, if I miss it because I'm away, you'll have to PM the link.

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Do not forget a pee bottle for during the night most of the out houses at the fly in camps that I have been to are a little to far to venture out to at night good luck on your trip by the way what lake are you flying into and with what outfitter.


Cheers Mitch

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Thanks for all the responses folks! Much appreciated!

We are flying out of White River Air and fishing Jembi (SP) Lake. Leaving the middle of July for four days.

Drew, I'm sure we'll have a report up upon our return. Hoping to feast on the Pickereye every day and maybe find us some gators lookin for a lickin!


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I would say a fresh prime rib is out of the question. Maybe a small bucket of salt beef, a head of cabbage, a small turnip, a bag of carrots and 10 lbs of taters. An option might also be, a freezer bag of smoked smelts? For eating or bait. You decide.


Have a great trip Joe. :canadian:

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Bug & rain gear; especially the bug gear, for those early morning visits to the outdoor loo; for a waist manage meeting. It's bad enough that your butt gets bitten; but at least you can keep the skeeters off 90% of your body. Takes the guessing out of; do I swat them away from my face, or wipe my butt and get the heck out of here. LOL



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Thanks again everyone!

Brian, I couldn't in good faith deprive you of your smelt! That said, a good feed of smelt would certainly curb my appetite for a few days! LOL

Mike, do let un know how your trip went...

Counting the days!!!!


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Can't wait to hear how you boys make out at Jembi! Joe, if this is your first fly in you will love the experience!


Don't sweat the packing too much, bring what you want within reason. Dan at WRA is a pretty good guy, he typically doesn't nail you with overweigh charges.

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Most of this I wouldn't bring to a lodge, but I would bring to a fly-in outpost where we were on our own:


- a small tool kit for basic repairs to hoses, outboard motor, etc.. [wrench/screwdriver/multitool, duct tape, electrical tape, epoxy, super glue, fuel stabilizer, hose clamps, handful of screws/nails, some wire, sandpaper, steel wool]

- a small medical kit with some basic meds like chewable aspirin/low dose aspirin, Benadryl, Immodium, Pepcid AC, Cortisone cream, Aloe vera gel for burns etc..

- a more "serious' emergency kit for the boat - fire starting materials/devices, water/water filter, emergency blanket, compass, flashlight

- BBQ spatula, lighter/matches - having good BBQ tools helps a lot

- mouse traps

- can of Raid and Deodorizer for outhouse

- a lightbulb or two if you have electricity

- extension cord, power bar

- heavy duty gloves if you're planning on cooking with an open fire often

- a good lantern if your cabin lights run off of propane

- rod tip repair kit

- travel sewing kit

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A quick trip to Dollarama on all my fly in's can get a shopping bag full of goodies that makes life a bit more enjoyable for the week


glow in the dark sticks to hang up at night. These places can get pitch black so a little ambient light helps for midnight pee breaks. We also hung some on the dock at night and it's amazing how far you can see these things


Mouse trap/moth balls - nothing ruins a nights sleep when you hear little scurrying feet inside the cabin.


EAR PLUGS!! - a must have


Can of air freshener - nuff said!


Freezer bags for the boat and leftovers


mosquito coils and holder for the boat


BBQ lighter and brush


Dish towel - extra for cabin and 1 in the boat


can opener - yes I have been on a fly in and found the one and only can opener in the cabin broken


I always pack small 2 way radios as well. Mine have the weather channel and it's great to keep in touch when you can with each boat. They have limited range but work great. Plus always good to chirp your buddies when you're on fish.


Just walk down each aisle and check stuff out and you'll be amazed at what you might need for the trip

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A good insulated travel mug. Keeps the cold drinks cold longer and the warm drinks warm longer. Also handy as a bail bucket or pee bucket in the boat or as a urinal to save those night trips in the dark to an outhouse. I good multi tool. The better ones have lots of useful attachments that actually work quite well. Can be a real asset when your in the middle of no where.


Have fun and please share with us when you return :thumbsup_anim:


Edit to add. Just read Fangs list. X2 for a can opener.

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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