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Trudeau says he will legalize cannabis if elected this fall.


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a quick google and here is the first thing that pops up


Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) or engages in an activity (e.g., gambling, sex, shopping) that can be pleasurable but the continued use/act of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work ...


by any definition I have heard Addiction is when it becomes abnormal behavior.... beyond normal and again eating is a normal function

but as I stated before what you eat can be an addiction but not the act of eating

A quick google search is not knowledge.


But yes, part of that is right, part of it is flawed.


Study the mind and youll see.


Or like I said, just enjoy life as it is and move along.


Biology and the mind are closely intertwined as I said before.


Understanding the relationship is not so cut and dry.


But thats what people want, a cut and dry definition. Accept that if you will, it doesnt hurt me or you if your happy.


The fact of the matter is your Biological, physiological and your perspective, greatly influence every aspect of your life

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in my opinion

you are giving me your opinion not facts


the definition is the definition

if you choose to have a different definition then as I said it is not mainstream


I will not continue with this because you have your "beliefs" and we will not agree on this subject

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in my opinion

you are giving me your opinion not facts


the definition is the definition

if you choose to have a different definition then as I said it is not mainstream


I will not continue with this because you have your "beliefs" and we will not agree on this subject

Lol its basic science.


But yes, we dont need to continue. Your stance is yours and mine is mine.


This is what I studied in school so its not an uneducated opinion, just so ya know.

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Your mind acts biological of course, but its highly influenced by basically everything, this is not debatable.


Our understanding of how and why can indeed be questioned, its in our "biological nature" to seek answers, correct?


Addiction to me is again, a dirty word.


When it harms ones self or others around them, then yes thats a problem.


We all have our issues, alot of them revolve around "addictions".


You me and everyone on this board. EVERYONE...


Every issue you have mentally, revolves around neurotransmittors, all of them. Naturally stimulated or artificially.


I know im gonna get alot of flack for my posts because its not "general knowledge".


I too put myself through destructive behaviour, so im not judging anyone.


Maybe just trying to help people understand??? Im not sure myself... ask ricks GABA, dopamine, serotonin, etc.



Ok Rick, that is a rambling response dude.


But you make a statement that chimes more with my understanding of addiction in that it is partially defined by the negative consequences of the 'addictive behaviour'.


For example, yes, whenever I eat a Cadbury's Creme Egg my brain produces natural endorphins…pleasure chemicals, when I finish my creme egg I'm done and go on about my business.


I might come into contact with more creme eggs as I go about my daily business but do not feel the need to indulge further.


If I was addicted to Creme Eggs though it would be very different. I would probably eat way more than one in any given session. My weight would balloon and health would suffer, however because of my compulsion to engage in my creme eggs I would be unable to stop and begin to create intricate self denial messages to make me ok with doing stuff that was bad for me.


This denial would also manifest itself in my attempts to hide my use as I am now ashamed of my creme egg habit. As I spiral deeper into my Cadbury's driven nightmare my finances also begin to be impacted, I lie to my wife and let my kid eat as many as he likes when he is with me because that makes it ok for me, but its our little secret, honesty in my personal relationships is dead, so then it follows intimacy is too.


I am in debt, ashamed, alone and need to feel better, off to Walmart I go to steal 100 creme eggs, I get caught and now I'm facing jail as I am already on bail for hitting my spouse over an argument when she found a whole bunch of Creme Egg wrappers hidden in the live well of my boat……..lol….this is a good story!

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Ok Rick, that is a rambling response dude.


But you make a statement that chimes more with my understanding of addiction in that it is partially defined by the negative consequences of the 'addictive behaviour'.


For example, yes, whenever I eat a Cadbury's Creme Egg my brain produces natural endorphinspleasure chemicals, when I finish my creme egg I'm done and go on about my business.


I might come into contact with more creme eggs as I go about my daily business but do not feel the need to indulge further.


If I was addicted to Creme Eggs though it would be very different. I would probably eat way more than one in any given session. My weight would balloon and health would suffer, however because of my compulsion to engage in my creme eggs I would be unable to stop and begin to create intricate self denial messages to make me ok with doing stuff that was bad for me.


This denial would also manifest itself in my attempts to hide my use as I am now ashamed of my creme egg habit. As I spiral deeper into my Cadbury's driven nightmare my finances also begin to be impacted, I lie to my wife and let my kid eat as many as he likes when he is with me because that makes it ok for me, but its our little secret, honesty in my personal relationships is dead, so then it follows intimacy is too.


I am in debt, ashamed, alone and need to feel better, off to Walmart I go to steal 100 creme eggs, I get caught and now I'm facing jail as I am already on bail for hitting my spouse over an argument when she found a whole bunch of Creme Egg wrappers hidden in the live well of my boat..lol.this is a good story!

Hahaha thats the best response ever!


But remember i said, there is healthy addictions and non healthy.


Im off to get some of those, they sound delish???

Edited by manitoubass2
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Ok Rick, that is a rambling response dude.


But you make a statement that chimes more with my understanding of addiction in that it is partially defined by the negative consequences of the 'addictive behaviour'.


For example, yes, whenever I eat a Cadbury's Creme Egg my brain produces natural endorphins…pleasure chemicals, when I finish my creme egg I'm done and go on about my business.


I might come into contact with more creme eggs as I go about my daily business but do not feel the need to indulge further.


If I was addicted to Creme Eggs though it would be very different. I would probably eat way more than one in any given session. My weight would balloon and health would suffer, however because of my compulsion to engage in my creme eggs I would be unable to stop and begin to create intricate self denial messages to make me ok with doing stuff that was bad for me.


This denial would also manifest itself in my attempts to hide my use as I am now ashamed of my creme egg habit. As I spiral deeper into my Cadbury's driven nightmare my finances also begin to be impacted, I lie to my wife and let my kid eat as many as he likes when he is with me because that makes it ok for me, but its our little secret, honesty in my personal relationships is dead, so then it follows intimacy is too.


I am in debt, ashamed, alone and need to feel better, off to Walmart I go to steal 100 creme eggs, I get caught and now I'm facing jail as I am already on bail for hitting my spouse over an argument when she found a whole bunch of Creme Egg wrappers hidden in the live well of my boat……..lol….this is a good story!

Ok, way too logical! But funny! :clapping:

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How does the story end. Don't leave me hanging.

The end of the story is too many people are closed minded. Accept reality as they are told and dont dare to question it. What they believe as correct is most often completely wrong.


Funny thing is, if your alive and happy, it all doesnt really matter anyhow.

Edited by manitoubass2
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Harper would also propose to legalize if he thought it would result in a net gain in votes. Doesn't however play to his social conservative base. Harper's attack ads on Trudeau say it would make it easier for minors to buy. It's obviously easy now and has been since I was 14 in 1975. I say make it legal to grow in your own backyard and only tax it if you're too lazy or can't grow it and have to buy. Regulate it like alcohol for operating motor vehicles etc.

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Ms Ambrose the health minister says the only reason med pot users were given the green light to grow their own medicine was because the supreme court said they had to allow them too. If not for the supreme court order they would of never allowed it to happen. She is such a dunce, and should be removed from that portfolio. She knows nothing about health or the science behind it. Heck she has a Arts degree. Is that like arts and crafts. lol

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Ms Ambrose the health minister says the only reason med pot users were given the green light to grow their own medicine was because the supreme court said they had to allow them too. If not for the supreme court order they would of never allowed it to happen. She is such a dunce, and should be removed from that portfolio. She knows nothing about health or the science behind it. Heck she has a Arts degree. Is that like arts and crafts. lol

They'll just do the 'cabinet shuffle'... health minister, you are now finance minister, you do not need a degree or any previous experience.


In four years I wanna be being an astronaut.

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If I was addicted to Creme Eggs though it would be very different. I would probably eat way more than one in any given session. My weight would balloon and health would suffer, however because of my compulsion to engage in my creme eggs I would be unable to stop and begin to create intricate self denial messages to make me ok with doing stuff that was bad for me.


Then why are there so many blumpkins out there lickin their fingers, starting to adopt the shape of an egg.

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