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And even if you get through, the advice given by phone is often anything but accurate. I've been burned following the instructions from the helpline. The only thing that saved me from a big fine was that I had written down, date, time, and name of the persons I spoke with, and had written down the instructions I was given.

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Everything is cool now got through in short order...there 24 hour service starts at 9 am... :rofl2::clapping: the whole thing started when I moved two years ago and according to them I never gave a change of address but I did do a change of address on my 2012 and 2013 returns which were net filed according to the CRA should have been sufficient to get the change done by alas the system didn`t work...imagine that!!!


All is good now managed to get a hold of a humanoid on the phone and got it fixed!! :clapping:

Edited by lookinforwalleye
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And even if you get through, the advice given by phone is often anything but accurate. I've been burned following the instructions from the helpline. The only thing that saved me from a big fine was that I had written down, date, time, and name of the persons I spoke with, and had written down the instructions I was given.


Always do this

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I record all conversions where it may entail a legal matter later. "This conversation may be recorded for future use and training." Save the files and then burn it onto a cd and store. Amazing how the conversation changes in the a few months. I usually email them an mp3 copy. They Never call back again or the issue is dealt to my satisfaction.


$35(used to be $25) for the magicjack number per year and $10 for the recorder (pay once only). Done.


That is the number I always use for my contacts with, companies, lawyers, my ex and the movement.


Fiends and family use a different number with no recordings.

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If your gonna record someone make sure you have consent, or they at least have knowledge of it.


While were on the government topic...


Can anyone explain to me why during the 2 times i've been on EI in my 35 years, why you get abssolutely hammered at income tax time?


Geez I collected for 8 months if I remember correctly, that year I owed $2600 in income tax????


Or was that just me?


Seems silly I pay tonnes of money into benefits but the rare time I collect I get taxed on it????

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If your gonna record someone make sure you have consent, or they at least have knowledge of it.


While were on the government topic...


Can anyone explain to me why during the 2 times i've been on EI in my 35 years, why you get abssolutely hammered at income tax time?


Geez I collected for 8 months if I remember correctly, that year I owed $2600 in income tax????


Or was that just me


Seems silly I pay tonnes of money into benefits but the rare time I collect I get taxed on it????

"This conversation may be recorded for future use and training." is all you need. You only have to inform the other party. If they continue, they are giving consent.

Large companies do it ALL the time and my lawyer said it was legal.


As for taxes on EI. ALL incomes are taxed, NO exceptions. EI is considered an income.

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"This conversation may be recorded for future use and training." is all you need. You only have to inform the other party. If they continue, they are giving consent.

Large companies do it ALL the time and my lawyer said it was legal.


As for taxes on EI. ALL incomes are taxed, NO exceptions. EI is considered an income.

Yeah I got the same advice from a lawyer.


Ei being considered an income is bull, IMO.


But thats the facts i spose

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Ei being considered an income is bull, IMO.


But thats the facts i spose


I am on EI on occasion, it still doesn't help me, the system sucks IMO


I inquired if I could not pay EI premiums and not qualify for EI, of course this isn't an option

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What sucks is when you're on long term disability at 60% of your income base (as of 4 years ago) and then it's still taxable because your Union was too greedy and made the employer pay the LTD premium portion and not allowing the employee to do so on their own behalf (which would have made it tax free). When all is said and done, Jen only gets about 45% of her pay. It JUST covers her apartment and hydro bill in the city.

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Can anyone explain to me why during the 2 times i've been on EI in my 35 years, why you get abssolutely hammered at income tax time?


Geez I collected for 8 months if I remember correctly, that year I owed $2600 in income tax????


Or was that just me


Seems silly I pay tonnes of money into benefits but the rare time I collect I get taxed on it????


There are a couple of reasons for that

  • They usually only deduct about 10% tax which, for most people, is less than you pay when you file.
  • Another reason is the claw back. Depending on your income you may have to repay up to 30% of you EI back to the government when you file your taxes. This will hit people who have high earnings for part of the year but are out of work for part of the year. I don't agree with it, but that is the way it works.



Ei being considered an income is bull, IMO.


But thats the facts i spose


The EI premiums are currently tax deductible; so it makes sense that the earnings are taxed. It would make sense to change that; eliminate the deduction for premiums; but don't tax the earnings. We would pay a litter more tax when we were working; but a lot less tax when we were out of work.


It wouldn't affect the government revenue too much. The extra tax from workers would offset the reduction in tax from people collecting EI.

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If there is anything more inefficient than a government organization please let me know....just phoned the CRA`s 24 hour inquires hotline and the message said the office is closed.... :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

1 - Rogers

2 - Bell

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What sucks is when you're on long term disability at 60% of your income base (as of 4 years ago) and then it's still taxable because your Union was too greedy and made the employer pay the LTD premium portion and not allowing the employee to do so on their own behalf (which would have made it tax free). When all is said and done, Jen only gets about 45% of her pay. It JUST covers her apartment and hydro bill in the city.


Yeah that does suck, especially since it was likely a taxable benefit at the time... At least she worked in a place that had long term disability insurance. Also the union might have thought some people might not have paid for it on their own, so at least their way the employees would get something.

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What sucks is when you're on long term disability at 60% of your income base (as of 4 years ago) and then it's still taxable because your Union was too greedy and made the employer pay the LTD premium portion and not allowing the employee to do so on their own behalf (which would have made it tax free). When all is said and done, Jen only gets about 45% of her pay. It JUST covers her apartment and hydro bill in the city.

Talk about bullcrap

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1 - Rogers

2 - Bell


Who can say enough bad about them. Necessary evils in many cases though.


This is one I still can't figure out though. Our local rag the Beacon Herald, bought out by Quebecor media a few years back, is only useful for catching bird droppings. Or posting local notices. Last month our family decided that on the 5yr of the passing of my Grandmother we would do a immemoriam notice.


I went online when I was over at my parents place to do it so I wouldn't have to go into the office. I tried to use their online app for setting it all up. It didn't work. So I picked up the phone and tried to call. The call wouldn't go through for some reason. I saw that rogers had just been in the building my parents live and figured it must be that they were working on the system, but the phone worked when I called my place just to see if it would?


Wanting to get it done, I tried my cell and it the call went through, got told the online app doesn't work, just email her and she would email back with a proof and the cost. Then we could call in and approve and pay for it over the phone...


The email comes to my parents a couple of days later my dad tries to call and the homephone doesn't work AGAIN... When he finally gets through on his cell, the rep tells him, they put in a new system a few weeks ago and for some reason rogers homephone customers can't call through? They are working on it though...


So the only daily newspaper in the county can't take calls from the second biggest home phone provider in the country LOL. Yet both my dad and I have rogers cell plans and it worked...

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Hey G,

I was dealing with Rogers on another matter and ended up talking to a customer retention rep. I complained about having to pay $2 for my bill and they told me they would drop the fee. No issues.

Can't hurt to try...


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