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Tiz the time,,,,,,,FLU SHOT


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The kids bring home colds.


They would also bring home the flu.


If I had co-workers with a modicum of personal hygiene, didn't work with people with compromised immune systems and didn't have kids I'd likely not bother with a shot.


No advice, there is obviously very little point.

Edited by kickingfrog
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The kids bring home colds.


They would also bring home the flu.


If I had co-workers with a modicum of personal hygiene, didn't work with people with compromised immune systems and didn't have kids I'd likely not bother with a shot.


No advice, there is obviously very little point.

point taken rob. im just trying to have fun.

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Our family doctor is someone I really trust. She has been very good with everything Debbe and I have had to deal with for ourselves and our kids when they where still at home. She is not a "pill pusher" at all. When I developed my type 2 diabetes she recommended I start getting a flue shot. She never bothered me with it before that. I took her for her word and have been getting it since then. Debbe on the other hand has been getting it for years. Working at the bank and dealing with the public and there dirty money...our doctor talked her into it a long time ago.

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I'll be getting mine again this year... I touch too many door handles, tools etc to not get it... All it take is one person with it and not washing or sanitizing their hands to transmit it.... The gate at the plant is the worst....


Nothing is 100% but it doesn't hurt.



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It's mandatory for me. Although, some years I dodged the egg-to-arm bullet after I'd been ill one year, immediately after having received the shot. Only happened once.


When pretty well ALL my peers and co-workers who are health professionals promote getting the flu shot, it's hard to say no. Exposed to EVERY kind of bug going around on a regular basis, flu shot or not it's rare I get more than one or two common colds a year. No bacterial infections at all since tonsillitis in 1992. Everything in an ER or clinic is coated with germs, there is no escaping when half the time even the food-on-the-go is eaten off dirty counter tops. Overall, I think most of my co-workers would admit as well, that they are rarely ill considering their equal exposure. Immune systems always in overdrive I'd bet. That point there makes me also think that, it's actually healthy for healthier people to be exposed. Eating a little mud and drinking from the school fountain is OK for kids. Builds character, and antibodies. Not Purell'in every 5-minutes is probably fine too. Stuff like that. Today's "superbugs" rarely exist if at all, on some of those "dirtier" Rez communities where I lived. Funny that is eh?


Last week the Infection Control Nurse snuck up on me and I got jabbed. Fine with it. Had the stomach flu once or twice in 20 years of practice and it really does suck hard. For some kids, most elderly, or any immuno-suppressed patients, I'd recommend it but, not push it on anyone.


Though for some extra precaution at work this flu season, I have implemented some new practices...



Edited by Moosebunk
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I work in a hospital so getting a shot is a no brainer for me,one thing others must consider about the shot,making the choice think of others you come into contact with. Getting the shot greatly reduces the chances you become a carrier and transfer the bug the others with weaken immune systems. Just because you have no symptoms does not mean you are not a carrier and could transfer the virus to older relative with a compromised immune system making them at risk of a serious illness. 90 percent of all our admitted influenza patients are seniors with other health related problems (diabetes being the most common) and no matter what you here or think you can not get the flu from the flu shot,still can't believe how many people still believe this.

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ugh, was meaning to get it the past few weeks...procrastinated, sure enough last thursday riding the sardine packed streetcar to work, buddy beside me hacking and coughing away...by late friday night i start feeling like garbage and I am now still trying to recover. Missed 3 days of work this week, and now im starting to suffer from vertigo which i imagine is due to an inner ear problem associated with the congestion ive been having.


Still nowhere near as bad as the flu that i caught last year where to this day I am sure that if i wasnt 25 years old and healthy that I probably could have died. It was so bad that I passed out 3 times just trying to make it to the bathroom.


Although ive already had the flu I will be sure to get the shot once i get better. I spoke with my uncle (a doctor) and he told me that he gets it every single year. The whole "fear mongering" is Bull

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I think the biggest thing is to avoid the places (within reason) where you're going to catch the bug, high occupancy areas. Shopping malls, etc. I go in the off hours.

problem being flu virus usually will live til 8 hours on hard surfaces and some til 24 hours. So even if you go to places when less busy,an infected person can leave the virus on doorknobs,handrails,counters,elevator buttons,money, even items in a store they have handled or even sneezed or coughed on.Plus employees at the stores might be carriers.Not just bathrooms you have to worry about.

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I haven't had one in years. I know that folks say that you can't get sick from the shot, but that was not my experience. Maybe is was simply a coincidence, but the last time I got one, I was as sick as I had ever been.

Was it the shot or was I already fighting it and didn't know it at the time of the shot? Who knows! All I do know is that I haven't been that sick since and I don't get the shot.


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I may have misslead someone with the Elderberry wine. Elderberry wine is flavoured by a tablespoon of dried elderberry and is useless. I make elderberry wine by crushing a few pounds of elderberries add some water and sugar and fermenting using a blueberry wine recipe, it works out to the same consentration as the extracts you can find at $5 an once thats why it tastes so bad. To work it should be used as prevention or at first syptoms .

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I may have misslead someone with the Elderberry wine. Elderberry wine is flavoured by a tablespoon of dried elderberry and is useless. I make elderberry wine by crushing a few pounds of elderberries add some water and sugar and fermenting using a blueberry wine recipe, it works out to the same consentration as the extracts you can find at $5 an once thats why it tastes so bad. To work it should be used as prevention or at first syptoms .

elderberry extract helps no doubt.


undenatured whey isolate or 1,3/1,6 d-beta glucan are better options IMO


and they protect against alot more then the flu!


even cancer prevention.



Edited by manitoubass2
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I have been getting the flu shot every year for a long time now. I was the primary care giver for my mom until she passed away and also for Sue so our Dr. suggested I should be getting it. I do occasionally get the flu but when I have it has always been very mild and only lasts a day or two.


Right or wrong, it works for me.

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