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A Solo Roady North.


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Been reading more books of late actually, will check out this author.

He's mostly an automotive journalist but he has numorous books published. Most of them are basically conglomorations of articles he's written but they're arrranged in a way that you can read through one of his books in a single day and not get bored. Very british sense of dry humour. Seems like you really enjoy writing and have similar sense of humour, I think you enjoy reading his books even if you aren't a gear head.

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Whenever I sign on and see that there's a new report from you, I get myself a coffee and settle in to be entertained, like starting a new book that I have been anticipating, I know that for a while I will be transported somewhere that, sadly, I have never been and may never see first hand but your writing style and great photos make it real.

A real treat and pleasure to read, can't wait for the next one.

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I can only imagine what we're missing on the memory card? The head on that esox is wicked fat!


Was sitting in the boat tight to shore watching a dying whitefish kick on the surface. Out of nowhere a bald eagle crashes down in the water maybe 20 feet from the boat and scares the crap outta me. By it's third or fourth time doing this I was ready with the camera, even though the whitefish had kicked further away from the boat. You can just see that eagle in this photo.
The "selfie" before the bear.



but the bear story i am running to bath room right now.


Ate the chowder so fast I probably could have barfed instead. :blush:


He's mostly an automotive journalist but he has numorous books published. Most of them are basically conglomorations of articles he's written but they're arrranged in a way that you can read through one of his books in a single day and not get bored. Very british sense of dry humour. Seems like you really enjoy writing and have similar sense of humour, I think you enjoy reading his books even if you aren't a gear head.


My father and uncle who immigrated here in 57 from Brittain, and whom love their cars and that dry humor, maybe know of this guy.


If your not in the literary business, then I must ask you "sir, are you sure your in the right business?"


Better pay in healthcare with more time off... and besides, writing and photography (like fishing) are an enjoyment for now. Hopefully soon I'll put together a site to archive the 80-100 some trip reports I've saved from over the years... will see if that leads to anything new and cool.


but tell me you have photos of the Timmy's redhead. please ;))


Not usually into reds too much... but she did kinda feather her hair nice, stand straight and smile just right. Stick a USB into my brain socket and you'll find that picture saved on memory. :good:


Great read...awesome fishing thanks for sharing..what kinda Numbers are you running with that 60..mpg...mph..what prop ?


Ask anyone with a similar Yammy and they'll tell ya they're great on fuel. Numbers though... I dunno specifics. Can tell you, I could go an entire season 50-75 days and not burn a half liter of oil. This 60 pushing the Rebel 16 goes from 1.4 to 35mph. Prop 11 3/8 X 12-G




Gunner... the next report will be even better I hope.



Thanks guys.

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Ask anyone with a similar Yammy and they'll tell ya they're great on fuel. Numbers though... I dunno specifics. Can tell you, I could go an entire season 50-75 days and not burn a half liter of oil. This 60 pushing the Rebel 16 goes from 1.4 to 35mph. Prop 11 3/8 X 12-G ...........................awesome thank you picked up a 60 a month ago haven't got to try it yet

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A very enjoyable read, well done. Savour that adventurous side in yourself, as the candles on that annual homage to ones life grow in numbers the sense of adventure can wane as does ones muscle mass.


With the Whisper2000 turned up full I can hear ya loud and clear bud. :good: Not yet 40... still young... but for the past five years slowing some... can feel it. Little more "itis" here and there, and the weights shifting from shoulders to gut. Must squeeze in as much outta life early on as one can... cause the days of "can't anymore" creep up on us all.


I was up in one of Hearst Air's outposts last week and saw the legendary Bunk displayed on the wall with various gnarly gators in the office and said "hey I know that guy" lol,


Melanie's a sweetheart... and a solid business woman. She knows big pike too. :whistling:


Moosebunk, I don't know what you do for a living, but you should be a writer. Good stuff!


Currently on this day it'd seem I'm a professional OFC surfer / housemaid / suitcase packer. :w00t: Took a good break this afternoon though, while my buddy Len paid a visit with a Timmies. Working the next 17 days straight... blah!

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Thanks for the article, well done!


I am sitting trying to wonder why the heck my family doesn't make me a banner when I arrive home from my fishing trips.....guess they are disappointed I came back!


As an aside, have you every given a presentation on nursing up in your area? I think it would be of interest down this way.

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With the Whisper2000 turned up full I can hear ya loud and clear bud. :good: Not yet 40... still young... but for the past five years slowing some... can feel it. Little more "itis" here and there, and the weights shifting from shoulders to gut. Must squeeze in as much outta life early on as one can... cause the days of "can't anymore" creep up on us all.

No truer words ever spoken! The problem when you're young your broke, saving up to buy your first vehicle and house. Once you have those things you're stuck paying them off for the next 20 years. When you're finally retired and have time you're too old to do most of the things you've wanted to do!


Trying to find that happy medium between going on all the adventures you want to and still being a responsible young adult is tough. Looks like you've managed pretty well though!

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yup, those pics are beauty too - that first grey looks like a bulldogger for sure - question for ya though - on a couple of those specs it looks like something sticking out of them just below the dorsal? Are those tagged fish? Or is that the little missile you put under the water that guides your pinpoint accurate casts?

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As an aside, have you every given a presentation on nursing up in your area? I think it would be of interest down this way.


Had thought about it once upon a time. Haven't worked in the North since 2010... but recently have resumed taking locum contracts there again.


really well done report. But I need to add a few things.....


#1 No gun-then bear spray.

#2 Get that check engine light sensor fixed-its usually an indication of something to come.


#1... no question. #2... that light has been flickering off and on since 2007. My 99 Chev is due to retire soon though... will see if it passes it's eco-test in November.


No truer words ever spoken! The problem when you're young your broke, saving up to buy your first vehicle and house. Once you have those things you're stuck paying them off for the next 20 years. When you're finally retired and have time you're too old to do most of the things you've wanted to do! Trying to find that happy medium between going on all the adventures you want to and still being a responsible young adult is tough. Looks like you've managed pretty well though!


It's exactly life for many. No silver spoon here... got a good jump start by making some tough and smart choices out of college. It can't just be all about the "end game" with so much space in the middle.


question for ya though - on a couple of those specs it looks like something sticking out of them just below the dorsal? Are those tagged fish?


Tagged. Quite possibly by OFC's own Guidefisherman... Al. I seem to catch alot of tagged fish and have done so all over the bloody lake. Those specks go on tour.

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Fantastic Bunk


Fantastic Pics and great read. Your photography is very good :clapping: :clapping:


Bears encounters are always something to be aware of, Never let your guard down.


That one in your campsite must of had the cheeks puckered up a bit!!


Thanks for taking the time to post

Much Appreciated


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Awesome solo trip Drew!

Lots of big specs, lakers and great shots of gods country.


All the right ingredients of a perfect solo trip. Close encounters with bears, new friends and some of the best fishing available with the Nipigon as your backdrop.

You will always notice more of the cool little crap around you as well while out on your own.


BTW leave the red head for me you've already caught a trophy!

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