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A smoking question,not fish smoking. UPDATE NOV 05 14


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I can't agree with the underline comment.

Great it worked for you but others have quit in different ways.

I believe quiting mostly depends on motivation. If you want to quit bad enough you will. If not fully commited you will likely fail. What motivates one person may not motivate another. I've seen some quit over price, health issues/concerns, tired of inconvienience ect. or in my case not being able to sleep for more than a couple of hours before waking up for a smoke. I was a 4 pack a day plus smoker. Cold turkey worked for me but do what ever works for you. It's been 32 years since I quit.

Congratulation Brian on your start of the process.

Isn't that kinda what I said..?

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Nobody knows the health effects of the e-cigarettes. The UN health agency just put out a worldwide recommendation today urging governments to regulate their use until health studies are done. Although it might seem a bit of an overreaction, I think it's a serious enough issue that it needs to be done. However, If it were me and I was having difficulty quitting smoking, I'd try it. It's not likely to be worse for your health than cigarettes, and the worst case is, you'll probably save money and stop smelling like smoke.


The biggest issue is the children. E-cigs are getting very popular with teenagers. Nicotine is highly addictive. Even if there are no health consequences, which I doubt, I wouldn't want my children addicted to anything.


I can also guarantee the next thing will be THC + nicotine liquids for e-cigs (if they don't already exist). That will be a nightmare.


I find it somewhat humorous there are all these people are up in arms about GMO food, but e-cigs have far more potential to be dangerous.

This is already happening and becoming a problem!

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Good on ya Brian.


I am sure the trips on the 'toon' and walking the rivers has also helped Gotta keep busy. Get your mind on other things,


Grandkids are also a huge motivator


Keep it up

Good Luck


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Good on ya Brian.


I am sure the trips on the 'toon' and walking the rivers has also helped Gotta keep busy. Get your mind on other things,


Grandkids are also a huge motivator


Keep it up

Good Luck



Thanks Rick


Yes staying busy not thinking about it helps. Grand kiddies push me as well. I was out on the toon the other day and forgot my e cig. I was going to head back in and get it,but thought WHY. Spent 4 hours on the water without it. No big deal.

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i don't see how that's a problem? people who are after thc will ingest it one way or another, law be damned. you cannot go into a store or online and buy e-liquid with thc.

it's just another vehicle that the kids discover Raf with an absolute lack of regulation...........They are very inventive at a very early age unfortunately

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Kids John, I know more die hard dope smokers in our generation then all the kids I know. You can tell the ones who partake. Now they usually are smoking with their parents and I know of one family where 3 generations sit around and puff away. A family that smokes together stays together I guess. Maybe Grandma gets the good stuff.


10 days to go, can't wait to start. Going out to the rez tomorrow and buy the nastiest cigarettes I can find there.

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I smoked for 30 years without even wanting to or trying quit! I wanted to smoke, but once I decided to quit, I was terrified about losing my crutch. My wife found a stop smoking seminar, I took it, it was incredible! I walked out and haven't had one since. (And Brian I didn't even need her permission, did it all by myself ;)-

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I smoked a pack a day and although I wanted to quit, didn't even try. Finally on March 6/13 I took a seven hour seminar and have not smoked since! It's the Alan car stop smoking seminar. Worked for me!

I read his book along with 4 other coworkers about 4 years ago. Out of the 5 of us, only ONE went back to the butts and stayed there!! I went back after 4 weeks for a few days, then went back and actually FINISHED the book lol!!! Smoke free since Feb 28 2011 :) You can do it, one way or another! Best of luck

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Once you've quit its important to reward yourself with some "treats"! with that saved money. After all if you quit you deserve rewards ! Because it ain't easy... I used to think twice about a $20 lure but not a $10 pack of smokes. And what I've found out is that I can loose a $20 lure just as easily as a cheaper one....

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Glad to hear you made it through a 1/2 day of fishing without having your e-cig. It's amazing how you will suddenly realize that you can get by without it. That's a huge step, now you know you won't go crazy if you don't have your vape around.

Next step is to gradually leave it out of your plans until you just don't bother with it at all!

The improtant thing is to keep your eye on the goal - being totally smoke and vape free - and whatever road you take to get there is the right one for you. Everyone has an opinion because of what method was successful for them, but everyone is different and at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter what method you use, as long as the result is being smoke and nicotine free and a longer and healthier life.

Keep at it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So here,s an update on whats been going on and some findings.


it,s been an experience and a trial on my patiences to say the lest. For those that quit cold turkey,I hand my hat off to you. The bonus of this whole quiting this as of right now,I have saved a good chunk of change by not spending 10 bux a day. I spend 20 bux for my vape juice for the week, Maybe a few days more. What I do save now, goes into gas for the new truck and a few hunting and fishing treats for met I,m ok with that. I have been down roads that the Avenger would,nt of, so It,s nice to go down those bumpy side trails/hills,with no worries. Happy happy happy.


The one thing I had an issue with the Ecig is, I found myself drawing on the vape more then I would if it were a real cig. I would sit and play a game of poker and just haul on it. Next thing I know,the battery is dead and need to grab my spare and recharge the one I used up. I would get frustrated.



Is this another habit starting?


I came so close to grabbing a pack of smokes a few times,but remembered my promise. Last night was the same crap. My promise is my promise. The lord knows I,m trying my best.



I needed to really think about this. In my mind,it was like ,why did I quit smoking if Im still hauling on the Ecig?


This morning I left the juice sticks on the counter and left without them. I have found that my morning draw has gone.


I was fishing a stretch today and I was like 50 yards down wind from the nearest angler. Can you believe I could smell that cig he was smoking. (Ok, non smokers could to) it was amazing,cause as one that smoked,never thought of that. It didnt make me want one,but it made me think as to WOW.


Later on a friend stopped by to chat and he was smoking away. Oh this is where the smell and the sight of the cig was a test.


I would never, ever, tell someone that they need to put it out. I hate those REBORN DIPS.


We talked for over an hour about fishing and hunting, drinking coffee and he was drawing on his cigs. I found after about the first 15 minutes,it didnt bother me, didnt even notice really. Well i did ,when his cig was close to my hard top. LOL


So I left home this morning at 5:30 AM, returned at 1PM. I didnt feel the need to grab the vape,but I did.



Security???? Not being active??????????? Mind over matter???????????


Not sure why. But Im working on it. that,s all that matters.


That,s how it,s going for me.


I only posted, for those that are wanting to quit and my findings.


Happy fishing

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I bought my last pack of cigarettes on OCT, 12th. I've tried to quit several times. Always failed. The plan was to go cold Turkey. I would slip to give myself a reason to start smoking again. Previously I would slip and say to myself That's it, I smoked, I failed, hand me a cigarette. I'm going into it this time saying you will slip, it's not the end of the world, don't waste 3 weeks of pain, you aren't a loser, you are human. Have that smoke and forget it. The next thing I knew the taste was terrible and I threw it away after 3 puffs. It's working. 3 cigarettes since Oct 14th, not bad from 2 plus packs a day.

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Good job Brian. You are doing well and I've been following your thread


I just bought a vapor cigarette today. PIcked up a throat cold and have been thinking about quitting again, so figured why not, it's time to try. So far, I dont' mind it, but I think I'll be embarassed to use it in public; it's bigger than I thought it would be. How do you like that? Do you find it's weird pulling it out in front of people?? I chose the strong tobacco flavor but will try other flavors later.


It cost a bit more than a carton of smokes, so if I don't smoke for 1.5 weeks and just use the vapor cig, then I really didn't lose anything. I'm at the 18mg nicotine to start, I'm not a super heavy smoker, but I like strong smokes.

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So far, I dont' mind it, but I think I'll be embarassed to use it in public; it's bigger than I thought it would be. How do you like that? Do you find it's weird pulling it out in front of people?? I chose the strong tobacco flavor but will try other flavors later.


I have no issues vapeing in public. Everyone at work that smokes praises me. They wish they could do it. I tell them, what do you have to lose.


As for size,have you seen whats out there? Some are the size of a whiskey flask. LOL


18 NIC is strong. Im sure you will drop to 12 fast.


Good luck.


Well done Iron Maker


And thanks Ketch.


Time load up and go fishing. Have a great day.

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Brian as a lifelong non smoker (ive never smoked a ciggarette in my entire life), perhaps you now understand where non smokers are coming from when it comes to us complaining about ciggarettes. For some of us (me included) it actually really makes it difficult to breath, and the smell alone even at 50 yards away is a bit offensive.


Working in Toronto you can imagine how bad it sucks having to walk through a cloud of choking smoke at every single building's entrance way, the smoke literally chokes me to a point that I have to hold my breath just to walk inside.


Im all for people's rights and stuff, but i hear the same story a lot, once people quit they realize just how gross it is. Im glad to hear you are on your way to a healthier wealthier life.

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I've been vaping for a while now. I used it as a tool to quit for 4 months. Regressed back to real smokes but back on the vape again....i started with the evod but found I was always scrambling to charge batteries. This thing lasts for days and I can even charge my phone with it. Way to go Brian.


Pic makes it look bigger than it is. It's about 6 inches tall.

Edited by Freshtrax
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Good going sounds like you are on track to quit.


If your friend respected you and was aware you are trying to quit he wouldnt light up in front of you. It isnt about you asking him not to light up it is about him respecting your decision to quit.

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