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Im proud of him,,,OOPS,NF


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I didnt share this event that happen on the weekend as both the mrs,s and I, have been just trying to get my son and little girl Lilly,s life back to normal. Well, as best as we can for now They do have a new place to stay as of this weekend. Thats a blessing. Get back to a routine.

The support they have gotten is unreal. The local bussiness,s really stepped up.


With all that was going on,I never knew about what he did during the fire,til I read this today.. We didnt get the call til the fire trucks arrived.


I guess I did some good in bring him up.


Proud of my son.



Barker and others also recognized the reaction of resident Corey Blowes, who flew from door to door knocking to let all the residents know to evacuate the building during the fire.

As dozens of people applauded his efforts, he and his partner, Ashley, sat quietly blushing.

After the meeting broke up, Blowes said once he got Ashley and his three-year-old daughter, Lily, to safety, he ran up and down the smoke-filled halls banging on doors.

“I'm just glad I was able to help,” he said.

As their apartment was next door to the unit that initially caught fire, Blowes and his family will be moved to another apartment somewhere in Barrie.

“We're a little confused, a little stressed, but also a little relieved. It's been a long couple of days,” he said.


The story





Thursday,both of them will be at my work where they have gathered a crap load of clothing and toys for them. :angel::worthy:

Edited by Misfish
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Good to hear everyones OK Brian and you can definitely be proud of your son for what he did. Things could have been much worse if it wasn't for him warning everyone about the fire.

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