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The Truth be told

Big Cliff

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These four older ladies who lived in Italy always sat outside together near the church and chatted about when they were younger.

One month ago they pooled their money together and bought a laptop.


4 older ladies.jpg


Never having been, but having heard all about Florida ,they just happened to click on St. Augustine , FL.


They read about the "Fountain of Youth" claimed by the Spaniards when they arrived there.


They collected up all they had left and sent for four

Bottles of the water. As soon as it arrived, they drank as directed.


The rest of this story will make you a believer, because

here they are today...................


ladies after.jpg


No.......This is TRUE! Really!

Would We lie to you?

We have a limited supply of this water available at an incredibly low price of just $1,499.95 a bottle.

Seriously ....



Make cheques payable to:

"Ontario Liberal Party"


(You can trust us, we would NEVER lie to you!)


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Well, there is always the $317,000,000 (which is more like $477,000,000) of our taxpayers money which Wynne was going to INVEST in a company that was in danger of defaulting on a payment of a $234,000,000 loan issued by the provincial government in 2011. She would have us believe that this would be a good investment of our hard earned tax dollars. This woman needs some lessons in finance me thinks.

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This woman needs some lessons in finance me thinks.


I guess Tim is any better? PLEASE


He plans on cutting 1000,s apun 1000,s of jobs,cutting wages. And has the balls to say he,s going to create JOBS??????????????


I guess the retired dont see the today or the future..AH THE ONES THAT ARE SET ALREADY. GOOD FOR YOU. :clapping:


People save your money,,,,,,,,,,,,OH WAIT,saving is so out the door these days.



I,ll vote Lib,just so theres a chance to save a friends job.


We ALL know it dosent matter who gets in,we all get SCREWED.

Edited by Misfish
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C'mon Bri---don't ya wanna vote for the Sr Kindergarten math


Hudak's million jobs plan got blown out of the water this week by leading economists and University profs


Apparently the economy will create a certain amount of jobs coming regardless of who's in power---cept Tiimmy took off his gloves and shoes to count the rest


If someone say has a temp job for 8 years---his group is counting that as 8 new jobs--yup creative Jethro Bodine Rithmatic


Quite a book---it's called "Lying with Statistics"


I'll flip a coin for Liberal or NDP---and help keep T's Job

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I guess the retired dont see the today or the future..AH THE ONES THAT ARE SET ALREADY. GOOD FOR YOU. :clapping:






I'm retired, I just had to work two back to back 13 hour days because in spite of all my careful planning and saving for the last 50 years I still can't make ends meet without the extra income.


Then I get to sit back and watch BILLIONS of tax dollars pissed down the drain! You may think that all us retired guys are all set up but I watched friends have to use their credit cards to put food on the table and heat in their houses this winter.


I'm not talking welfare bumbs here, I'm talking people that like myself worked our whole lives, raised our families, paid our taxes and watched our pension controbutions get squandered and now we get a whole $1000.00 a month in penson from our government. You try to live on that!


So, you go ahead and vote Liberal and watch more billions of $ get squandered and see what is left for you and your kids when the time comes. Who has what track record?

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I'm not talking welfare bumbs here, I'm talking people that like myself worked our whole lives, raised our families, paid our taxes and watched our pension controbutions get squandered and now we get a whole $1000.00 a month in penson from our government. You try to live on that!


$1000 is not alot these days Cliff. Do you know what I,ll be getting when I retire? $467 is projected for the year 2029. I wont be traveling south of the boarder for a vacation..

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Actually Brian---you get to work till 67 now Harper pushed back your OAS


And that $1000 pension is Federal---apparently all these years of Conservative rule has Failed to fix that as well


Huntsville has a snazzy new Gazebo though that's worth lookin at


Once again----they can say anything to gain power---then you get to take it for the term when it turns out to be a lie

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Treat your kids right, and invest in their careers and knowledge. The way things are going, you will need your children to make sure your safe and fed. Sad state if ya ask me. I'll die with no money, but happy i raised my kids with dignity, morals and knowledge. We are so far pushed in the corner it's all you can do. My grandpa, a WW1 vet. Once told me never fight for this country. It's already gone. Fight for your kids, fight for your neighbours, fight for your rights, but never fight for the government. Those old vets were smart. They seen it way in advance. Anyhow, the original post was hilarious:)

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Cliff, I feel your pain!! I have been a financial advisor for 17 years and have now changed professions to slow down and enjoy my family more becausecof my health issues. Most people do not really know how much money they need salted away to have a relatively comfortable retirement, I am not talking about fancy vacations, just enough to keep he bills paid and food on the table and a couple bucks to fix the roof if need be. Seeing our hard earned tax dollars frittered away in boondoggle after boondoggle boggles my mind. We have been hosed to no end. The public service is swelling too much. Real taxpayers (people who work in the private sector) need to pay over $1.35 in tax to pay for every dollar paid out to the public sector. Timmy Whodat may have his head in the clouds with his numbers but face it, he is a politician after all. Shrinking or at least reigning in the bureaucracy needs to happen. Everyone complains about Mike Harris and how evil he was, he did what needed to be done and is vilified for it. There is a lot of fat in the public sector that needs to be trimmed. It is healthy, everyone in the private sector is asked to do more with less, why can't our public servants. I can go on and on for hours on this subject but I won't. Suffice it to say, we need change, I am not crazy about the choices but I worry about our kids and what they will have. As it stands, they are being left with one heck of a tab.

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Mike Harris was right on.....Nurses...teachers and water inspectors...who needs em....lets cut the useless fat


Funny sidenote.....I've been around for some time---don't see many if any Liberal/NDP/Green party supporters start these... this is what u should do political threads...and here's a fresh handfull of mud----now do you think like me?


Maybe Doc Sal---but maybe just once or twice--trying to give his position-but not sure where he is now?--now many answer or try to clarify the Bull...myself included---Actually I like being here for the outdoors stories and havin a laff



This stuff ---transparent campaigning misplaced

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Bigbuck hit it rite on the head.


I would rather be told what needs to be done rather than having some spoiled brat blowing unrealistic smoke up my butt...

With the state of our over whelming social system and sense of entitlement that runs rampant among most of the baby boomers as well as their kids and now their grandchildren its no wonder this country is on the verge of bankruptcy.


Now that I am into my late 40's I find myself looking for a person that has the long term vision and fortitude to stick to their guns.


I would like to see another group of politicians such as .

Pierre Trudeau

Rene Levesque

Mike Harris

Brian Mulroney


At least they had a vision and the guts to stick to their guns.


Any one else running for office of the kind of caliber???

I don't believe so.


Nothing but a bunch of brats....

Its pretty sad....




Ps Go Chicago :good:

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Big Cliff,


You refer to Wynnes plan to invest many millions in a company that was going to bail on a multi million dollar loan, I'm not familiar with that, perhaps you can name the company. I wonder how you would feel if that was the company you worked for and it was a bailout that meant you didn't lose your job or the pension you paid into for 30 or more years. I bet it would be a good idea then. I know you don't want someone like her to lead the province but one of those reasons you don't is ridiculous in this day and age. What are you going to do when a loved one of yours comes out? It can very well happen.


Hey I'm not a supporter of hers but for any politician your damned if you do and damned if you don't. The feds made a deal with my company that saw 100 mil go towards the legacy costs that the giant US Steel company inherited when they bought Stelco. It has allowed me to collect the pension I paid into for 30 years as well as thousands of others and keep many on the payroll when it looked like all was lost. Everyone was in an uproar because Harper was helping a rich US corp. I didn't see any Canadian investors lined up to buy us.


There must be an election soon. Anyone going fishing this weekend?

(sorry about the bold text, can't seem to deselect it or use the quote option, new PC)

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Big Cliff,


You refer to Wynnes plan to invest many millions in a company that was going to bail on a multi million dollar loan, I'm not familiar with that, perhaps you can name the company. I wonder how you would feel if that was the company you worked for and it was a bailout that meant you didn't lose your job or the pension you paid into for 30 or more years. I bet it would be a good idea then. I know you don't want someone like her to lead the province but one of those reasons you don't is ridiculous in this day and age. What are you going to do when a loved one of yours comes out? It can very well happen.


Hey I'm not a supporter of hers but for any politician your damned if you do and damned if you don't. The feds made a deal with my company that saw 100 mil go towards the legacy costs that the giant US Steel company inherited when they bought Stelco. It has allowed me to collect the pension I paid into for 30 years as well as thousands of others and keep many on the payroll when it looked like all was lost. Everyone was in an uproar because Harper was helping a rich US corp. I didn't see any Canadian investors lined up to buy us.


There must be an election soon. Anyone going fishing this weekend?

(sorry about the bold text, can't seem to deselect it or use the quote option, new PC)

Agree with you OLD Iron maker. Most don't have a clue. My company has no legacy costs. Surprising how many have no clue what that means. We lost our company pension in 2010...give or take...34 years and I'm looking at less then #700?month. Complaining..no....hoping to educate yes.

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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Fellas, don't even get me started on pension plans which several companies used as a cookie jar. A company pension plan should be just that, a pension plan, not some sort of reserve fund to pay for bonuses for underachieving ezecutive teams. The company Cliff mentioned was MARS, some sort of real estate deal thatvdid not go too well and the taxpayers are on the hook for the whole pill. 300+ milloon and counting. These sorts of deals should not exist with the government backing private enterprise that does not emply a whole whack of people. As for what happened in Hamilton with the steel companies, the feds and provincial governments did not put enough strings on their bailout funds. If the taxpayers pay to keep you in business, you have to stay in business or pay back the cash. All the retirees got left holding the bag, not fair.

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I vote minority Gov.


It just keeps the crocks less crooked.


The liberal need to rain in there tax to death and the PC can't give the farm to big biz.


Unfortunately I live in a riding the PC can run a poodle (Bev Oda) and they still get elected.

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I'm young and smart, the liberals will never get a vote out of me….plain and simple…Guy steals a bag of chips and gets chased down….the liberals take millions and well….we all know the picture here. Government is a shame and I wish us people could act together and maybe one day these party's will be gone and well have real honest people in power…..but were a few hundred years from that I think :P

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I'm young and smart, the liberals will never get a vote out of me.plain and simpleGuy steals a bag of chips and gets chased down.the liberals take millions and well.we all know the picture here. Government is a shame and I wish us people could act together and maybe one day these party's will be gone and well have real honest people in power..but were a few hundred years from that I think :P

Being smart you should know it will never happen. So long as big business fund campaigns we will never have a government by the people, for the people.


None are more hopelessly enslaved then those who falsely believe they are free...


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



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