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David Suzuki's Fukushima warning


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So facts don't count if they are from Sun Media?

Ezra Levant and his spew are merely opinions of his....it an oxymoron to call it journalism to say the least...and to be honest...as soon as i seen his face in the intro to the video that was posted i turned it off...im familiar with his quality of garbage regardless whether or not i agree with it

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Ezra Levant and his spew are merely opinions of his....it an oxymoron to call it journalism to say the least...and to be honest...as soon as i seen his face in the intro to the video that was posted i turned it off...im familiar with his quality of garbage regardless whether or not i agree with it


I agree that Ezra Levant is biased and unprofessional. However, he does include some facts along with his opinions. We shouldn't automatically discount something just because his name is associated with it. There are some real questions about Suzuki's behavior and hypocrisy.

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As I mentioned these are a few opinions, never said they were mine.


But then again "you lost all credibility" when you say you didn't even bother to watch. :whistling:


Stick your head in the sand much?

As a sacrifice to my grey matter i clicked on and watched (only half of it though)...i was correct in my assessment of Ezra's ability to irritate and troll to deter true facts so i dont think i lost credibility at all...more so confirmed it....unfortunatley i clicked on the link hence supporting the Sun with a "hit" to their page so they can now state "Even the people that hate us...Watch us" providing them the numbers to charge more for advertising ,,,,Its a circus...Dumbed if you do ...Damned if you dont


If you dont support those opinions...why would you post them?

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This is about a global catastrophe to our planet, not "if" but "when", ... i don't get why you guys are debating David Suzukis qualifications.


Just start googling what happened a couple of months ago in Fukushima ... contaminated water has leaked into ground water and the ocean, they have found contaminated fish as far away as California, and there are many more tanks that will leak ... I dont think Suzuki is exagerating the potential catastrophe. Japan is now admiting they need help.


You know the world doesnt make sense when Justin Bieber youtube video gets 100 million views but stuff like this no one seems to be aware of or believe ... Kevin Kamps explains at about the 11:00 minute mark




At the very least I think we need to be aware and make our own decisions what to believe ... and be prepared in our own way ....

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David Suzuki is a sham, an alarmist, an extremist, as phony as they come. In the 70s he was one of many on the band wagon, convinced another ice age was upon us, now he is on the global warming pulpit. In a recent interview on the talk show Q & A on the Australian Broadcast Corporation, he was questioned about the science behind global warming, the stats the show the earth's warming has actually levelled off over the last 15 years, despite carbon dioxide level increasing exponentially every year. He was unable to answer the questions he was asked and knew nothing of the various world-wide temperature monitors. Many scientists now believe methane levels may be responsible for increased temperatures over the last century. But don't tell Suzuki this, as he does not know the science behind any of it, he is a fraud. I would not believe a word that comes out of his mouth, this is his latest soapbox stunt.




Agreed, suzuki is a scam, the Aussie interview was not the first time he's been exposed, but it was the best example.....on a side note, we've worked out at the same gym in dwtn Van, he's a complete dickhead and throws his name around like it means something


Although I don't think anybody can dispute the serious potential of this situation, everybody likes to portray the worst case scenario...media + fear = ratings....suzuki just jumped on the band wagon, something else to boost his fake image, since he's become a liability to his own cause he needs the boost


Lemme guess...these statements come from two right-wing conservatives. Am I right? I bet I am.


Why is it that non-progressives seem to think that it's not possible for man's actions to damage the planet and its ecosystems? Why do they feel the need to viciously attack anyone who attempts to raise awareness otherwise? I'd love for you to explain to me how the way someone acts at the gym has any bearing whatsoever on whether or not fall-out from a damaged nuclear facility is a danger. It doesn't in the least...but since you can't attack the science, you attack the individual.


I wish I, like you, could just deny we face many problems and challenges. It would sure help me sleep at night. The thing is that I'm well aware that there are people who would eagerly ignore long-term ecological risks in favour of short-term economic gain...and they are doing so right now. Thinking otherwise is beyond naive.

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a few opinions of David Suzuiki...













"There are two David Suzuki’s.


Most of us know one of the Suzuki's. Let’s call him Saint Suzuki. That’s the Suzuki whose TV show on the CBC constantly lectures us about our lifestyle. He says we need to consume less, buy less and use less fossil fuels.
But then there’s another Suzuki. Let’s call him Secret Suzuki, because he’s far less well-known.
Secret Suzuki is the one who lives on Vancouver’s elite Point Grey Road, on a double lot, overlooking English Bay, right above the exclusive Kitsilano Yacht Club. The City of Vancouver assesses the land value alone at over $8 million. And that’s just one of Secret Suzuki’s properties.
He has another million-dollar home in Vancouver. And then there’s another home on Quadra Island. That’s three homes right there, if you count the double lot on Point Grey Road as just one property.
But then there’s his large property holdings on Nelson Island. What’s so fascinating about that one is that he co-owns the property with an oil company, Kootenay Oil Distributors Ltd. They don’t plan to drill for oil together. It’s a beautiful tourist spot — maybe perfect for a nice big condo development.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with co-owning any property along with an oil company. But isn’t Saint Suzuki against fossil fuel companies — especially oil companies?
Saint Suzuki tells us that the world is desperately overcrowded, that we’re overpopulated, and that we’re going to run out of things.
But in his own life, Secret Suzuki has five children.
There’s nothing wrong with having five children. It’s a blessing. But then why does he think other people should have fewer kids?
Saint Suzuki rails against corporations and profits. He even gave a well-received anti-capitalist speech at the Occupy Vancouver protest.
But Secret Suzuki himself has several corporations. One of them, the David Suzuki Foundation, took in a whopping $9 million last year and has $12 million in assets. More than 10 million of that is invested in stocks and bonds.
Saint Suzuki despises lobbyists, and says they have a disproportionate control of political power in Ottawa. But Secret Suzuki himself has nine paid lobbyists registered in Ottawa’s lobbyist registry. Not one. Nine.
Saint Suzuki despises politicians, and says they can’t be trusted. Secret Suzuki starred in a Liberal party TV ad along with former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty.
Saint Suzuki says corporations have to be less obsessed by profits, and do more for the public good. They need to especially think of the interests of the next generation, our children.
But Secret Suzuki has made a tidy profit off young people. His standard speaking fee at universities in Canada is $30,000 plus expenses. He billed Quebec’s John Abbott College a cool $41,000 to visit them.
Saint Suzuki speaks in the language of tolerance and equality and liberalism — utterly politically correct.
But Secret Suzuki engages in conduct that should cause feminists to raise an eyebrow. When he visited John Abbott College, his assistant called with special requests to go along with his speaking fee. Here is an internal e-mail from the college’s Mary Milburn: “We have learned, via Dr. Suzuki’s assistant, that although the Dr. does not like to have bodyguards per se, he does not mind having a couple of ladies (females) that would act as body guards.” The college’s Jim Anderson got involved in selecting the coeds, too: “Please be certain that the women are nicely dressed, we don’t want them in evening gowns, but definitely NOT Police Tech uniforms.” All of this bizarre selection of girls, dressed just so, was the result of Secret Suzuki’s special request. If he were a conservative, he’d be called a dirty old man. But he ’s a saint. So the college went along with it.
David Suzuki is not a criminal. But he is not a saint. He’s a real man — a capitalist millionaire, a politician, a man with a staff of lobbyists, a prolific father, a wealthy landlord. If only he’d stop scolding the rest of us for aspiring to do the same.




My doctor makes a very good living telling me to do things like lower my caloric intake and avoid fatty foods. He obviously doesn't take his own advice, because he's about five feet tall and easily over 200 lbs.


Just because he's done well for himself advising people how to live their lives (and doesn't live his life that same way) doesn't mean he's wrong about how to lose weight.

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Lemme guess...these statements come from two right-wing conservatives. Am I right? I bet I am.


Why is it that non-progressives seem to think that it's not possible for man's actions to damage the planet and its ecosystems? Why do they feel the need to viciously attack anyone who attempts to raise awareness otherwise? I'd love for you to explain to me how the way someone acts at the gym has any bearing whatsoever on whether or not fall-out from a damaged nuclear facility is a danger. It doesn't in the least...but since you can't attack the science, you attack the individual.


I wish I, like you, could just deny we face many problems and challenges. It would sure help me sleep at night. The thing is that I'm well aware that there are people who would eagerly ignore long-term ecological risks in favour of short-term economic gain...and they are doing so right now. Thinking otherwise is beyond naive.



I'm not denying that the radiation is a very serious issue...don't misread my post (I said the media likes to play the fear card but didn't say I don't believe the reports)


I fully believe man is causing damage to the ecosystem...I don't question the science....I just get a laugh out of the people who believe suzuki's word to be enviro gospel...I wish Canada had real reporters and journalists like the kind who grilled him in Australia....oh, wait, CBC is in bed with him...


I just think Suzuki is a scam artist, hypocrite and was a self centered righteous dickwad at ron zalko's gym on burrard street in Vancouver....what cbc portrays him to be, is not what he is....


even the green peace founder has publicly stated Suzuki has become redundant and is a liability to his own cause...he can't answer questions unless his handlers screen the questions


are you aware of Suzuki's extreme anti hunting views? hunters and anglers are cut from the same cloth....when the anti's win the hunting battle, who do you think is next in line?...

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I trust the credibility of the real researchers and scientists behind the data

And this is the most valid arguement in this thread. Unfortunately in todays information age those who speak the loudest often get more creditabitlity whether it's deserved or not.


I don't believe Suzuki is a scam, he's raised a lot of issues on the environmental side that don't get the publicity they need and I think he's done a lot to benefit our environment. I think many in the corporate world would prefer these issues stay under the rug. However at the same time he's much more of a politician than scientist at this point, and sometimes he may propose senarios that are more on the extreme end.


Unfortunately it seems that extreme scenarios are often what it takes to get most of society to take notice on environmental issues. Consider the great lakes, all most people are concerned about our asian carp, we have several threads a year here. However they are many issues facing the lakes today including one that I believe to be the greatest threat of all, that being water sharing and taking agreements (this is a far biggger threat than any carp but few realize it yet).

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Lines are drawn in the sand with respect to Suzuki.. it seems that the conservative types discount anything to do with him and global warming...


I'm conservative, and I believe in global warming. More importantly, the thread is about a nuclear situation in Japan that has little to do with David Suzuki.

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To Say Suzuki is a sham is rather surprising. It sounds like u have done some reading and research and you actually sound intelligent - however it sounds like you may have conversely fallen for the sham science and strategies that big business uses to manipulate the masses into thinking that global warming, fracking and the oil sands are all absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

It's good to question ideas and theories but it needs to be objective and go both ways. Just sayin.

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Perhaps the lack of attention towards the Fukushima situation was more about timing than anything else. This September, Tokyo has been chosen to host the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, ahead of Istanbul and Madrid.


Something tells me this global catastrophe is way too big to cover up, but at least they got the Olympics. I just hope it's not too late...

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David Suzuki is a sham, an alarmist, an extremist, as phony as they come. In the 70s he was one of many on the band wagon, convinced another ice age was upon us, now he is on the global warming pulpit. In a recent interview on the talk show Q & A on the Australian Broadcast Corporation, he was questioned about the science behind global warming, the stats the show the earth's warming has actually levelled off over the last 15 years, despite carbon dioxide level increasing exponentially every year. He was unable to answer the questions he was asked and knew nothing of the various world-wide temperature monitors. Many scientists now believe methane levels may be responsible for increased temperatures over the last century. But don't tell Suzuki this, as he does not know the science behind any of it, he is a fraud. I would not believe a word that comes out of his mouth, this is his latest soapbox stunt.

hehehe. Hey Dave!!!! Lets see the paper that says "Bye Bye Japan" !! A bad situation for sure but chicken little has cried wolf so many times before most tend to throw him in the alarmist pile.

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It takes an extremist reaction; to get any reaction out of the masses, most times.


He needs to tell us the worst case scenario, so somebody starts acting out a strategy. Otherwise we will watch Miley Cyrus take her clothes off while our houses incinerate around us.

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i hope they are successful....this is an undertaking of epic proportions and if anything goes wrong...it wont be good



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It takes an extremist reaction; to get any reaction out of the masses, most times.


He needs to tell us the worst case scenario, so somebody starts acting out a strategy. Otherwise we will watch Miley Cyrus take her clothes off while our houses incinerate around us.


The problem is that when someone keeps issuing 'the sky is falling' type warnings all the time people will eventually catch on and just assume that you're blowing a minor issue out of proportion. Then when there really is a serious issue people won't be paying attention.

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maybe the people that study this extensively can read the writing on the wall long before the average Joe? Its the rest of us that need to learn to understand .the implications...the earth isnt going to die...it will be here...but humans may not survive her healing process

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Thyroid cancer is running rampant in comparrison to what it was before the incident in Japans children..deformations,still births tumours in the elderly...this isnt fear mongering ...its a reality of today over there...did you know there are 27 identical plants in the USA the same as the Fuk plant...

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