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Well, it happened again!

Big Cliff

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The annual CPH, Bigugly & Big Cliff perch fishing trip that is.


We had planned it for a couple of weeks ago but the weatherman didn't see it happening and since they were calling for thunderstorms and high winds our Capt. , Bruce and I decided that we would try for another day. Well yesterday was that day and inspite of the forecast showers we decided it was a go.


We did our usual meeting up and having breakfast with all the warm welcomes that come when old friends get to meet up after an absense. Caught up on each others lives, enjoyed a wonderful breakfast and headed off to our favority perch hole.


It didn't take long before the first fish was in the boat and it wasn't long after that that the jokes and teasing started (boy those two youngsters can be mean to an old man LOL). The catching was steady, mostly in the 9-11" range with a few dinks and Steve even managed to pull off a double header ON A SINGLE HOOK believe it or not.


As most fishermen do after a while we decided to go try a different spot even though we were still catching fish where we were; you know "the grass is always greener" thing. So away we went (not like it was far, perhaps a 3 minute boat ride at putt putt speed).


The new spot however wasn't producing at all, in 20 or so minutes of fishing I think we might have had two little bites. I started to fidget, at which point Steve compaired me to his grandson and patience level and just as I was about to put my rod down and start making paper dolls or something Steve decided we'd go try somewhere else. (And Steve, that comment about "second childhoods" was a little crule, I haven't finished my first one yet!)


The second "new spot" wasn't much better than the first "new spot" but we were only there for a few minutes and had to make way for a large cruser trying to navigate his way through a chanel. I noticed a bunch of minnows breaking the surface back near where we had started. And we decided that we should probably go back in there and try it again.


It didn't take long and we were back into fairly steady catching again and while the average fish was probably 9-10" we did manage to land some real beauties, a couple I think were pushing the 13-14" mark (and some dinks). Finally late in the afternoon the rain started and we all agreed that it was time to call it a day. I have no idea how many fish we caught as most were released on the spot. I brought home 10 nice clean looking fish and I am only guessing but I think that Steve and Bruce had about the same.


I really want to thank Steve for keeping this tradition going, I look forward to it every year. Bruce thank you again for the jars of goddies and for that fantastic selection of fishing tackle, so very generous of you as always. Most of all I want to thank both of you for another wonderful day on the water with two very special friends.

Edited by Big Cliff
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Cliff it's always good to hook up with you and Bruce. As long as the fish keep co-operating I'll be there every fall and you 2 are EXPECTED to make the pilgrimage every year.


I ended up taking home an even dozen. It would have been more if my fish basket hadn't malfunctioned and a bunch escaped :angry: I'll just have to go back and get them next weekend.


Again thx to both of you. It was another good day.

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Many years of many members hooking up and making great friendships.









It takes time to get to know,then it just gets better from there.


Great report Cliff. The two fellas you fished with are stand up byes in my books and have met both.


Me thinks I still owe a fish to one of them. :wallbash:


Why did I have to do that to the last three sites?

Edited by Misfish
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Good read and good times...but...(there's always a but) wheres the pics...if you ole boys aren't hip to the new age cameras ...bust out the #2 led pencil & fullscap paper and draw us a pic.( just kidding...you drew a great image with your words)





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Nothing beats good friends that become family. Thank you for a good read. I still can't figure out how to get my pics to MS SkyDrive and then on here. It's only been a year now with Windows8RT, but I'm close. I'm working on it Miss Joey. All I need now is a fish to take a pic of and remember to bring my camera, I mean my wife's camera with me. I know, I have a cell phone, that's another tech challenged issue. I sure miss having young engineers I could call into the office to do this kind of stuff for me, I should have paid more attention.


Thanks big guy. I can taste those beauties as we speak, pic or no pic. Nothing like fresh perch from cold water.

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You know, we were so busy having a good time, I forgot to get the camera out of the bag. Before I knew it, the day was over and we were getting off the water.

That's one thing about getting together with good friends. The time just goes too quickly

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Good read and good times...but...(there's always a but) wheres the pics...if you ole boys aren't hip to the new age cameras ...bust out the #2 led pencil & fullscap paper and draw us a pic.( just kidding...you drew a great image with your words)





Don't hold your breathe waiting for me to post any pictures....but I was surprised Bruce never had his camera out as he usually brings it.


And BTW who you calling old :angry: 50 is the new 17 don't you know :whistling:

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